I did the following to build my compact flash.

I put syslinux on a Compact flash and copied the files to the CF from a 
windows box.

I the booted the 486 iso version the CF attached through a USB port

mount -t vfat /dev/sdb /mnt1 to mount the compact flash
edited syslinux.cfg like this for a serial console

serial 0 19200
DISPLAY syslinux.dpy
APPEND CONSOLE=ttyS0,19200n8
APPEND reboot=bios VERBOSE=1
DEFAULT /syslinux/linux initrd=initrd.lrp rw root=/dev/ram0 

firewall# cd /tmp

firewall# tar -zxvf /mnt1/etc.lrp

unpacks etc.lrp in the /tmp directory

firewall# edit etc/inittab

Comment out the tty1 and tty2 lines like this.

#tty1::respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
#tty2::respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2

Uncomment the ttyS0 line - leave the ttyS1 commented

ttyS0::respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 19200 vt100
#ttyS1::respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 19200 vt100


firewall# tar cvf - * | gzip -9 > etc.lrp

this rebuilds etc.lrp with the modified inittab file

firewall# cp etc.lrp /mnt1/etc.lrp

copies the changed etc.lrp to the compact flash.


when I boot the CF in the WRAP box the console works
until it stops with

LINUXRC: Looking fr leaf.cfg...
LINUXRC: Generating default dirs...
LINUXRC: Generating /tmp & /var/log partitions ...
LINUXRC: PKGPATH is empty or unset.. Can not install packages.

my leaf.cfg looks like this

# List of packages to load
LRP="root config etc modules iptables dhcpcd keyboard libm perl shorwall 
dnsmasq dropbear mhttpd webconf"

# Device(s) to load from

# RAM Disk partition sizes


Bering 3 had different initrd.lrp for different boot media.

The boot section of initrd.lrp does not contain any files as far as I 
can see.

Is this a problem or is it me doing something stupid.


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