Dear Sirs ,

Installing Lazarus port as "root"  in FreeBSD 7 Stable ( 2008-06 ) is 
giving the following errors :


"pkg_add -vr lazarus"  is working but not like "pkg_add -vr fpc" because 
after fpc install , when it is used as
# fpc
it is starting to work . Contrary to this ,
# lazarus
is NOT working ( saying "lazarus : Command not found. ) .

Then :

# cd /usr/ports/editors/lazarus
# make

During "make" ,
it is checking presence of  "lazarus-0.9.24-0.tar.gz"  and NOT finding 
it and downloading it , ...
it  is checking  presence of  "fpc-2.2.0-source.tar.gz"  and NOT finding 
it and downloading it , ...

After completion of "make" :

# ./lazarus
It is giving the following message :

"Free Pascal sources not found . Some code functions will not work . It 
is recommended that you install it and set path
Environment -> Environment Options -> Files "

# cd work
# cd docs
# cd html

In this directory  ( "/usr/ports/editors//lazarus/work/docs/html/" )
application of  "" is giving a number of errors :

cd  : ../../lcl/interfaces/gtk/ : No such file or directory .
cd : ../../lcl/ : No such file or directory .

In script , correcting "../../lc/" as "./lcl/" is not solving the 
problem , because other non-existent directories are listed after that 
with the other error including the message that "fpdoc :  .. not found ." .


"make install" giving the following error :
"Error expanding embedded variable" .


Is it possible to give information in your web site "lazarus wiki" : 
"GETTING LAZARUS" page , a complete
installation information on FreeBSD , since information on Linux is NOT 
applicable to FreeBSD because
their lazarus and fpc directory structures seem to be very different ?
A complete install script  would be very useful .


In my opinion ,
lazarus.tbz on 
needs to be
 restructured to resolve the above errors , and remove necessity of 
"make" steps .

Thank you very much ,

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk


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