I've installed tftpd.lrp, uncommented its line in /etc/inetd.conf,
rebooted, and added a world-readable file to /tftpboot. 

 ~/: ll /tftpboot/date.txt 
-rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root           29 Sep 27 12:36 /tftpboot/date.txt

/etc/hosts.allow contains this:


and I've modified shorewall to let loc connect to fw using udp/tftp.

When I run tftp on a local host against the firewall, the packets
get through, but I get errors in /var/log/daemon.log reading or writing:

host:     tftp> put date.txt
firewall: Sep 27 12:39:31 chloris in.tftpd[8732]: tftpd: write: Operation not 
host:     tftp> get date.txt
firewall: Sep 27 12:39:35 chloris in.tftpd[8733]: tftpd: write(ack): Operation 
not permitted

Interestingly, both put and get have the effect of emptying the target
file, the file that would be replaced if the command succeeded.  Is it
possible this is a tmpfs problem?

Is tftpd.lrp working for anybody?  Any insight into what's wrong?


* From the desktop of: Eric House, [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        *
*     Play one-handed with Crosswords 4.2 for PalmOS: xwords.sourceforge.net *

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