Before committing the patch for the BuildLazDialog, I performed some tests with different widgetsets, and I discovered what appears to me a couple of bugs.

1) Win32 IDE. Clicking on a TNotebook Tab on the IDE doesn't change the page displayed. One is forced to select the page on the Object Inspector. There must be some misplaced "if csDesigning in ComponentState". Not serious, but annoying. With linux/gtk1 it works fine, I forgot to test with Linux/gtk2.

2) Win32 and gtk2 widgetset. The notebook page not active at creation time, doesn't display properly when selected. The AutoSize property of CeckBoxes and Labels isn't used to adjust the proper widget width, leading to truncated strings, whenever the translated string is longer than the designed one. The issue is solved forcing a repaint of the active page with an OnPageChanged event, which isn't required with gtk1 widgetset.

Not really serious issues, but maybe they can be quickly fixed.



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