Hi all,
There is one major annoyance with TPopupNotifier - it grabs focus - at least 
under GTK (both 1 and 2) - I have not tested it under windows myself, Felipe 
developed that part.
This is NOT a good thing, the idea behind popupnotifier(in pretty much all 
cases I can think of anyway) is to show unobtrusive messages - whether these 
are coming from a systray icon or somewhere on a main app - it's not supposed 
to take focus away from whatever the user is working in, just give him notice 
of something.

Is there some way I can tell the form not to take focus when it's created ? 
Generally I know the window manager defaults to giving focus to new forms - 
but surely there must be a way to set a wm_hint to "don't take focus" ? 

If somebody can help me determine WHAT calls to use, I'll patch popupnotifier 
for this.

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80% of a software engineer's job is pretending this isn't so."
A.J. Venter
Chief Software Architect
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