Am Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2004 04:13 schrieb Lynn Avants:
> On Tuesday 06 July 2004 03:58 pm, Erich Titl wrote:
> [...]
> > Some time ago I tried to use busybox ash instead of the installed one on
> > Bering 1.2+. My goal was to get more space for possibly a more recent
> > gclibc library and more modern package versions. I quickly found out that
> > the ash syntax used in, for example, the backup routines did not work.
> > I guess in order to be able to use different shells we should stick to an
> > extreme low level of the possible tricks in the scripting _dialect_ so
> > porting issues will pop up less frequently. This may sound like heresy in
> > the ears of shell afficionados but will enhance the chance to use
> > different interpreters.
> >
> > No idea how much work it would take to get up to level alone with busybox
> > ash, let alone with another interpreter.
> David D rewrote Oxygen from the ground up in his last release to use
> BB-ash. The problem we basically face is the behavior of the glibc-2.0.7
> Ash- (stripped) is not compatible with any other version of Ash known to
> mankind. This is the reason that David had to re-write init and other core
> files when he made the switch. That is likely another reason why we are
> still using the same binary that is so ancient. I don't know what the
> difference is, but everything else I've compiled has had syntax conflicts
> with one package or another (if it even boots correctly to begin with).
> IIRC, UClibc-team has made several corrections when they were first
> starting the project. I also seem to recall that they are using BB-Ash, so
> this is likely the best place to look at using a different (and compatible)
> shell.

No Bering-uClibc still uses the same old ash version.

We evaluate from time to time newer bb-ash and dash versions; but so far we 
still run into problems. 


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