
  I'm a relative newbie to Linux, but have successfully been using
  Dachstein (originally floppy, now CD) for about a year and it has
  been more than good enough for what I need.

  However, my needs have recently changed and there are two things I
  need to accomplish which are beyond my understanding!

  Firstly, I'd like to change the IP address of the router. Myself and
  a neighbour both have cable connections which we both use Dachstein
  boxes on. We would now like to link our networks. This means that
  one of us cannot be running on the default How would
  I change one of the machines to run on (for example)

  Secondly, I run an IM server on udp 4000 tcp 2000-4000,
  to open the appropriate ports after a reboot I use:
ipmasqadm portfw -a -P udp -L xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 4000 -R 4000

ipmasqadm autofw -A -r tcp 2000 4000 -h

  (where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is my external IP address)

  I suspect this is something simple which I've missed, but where/how
  do I insert these commands so they're executed automatically during
  the boot-up sequence of the router?

  Apologies if these questions are a result of my not reading
  appropriate materials - if this is the case, I would gratefully
  accept advice where to look to find the answers!

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