Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread Tony Finch
On Thu, 28 Dec 2006, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> We've accepted a statistical solution for the leap-day problem now for
> about 500 years.

The Julian calendar reform was in 46 BC. Astronomers still count Julian
years (365.25 days instead of exact years) when dealing with long MJD

f.a.n.finch  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread Steve Allen
On Thu 2006-12-28T22:07:08 -0700, M. Warner Losh hath writ:
> I know the benefits, but nobody has yet produced a study on why 0.9s
> was chosen.

That's pretty easy.  In 1969 the CCIR subcommittee was preparing its
unilateral decision to switch from rubber seconds and 200 ms steps
to leap seconds.  They were disregarding the other international
scientific organizations who had called for a multi-lateral meeting
on how to deal with time and frequency broadcasts.

When the CCIR plenipotentiary voted in early 1970 their resolution
said the limit was 0.7 seconds.  When the IAU met in the middle of
that year they had no correspondence from the CCIR, so they could take
no action and provide no response to give input before the 1972 deadline.

The limit of 0.7 was somebody's idea of how well the astronomers
could do on a six month schedule given the observing techniques and
telecomm and computational means available in 1970.  Unfortunately at
that time the earth rotation was almost as slow as it has ever been,
so it seemed likely that there would have to be a lot of leap seconds,
and whoever was in charge tended to jump the gun on inserting them such
that the DUT1 value was often very close to the 0.7 s limit.
In 1973 the IAU did have standing to respond to the CCIR and recommended
0.9 s, which the CCIR then implemented despite the fact that the WWV
coding for DUT1 could not go past 0.7 s.

So the indications are that 0.7, and then 0.9 was as close as
anyone believed was possible in the early 1970s on a semi-annual
schedule.  It was a compromise then, and a few people were very,
very upset about the situation, but so far as I know no ships
ran aground as a result.  The subject of leap seconds causing
planes to crash was raised then, too, and that didn't happen

This story may not be exactly right, but the existing public documents
make it seem pretty close to the truth.
Who exactly the principals were in these cases is still obscure;
some of them have died, and others have not.  Maybe the future will
have access to existing memoirs of some of the dead folks, and maybe
some of those living can be exhorted to leave their views behind.

So we don't really need a study of the history of why 0.9 because
the record of what happened and who did what when is pretty good
and that's all kindof moot for solving the dissatisfaction now.

The point of keeping DUT1 small was mainly for consistency
with existing navigation practices, and also for ease of
broadcasting that difference.  I don't think that either of
these constraints is relevant anymore.

UCO/Lick ObservatoryNatural Sciences II, Room 165Lat  +36.99858
University of CaliforniaVoice: +1 831 459 3046   Lng -122.06014
Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Hgt +250 m

Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread Rob Seaman

M. Warner Losh wrote:

vague rumblings about astronomical software needing to be rewritten,

Unlike Y2K, there is no solid public proposal for astronomers to cost
against, but the cost is likely to dwarf Y2K in our community, since
algorithms and deployed services would have to change, not just
retrofitting two digit years.

Folks keep fretting here about retrieving lists of leap seconds
autonomously, although no specific use case is proffered about why
one needs to use UTC to measure intervals across various and sundry
leap second events.  On the other hand, astronomers have quite
reasonably coded their systems to take advantage of the original (and
current) definition of UTC:  "GMT may be regarded as the general
equivalent of UT."  One second of time is 15 seconds of arc on the
celestial equator - this is many times greater than the resolution of
any O/IR telescope.

The proposal really amounts to trading the need to track leap seconds
to convert from time-of-day to intervals, for the need to track the
equivalent of leap seconds to convert from interval time to time-of-day.

Daylight savings time and time
zones prove that society at large has a very high tolerance for
variations between the mean solar time at an arbitrary location, maybe
hundreds of miles away, and the local time.

This is a static offset.  Leap seconds are one mechanism to address a
secular drift - a rate, that is, not a constant.  Local time -
daylight, standard, mean, apparent - has been raised as an issue
innumerable times - it has been irrelevant every one of them.  We're
not talking about mucking with local time, we're talking about
subverting the mother of all solar time.

Only specialized users of time would be affected.
Who are they and how do we find out the cost of change?

If this is true, you can find out by actually seeking them out,
rather than hiding a proposal with worldwide implications away in
some squirrelly little bureaucratic committee.

However, the suggestion has been implicitly made that everybody is a
potential victim of leap seconds - that airplanes will drop from the
sky, even though they haven't done so through 23 prior
opportunities.  That suggestion opens the possibility that
"generalized users", i.e., "people" might be affected by civil
timekeeping issues in subtle ways.  The way to find out the cost of
change is to spend some time and money characterizing this.

For example, I set my workstation's clock forward eleven years (to
match Gregorian calendars) for a couple of years prior to Y2K to
provide a platform for our Y2K remediation activities.  We set clocks
forward at the telescopes and some of them started to track the sky
backwards.  Surely a Y2K-like inventory could be performed for
certain key industries to get a sense for what dependencies might
lurk?  We've long since established that different countries have
different legal civil time standards, e.g., GMT versus UTC.  What
happens should this discrepancy continue as UTC diverges from GMT?

The proposal on the supersecret ITU-R table is to discard an
international standard that has been in effect for more than a
century and that pervades every aspect of our technical, cultural,
legal, economic, etc., world.  One might expect somebody might have
thought to submit a proposal for a few hundred thousand dollars to
conduct a proper pilot study before even beginning to speculate about
discarding mean solar time as a basis for civil timekeeping.

These little devices have obviated the need, in many cases, for
celestial navigation.

In many cases?  That will be comforting to the folks that really need
a backup when their GPS goes out.  Whatever the solution should be,
the one thing it should not be is brittle.

Given that change, the cost benefit analysis
that was done in 1972 likely needs updating.

It sounds like we agree on this point.

Seems like a logical leap for leap seconds to follow, if the costs
prohibitive.  Chances are that one person knows all the users of time
that still need DUT1 to be less than 1s.

"Seems like"?  "Chances are"?  Pick some other random technical issue
- say, automobile airbags, standardized educational testing, the lead
content of pigment in children's crayons, and so forth and so on.
Would "seems like" and "chances are" be phrases you would want to see
in a white paper discussing the costs, benefits and risks of these?
Oh yeah - that's right.  After seven years there is not one single
white paper discussing issues related to the decision-making of the
ITU-R WP-7A.  (And if there were, we presumably would not be able to
read it.)

There are several thousand professional astronomers in the world and
many times this number of amateurs.  All of them ultimately care
about the subtle concepts underlying the notion of DUT1.  It seems
bizarre to dismiss their concerns precisely because they might have a
more personal interest than some others.

It may be naively convenient to assume that the only risks are wi

Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread M. Warner Losh
In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: In this case there are really two questions:  how much it would
: cost to loosen DUT1 but leave it bounded, and how much it would
: cost if it were only statistically, not absolutely, bounded.

We've accepted a statistical solution for the leap-day problem now for
about 500 years.  There are minor variations, and over the next 10's
of thousands of years this simple solution may not prove workable (it
will be off by more than a day on the average in about 8,000 years if
nothing is done).  Right now winter solstice can be off by over a day
from the mean either direction, yet over the long haul things average
out.  There's no call for there to be leap days scheduled at the whim
of the astronomers anymore...  Seems like a logical leap for leap
seconds to follow, if the costs aren't prohibitive.  Chances are that
one person knows all the users of time that still need DUT1 to be less
than 1s.

One big area of change would be the time and frequency stations, like
WWV, since they currently broadcast DUT1, or variations of it.  But
the correction they broadcast is good only to 100ms typically
(time-nuts@ have documented cases where it was worse than 100ms when
some national time lab didn't update the data transmitted when they
were supposed to), so maybe some other means of distribution is
necessary...  And is 100ms really good enough?


Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread M. Warner Losh
In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Rob Seaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: M. Warner Losh wrote:
: > Let's turn the question around.  What would the harm be if |DUT1| were
: > 1.1s?  1.5s?  2.0s?  Contrast this with the harm and difficulty that
: > the current 6 month scheduling window affords.
: Indeed.  Go for it.  I look forward to reading your report.  Who and
: what interests are adversely affected in each case?  How are these
: effects mitigated as a function of the limit on DUT1?  Also, contrast
: what benefits accrue.  One would think that the responsibility for
: quantifying the implications of a change to a standard would fall on
: the parties proposing said change.

I know the benefits, but nobody has yet produced a study on why 0.9s
was chosen.  Some vague rumblings about astronomical software needing
to be rewritten, and some vague notions about 'hearty souls' that do
celestial navigation with atomic clocks for high accuracy have been
offered, but who really would be hurt by this change?  Since you are
an astronomer, I thought you might be able to give some insight into
at least one of these users of time.  Daylight savings time and time
zones prove that society at large has a very high tolerance for
variations between the mean solar time at an arbitrary location, maybe
hundreds of miles away, and the local time.  Only specialized users of
time would be affected.  Who are they and how do we find out the cost
of change?

The world has changed from having maybe a few dozen or tens of dozen
atomic clocks when leap seconds started to having GPS with cheap,
disciplined oscillators that number in the hundreds of thousands.
These little devices have obviated the need, in many cases, for
celestial navigation.  Given that change, the cost benefit analysis
that was done in 1972 likely needs updating.


Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread Rob Seaman

John Cowan wrote:

It can't possibly be.  Nobody can know what a change is going to
cost except those who are going to have to pay for it (or not
pay for it).

Are you really suggesting that the planning of technical projects is
impossible?  One might expect some investment of time and money in
standard planning activities to be made first, rather than
immediately jumping to a narrowly and rather randomly conceived
notional position unsupported by even the slimmest of white papers.
It is crazily unprofessional to abjure any responsibility for
quantifying costs, benefits and risks.

And even their word cannot necessarily be trusted.

Um.  Which edge of the sword are we talking about here?


Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread John Cowan
Rob Seaman scripsit:

> Indeed.  Go for it.  I look forward to reading your report.  Who and
> what interests are adversely affected in each case?  How are these
> effects mitigated as a function of the limit on DUT1?  Also, contrast
> what benefits accrue.  One would think that the responsibility for
> quantifying the implications of a change to a standard would fall on
> the parties proposing said change.

It can't possibly be.  Nobody can know what a change is going to
cost except those who are going to have to pay for it (or not
pay for it).  And even their word cannot necessarily be trusted.

In this case there are really two questions:  how much it would
cost to loosen DUT1 but leave it bounded, and how much it would
cost if it were only statistically, not absolutely, bounded.

Don't be so humble.  You're not that great. John Cowan

Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread Rob Seaman

M. Warner Losh wrote:

Let's turn the question around.  What would the harm be if |DUT1| were
1.1s?  1.5s?  2.0s?  Contrast this with the harm and difficulty that
the current 6 month scheduling window affords.

Indeed.  Go for it.  I look forward to reading your report.  Who and
what interests are adversely affected in each case?  How are these
effects mitigated as a function of the limit on DUT1?  Also, contrast
what benefits accrue.  One would think that the responsibility for
quantifying the implications of a change to a standard would fall on
the parties proposing said change.


Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread M. Warner Losh
In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: Rob Seaman scripsit:
: > >I don't care if you want to implement leap-milliseconds, as long
: > >as you tell me 10 years in advance when they happen.
: >
: > Again - with no intent to minimize the issues - what supports this
: > assertion?  Is there any reason to believe that 10 years advance notice
: > would encourage projects and vendors to do anything other than ignore
: > the requirement entirely?  A statement that 10 years, or 600 years,
: > notice is all that is needed to resolve all the problems, smooth over
: > all the complications, is entirely too glib.
: You are confusing the question of fixity (which is what notice is
: about) with granularity.  It's true that probably no one would bother
: to implement the ALHP.  However, if computer technologists were handed a
: list of leap seconds from now until 2015, and told "Implement these," it
: wouldn't matter how many or how few leap seconds there were.  But since
: you astronomers insist on a fixed maximum for |DUT1|, no such table
: can exist.
: The proposal is this:  look at the trends, take your best shot at
: working out a leap-year schedule for 10 years in the future, and then
: live with it.

Let's turn the question around.  What would the harm be if |DUT1| were
1.1s?  1.5s?  2.0s?  Contrast this with the harm and difficulty that
the current 6 month scheduling window affords.


Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread John Cowan
Rob Seaman scripsit:

> >I don't care if you want to implement leap-milliseconds, as long
> >as you tell me 10 years in advance when they happen.
> Again - with no intent to minimize the issues - what supports this
> assertion?  Is there any reason to believe that 10 years advance notice
> would encourage projects and vendors to do anything other than ignore
> the requirement entirely?  A statement that 10 years, or 600 years,
> notice is all that is needed to resolve all the problems, smooth over
> all the complications, is entirely too glib.

You are confusing the question of fixity (which is what notice is
about) with granularity.  It's true that probably no one would bother
to implement the ALHP.  However, if computer technologists were handed a
list of leap seconds from now until 2015, and told "Implement these," it
wouldn't matter how many or how few leap seconds there were.  But since
you astronomers insist on a fixed maximum for |DUT1|, no such table
can exist.

The proposal is this:  look at the trends, take your best shot at
working out a leap-year schedule for 10 years in the future, and then
live with it.

Newbies always ask: John Cowan
  "Elements or attributes?
Which will serve me best?"  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Those who know roar like lions;
  Wise hackers smile like tigers.   --a tanka, or extended haiku

Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread Rob Seaman

Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

It is not an æsthetic issue, it is an issue of practical

Well, it's both.  The big question is practical implementation of what?

In these days of heavily computerized infrastructure, we need more
than half a years warning about discontinuities in the timescale.

We've had this discussion before.  There are no discontinuities in
the timescale.  Leap seconds are a question of data representation.
I'm not trying to minimize the issues by saying that, rather to point
out that we can't solve a problem until we state it correctly.

We can get that only by increasing the DUT tolerance.

We all understand the trade-offs.  Presumably the guys who have
suggested degrading the tolerance to the point that it will outlive
our grandchildren's grandchildren - and simultaneously removed any
requirement for the ITU to distribute DUT corrections - understand
the trade-offs, too.

I don't care if you want to implement leap-milliseconds, as long
as you tell me 10 years in advance when they happen.

Again - with no intent to minimize the issues - what supports this
assertion?  Is there any reason to believe that 10 years advance
notice would encourage projects and vendors to do anything other than
ignore the requirement entirely?  A statement that 10 years, or 600
years, notice is all that is needed to resolve all the problems,
smooth over all the complications, is entirely too glib.

Rather than starting from a bunker mentality of repeatedly fending
off an absurd non-solution, perhaps it would be better to design from
clearly stated use cases, responsive requirements, coherent risk
analyses, a reasonable deployment schedule, a fair-minded budget.
We're not going to successfully define the real world out of existence.

Rob Seaman

Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread M. Warner Losh
In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Poul-Henning Kamp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: We can get that only by increasing the DUT tolerance.

Yes.  Letting DUT be bounded by +- 10s rather than +- 0.9s is going to
affect a tiny number of users.  Having leapseconds only known 6 months
in advance affects a lot more users...

: As Warner, I and others have repeatedly emphasized:  It is not the
: step size that is the problem, it is the 6 month warning.
: I don't care if you want to implement leap-milliseconds, as long
: as you tell me 10 years in advance when they happen.

While my preference would be to never see another leap second, I know
that's likely not an option.

For many practical reasons, scheduling them out 10 years would help
ameliorate the costs of leap seconds and allow for better long term


Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rob Seaman writes:
>M. Warner Losh wrote:
>> And avoiding the ugly 61 or 59 second minutes to define away the
>> problem...
>It was the time lords who decreed that rubber minutes were prettier
>than rubber seconds.  We're now to skip right over rubber hours to
>rubber days?  Their aesthetic sense seems strangely malleable.

It is not an æsthetic issue, it is an issue of practical implementation.

In days no more than 100 clocks worldwide were precise enough to
care about rubber seconds, they were acceptable.

In days where no more than 1000 clocks worldwide were seriously
affected by leap seconds, they were acceptable.

In these days of heavily computerized infrastructure, we need more
than half a years warning about discontinuities in the timescale.

We can get that only by increasing the DUT tolerance.

As Warner, I and others have repeatedly emphasized:  It is not the
step size that is the problem, it is the 6 month warning.

I don't care if you want to implement leap-milliseconds, as long
as you tell me 10 years in advance when they happen.

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread Rob Seaman

M. Warner Losh wrote:

And avoiding the ugly 61 or 59 second minutes to define away the

It was the time lords who decreed that rubber minutes were prettier
than rubber seconds.  We're now to skip right over rubber hours to
rubber days?  Their aesthetic sense seems strangely malleable.

Problems that are merely defined away rarely stay away.


Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread Steve Allen
On Thu 2006-12-28T17:35:00 +, Tony Finch hath writ:
> but still without enough complexity to deal with the whole problem. How
> does your proposal deal with local time zone changes, e.g. "same time
> tomorrow", or times based on weeks, e.g. "last thursday in the month"?

Problems with the Gregorian calendar are separate from problems with
leap seconds, and long predate them.  A completely historically
accurate time interface for the calendar runs into similar chaos as
trying to translate pre-atomic civil timestamps to instants of the
IAU's Terrestrial Time (TT).  Every locality had its own sources of
time.  Starting with the BIH in 1919 the problem is historically
tractable becuase in their publications there are records of the
differences in time values of those agencies who broadcast their time
scales.  As with much of history, outside of that the problem is
intractable for lack of any documentation.  The full past history of
local variations in time or date are topics of special which are too
much to expect to build into a generic timekeeping interface.

One of the most challenging Gregorian calender problems is the date
of the day after Thanksgiving in the US.  Thanksgiving is the 4th
Thursday in November.  The day after is a Friday, but it is not
necessarily the 4th Friday.  For many agencies, however, it is a

A working example of a computer-based calendar which could encode
the date of that holiday was the original Tcl/Tk program "ical".
This is not to be confused with the program now distributed with
Apple's Mac OS X or with the standard that is codified by RFC 2445,
but avoiding confusion is very hard because the name "ical" is
associated with the original program, the RFC, and Apple's program.

The original Tcl/Tk ical program is still runnable with some effort,
but in practical use almost all current programs claim to conform to
RFC 2445.  I'm not sure, but I think that RFC 2445 was a result of
efforts to standardize the capabilities found in ical.  Although
the examples given in RFC 2445 seem to indicate that it was intended
to be able to encode such things, the implementations I have seen
do not seem to be capable of doing that.  Indeed, it seems that many
of the snips of code in the newer ical files eschew the examples
in the standard which are supposed to indicate how to represent
a particular sort of date.

What is worrisome here is that an international standards effort
started with a working example and produced a document which is
so convoluted that implementors have not only failed to reproduce
the capabilities described in the standard, but they have also
failed to reproduce the functionality of the original program.

What is worrisome to me about changing the nature of UTC is that it
entices implementors to try to encode all the past characteristics of
some time scale or another.  That is why I concur with the published
results of the Torino conference:

Create a a new time scale.
Make it totally plain that it does not share characteristics with
previous time scales so that implementors are not enticed to try
proleptic interpretations.
Make it clear that one size does not fit all, and that the new
time scale is intended to solve a particular class of problems.

UCO/Lick ObservatoryNatural Sciences II, Room 165Lat  +36.99858
University of CaliforniaVoice: +1 831 459 3046   Lng -122.06014
Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Hgt +250 m

Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread Rob Seaman

I am talking about time intervals; you are talking about periodic
events.  Two different things.


Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread M. Warner Losh
In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Rob Seaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: John Cowan wrote:
: > I assume you mean 23-hour or 25-hour LCT days?  True.  It does work
: > against UCT days, though, since they are uniformly 1440 minutes long.
: Not should leap hours replace leap seconds.

And avoiding the ugly 61 or 59 second minutes to define away the


Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread Rob Seaman

John Cowan wrote:

I assume you mean 23-hour or 25-hour LCT days?  True.  It does work
against UCT days, though, since they are uniformly 1440 minutes long.

Not should leap hours replace leap seconds.

Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread John Cowan
Tony Finch scripsit:

> Still, your minute/month system does not deal with variable-length days.

I assume you mean 23-hour or 25-hour LCT days?  True.  It does work
against UCT days, though, since they are uniformly 1440 minutes long.

Overhead, without any fuss, the stars were going out.
--Arthur C. Clarke, "The Nine Billion Names of God"

Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread Tony Finch
On Thu, 28 Dec 2006, John Cowan wrote:
> Distinguo.  I am talking about time intervals; you are talking about
> periodic events.  Two different things.

Still, your minute/month system does not deal with variable-length days.

f.a.n.finch  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread John Cowan
Tony Finch scripsit:

> How does your proposal deal with local time zone changes, e.g. "same
> time tomorrow", or times based on weeks, e.g. "last thursday in
> the month"?

Distinguo.  I am talking about time intervals; you are talking about
periodic events.  Two different things.

SAXParserFactory [is] a hideous, evil monstrosity of a class that should
be hung, shot, beheaded, drawn and quartered, burned at the stake,
buried in unconsecrated ground, dug up, cremated, and the ashes tossed
in the Tiber while the complete cast of Wicked sings "Ding dong, the
witch is dead."  --Elliotte Rusty Harold on xml-dev

Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread Tony Finch
On Wed, 27 Dec 2006, John Cowan wrote:
> If we confine ourselves to the Gregorian calendar, a time interval can
> be safely represented as a triple of months, minutes, and seconds.

It seems to me that that would put too much complexity at too low a level
but still without enough complexity to deal with the whole problem. How
does your proposal deal with local time zone changes, e.g. "same time
tomorrow", or times based on weeks, e.g. "last thursday in the month"? I
don't see much point in having an intermediate stage between day counts
and fully broken down dates. Similarly for times, I favour a split between
interval time (which the RTC would produce) and broken-down time of day
plus day count (with leap seconds and local time handled in the latter

f.a.n.finch  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Design - a Tufte decision

2006-12-28 Thread M. Warner Losh
In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Rob Seaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: On Dec 27, 2006, at 12:02 AM, M. Warner Losh wrote:
: > Calculating time intervals for times 6+ months in the future can be
: > the least of one's worries when one tries to code up a library to deal
: > gracefully with these different failure modes.  The trivial case where
: > one has perfect knowledge of TAI-UTC and one can keep that knowledge
: > current is very simple in comparison.  Dealing with this case is very
: > simple, and is the way most people think about leap seconds.  But
: > dealing with the edge cases can be difficult because there are so
: > many, and so many that people forget to test or conceive of until the
: > call from the field comes in with a failure...
: A lot of these "edge" cases are really firmly centered in issues of
: real-time programming.  Few versions of Unix are equipped to deal
: with real-time issues in even a rudimentary fashion.  In any event,
: these cases have very little to do with leap seconds or any other
: aspects of the representation of time quantities.

Actually, they can have a great deal to do with it.  The absolute need
to deal properly with these edge cases can, at times, lead to design
decisions that aren't the 'simplest'.  I also disagree that Unix is
ill-equipted to deal with real-time issues.  While one does need to
take care, I have successfully deployed over a dozen different types
of timing systems over the past 7 years on FreeBSD.  My familiarity
with these edge cases, the customers that expect them to work and the
different sources of time has been learned through these experiences.
The nature of these customers also means that they are less well
connected to networks than one would like, which also complicates

The salient point from my ramblings is that different time scales may
become available at different points in time because data about them
is available at different points in time to the application/os.  If
there's only one time scale, then once you know the time, you are
done.  If there's more than one, then you need to either discover both
times, or you need to discover one time and the transforms to that
time to know the others.


Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread Rob Seaman

Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

I seriously don't belive you do equality comparisons at the 1msec
level in real world software.  Please provide examples.

You know you're in trouble when PHK and I agree.  One would think a
(double precision) floating point epsilon test might be what you
want.  In those cases that demand some sort of archival query, an ISO
8601 string might be appropriate, but one would typically expect
queries to be issued on a window about the desired timestamp, or
perhaps given a range specification "from 10:03:01.933 to
10:03:02.008" (whether a string, integer or floating point - binary
or sexagesimal or BCD for that matter).


Re: Mechanism to provide tai-utc.dat locally

2006-12-28 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ashley Yakeley
>On Dec 27, 2006, at 14:32, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
>>> It's impossible to accurately represent a millisecond using binary
>>> fractions. That would be unacceptable for most sub-second use.
>> Reality check: with a 32bit fraction, the error would be 69 ps.
>...which accumulates in arithmetic and causes equality comparisons to
>fail. This should hold:

I seriously don't belive you do equality comparisons at the 1msec level
in real world software.  Please provide examples.

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

Design - a Tufte decision

2006-12-28 Thread Rob Seaman

On Dec 27, 2006, at 12:02 AM, M. Warner Losh wrote:

Calculating time intervals for times 6+ months in the future can be
the least of one's worries when one tries to code up a library to deal
gracefully with these different failure modes.  The trivial case where
one has perfect knowledge of TAI-UTC and one can keep that knowledge
current is very simple in comparison.  Dealing with this case is very
simple, and is the way most people think about leap seconds.  But
dealing with the edge cases can be difficult because there are so
many, and so many that people forget to test or conceive of until the
call from the field comes in with a failure...

A lot of these "edge" cases are really firmly centered in issues of
real-time programming.  Few versions of Unix are equipped to deal
with real-time issues in even a rudimentary fashion.  In any event,
these cases have very little to do with leap seconds or any other
aspects of the representation of time quantities.

That said, I've found the current discussion immensely refreshing.
If there is to be any common ground found between the different
factions on this list (including the lurkers who actually have a vote
on ITU matters), it will be located by focusing on the actual
technical design process, not some quick fix gimmick.

   1) Who are the stakeholders for civil timekeeping?  (A discerning
eye might note that all this time we have NOT been arguing about TT,

   2) What minimal inventory of timescales will satisfy all stakeholders?

   3) What economic, legal, historical, cultural, scientific, etc.,
requirements are placed on the delivery of said timescale(s)?

   4) What technical solution(s) satisfy the requirements?

   5) If change is deemed to be warranted, how best should it be
accomplished?  (Funded, scheduled, designed, implemented, deployed,
maintained, supported, etc?)

My initial position for #2 is that there must be at least two
timescales, representing interval time and time-of-day, but in the
extreme one could even imagine a coherent position stating that NO
common international civil timescale is needed at all.  (Whether one
holds this point of view may say more about ones view of civil
society than it does about civil timekeeping :–)

In the latter case, let UTC continue as it is, complete with leap
seconds.  Let facilities derived from ITU deliberations start
distributing, for example, a refinement of GPS time.  And let some
new consortium adopt the distribution of UTC, perhaps with many of
the improvements folks have suggested.  (This would provide a chance
to "do over" - wouldn't that be lovely?)  And then let the market

In the U.S., one would expect funding proposals for a new-and-
improved UTC to result.  Those of us who aren't Co-I's would likely
be referees...

Whatever the solution, implementing it is unlikely to prove a
panacea.  In the seven years this list has been in existence, we've
only scratched the surface of the complexities inherent in civil
timekeeping.  In short:

   6) Where should the lines of elegant design and rational compromise
be drawn?

Rob Seaman