Question for folks.
I've been using LRP and now LEAF for over two years and developing for LEAF
for about a year now and something has always bothered me LRP/LEAF,
compiling programs for packages. This might be simple for some of LEAF's
hardcore developers using tweaked Distro's, but for folks like myself who
can very rarely keep a machine dedicated for dev (thanks to the other
projects) it becomes a nightmare to have to reconfigure everytime you want
to do any dev work.

Basically I'm curious about who thinks a custom distro designed for LEAF
development would be a useful thing and if so who would be interested in
giving me a hand?

Several advantages I can see from having a Dev Distro
-Make it easier for new package creators to compile for LEAF
-Synchronized base files for all image series (Kernel, glibc, etc.)
-Synchronized upgrades for all images based on Dev Distro
-Dev Distro would be under 100MB
-Allows individual variants of LEAF to stay unique and yet still share a
base development environment

Any thoughts?

-Kenneth Hadley

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