Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

No Date Set for Lewinsky Testimony

 -- Monica Lewinsky's lawyer, saying her
>           legal bills likely exceed $100,000, welcomed the
>           possibility Wednesday that President Clinton might
>           testify before the federal grand jury investigating the
>           president-intern controversy.
>           ``We welcome the truth, and we would do anything to get
>           this over,'' attorney William Ginsburg said of reports
>           that Clinton's advisers and Whitewater prosecutors have
>           had preliminary talks about a possible presidential
>           grand jury appearance.
>           Ginsburg, however, said in an interview he cannot
>           project when his own client might testify, as he and
>           Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr continue to battle in
>           court over whether she should be given full immunity in
>           exchange for testimony.
>           Meanwhile, the grand jury investigating whether Ms.
>           Lewinsky had a sexual relationship with the president
>           and then tried to cover it up with Clinton's help
>           appeared to spend Wednesday reviewing evidence.
>           Clinton's personal secretary, Betty Currie, was
>           scheduled to testify but that appearance was delayed
>           until next week, officials said.
>           One of the president's most trusted advisers, Bruce
>           Lindsey, is expected to make a return appearance
>           Thursday in what could precipitate a major showdown over
>           executive privilege.
>           In his first appearance before the grand jury last
>           month, Lindsey declined to answer several prosecutors'
>           questions on grounds his answers might violate the
>           president's right to executive privilege, sources said.
>           Since then, prosecutors and the White House have tried
>           to avert a showdown over the issue, but officials have
>           said those talks have made little or no progress.
>           Ginsburg has argued that prosecutors made but then
>           rescinded a deal to give his client full immunity in
>           exchange for her cooperation. They deny it. Both sides
>           spent an entire day in court last week arguing their
>           cases in secret before the chief judge overseeing the
>           grand jury.
>           ``There's all sorts of things hanging it up,'' Ginsburg
>           said.
>           Asked if could win full immunity for his client,
>           Ginsburg said he remains concerned about his prospects.
>           ``A trial lawyer always run scared ... so I feel no
>           confidence, no high level of elation. I feel
>           concerned,'' he said. ``I always feel I have the ability
>           to win because I have the facts and the law on my side.
>           But that doesn't mean I'm not scared.''
>           Ginsburg said Ms. Lewinsky, 24, a former White House
>           intern, is sometimes depressed by her plight, feeling
>           trapped most times in her Watergate apartment by an
>           intense news media following.
>           ``She goes from being happy when we are out and having a
>           good time to normally human-type depression when she is
>           not be able to go out and call her friends,'' he said.
>           Ginsburg said her unpaid legal bills already exceed
>           six-figures. ``I would guess about $100,000 to $200,000
>           behind,'' he said.
>           The lawyer also sharply disputed reports last week that
>           during the secret court proceedings over Ms. Lewinsky's
>           immunity offer, the judge chastised him for giving
>           differing accounts of what Ms. Lewinsky might say if she
>           ever testifies.
>           ``It's not true. It's negative. The judge never even
>           broached that subject. Not even close. It's just poor
>           reporting on somebody's part,'' he said.

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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