First, thanks for all the efforts put into Lazarus and FPC. I am a long-time 
Delphi user that began using Lazarus to write a command line application for 
Linux. Bit by bit I am figuring out the multitude of differences from Delphi. I 
have not tried compiling a Linux binary yet.

Development environment: Lazarus 0.9.24 on WinXP pro SP2

I am encountering some strange behaviour, two of which are:

1. When editing source code Lazarus CPU usage frequently goes to 100%. I have 
tried to pinpoint the trigger but not sure yet. Seems more likely in a source 
file with conditional directives ala {$IFDEF FPC} etc. Usually saving the 
editor file will bring CPU usage back to normal. Sometimes if the window is 
maximized CPU usage does not go back to normal until the window is restored 
down. This is not a show-stopper, and I would hardly notice it except for my 
CPU fan keeps accelerating to full speed while I work in Lazarus!

2. Lazarus seems to do strange things with the Z-order of application windows 
on my desktop. I often flip between windows using Alt-TAB, but Lazarus seems to 
throw the Z-order into an unpredictable shuffle. Again, not a show-stopper, but 
I have never seen one application mess with the Z-order of other applications 
this way!

Any advice, apart from "Live with it or fix it yourself"?


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