Re: our customers' needs

2005-01-27 Thread Clive D.W. Feather
Rob Seaman said:
> Our modern sensibility may lead us to discount Egyptian and Druidic (or
> earlier) world views, but surely the many cultures worldwide that
> produced pyramids and other monolithic structures do demonstrate the
> frequent centrality of spirituality in human decision making.  Those
> cultures most definitely knew the motions of the Sun, Moon, stars and
> planets intimately.  Steve Allen already provided a convincing real
> world example of the response of a more recent mainstream religious
> community to civil calendar issues.

This would be the point about sunrise on saints' days?

All these issues have one thing in common - they pre-date the introduction
of atomic time, but rather date back to when mean solar time was assumed to
be constant rate and therefore unchanging.

What, I wonder, did the various churches do about the Eleven Days? They can
hardly have been taken down and rebuilt at a slight angle, after all.

> At this critical point in world
> history, what possible justification could there be for truncating the
> discovery process for uncovering similar requirements placed on civil
> time by the great religions of the world before making a large change
> in the definition of civil time?

I have no problem with trying to identify the issues involved. But we can
reasonably ask whether the alignment of a few buildings in Oxfordshire [*]
is grounds for forcing the whole world to cope with the kludge of leap
seconds for the next thousand years.

[* Usual Cambridge-Oxford rivalry deleted for brevity.]

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Thus plc||

our customers' needs

2005-01-26 Thread Rob Seaman
Poul-Henning Kamp writes:
And talking about superstition...
The NeoPagans will demand that we rotate Stone Henge to match.
The UFOlogist will insist that we turn the Great Pyramid accordingly.
And just wait until the astrologers find out...
One person's superstition is another's heartfelt belief.
Our modern sensibility may lead us to discount Egyptian and Druidic (or
earlier) world views, but surely the many cultures worldwide that
produced pyramids and other monolithic structures do demonstrate the
frequent centrality of spirituality in human decision making.  Those
cultures most definitely knew the motions of the Sun, Moon, stars and
planets intimately.  Steve Allen already provided a convincing real
world example of the response of a more recent mainstream religious
community to civil calendar issues.  At this critical point in world
history, what possible justification could there be for truncating the
discovery process for uncovering similar requirements placed on civil
time by the great religions of the world before making a large change
in the definition of civil time?
Rob Seaman
National Optical Astronomy Observatory