Re: What to do if International Time hits the International Date Line?

2003-07-02 Thread Steve Allen
On Tue 2003-07-01T21:51:09 +0100, Markus Kuhn hath writ:
> Is the Simon et al. formula considered good enough to predict the mean
> longitude of the sun within half a day for the next few tenthousand
> years? The authors make only a statement on the quality of ephimerides
> derived for the years 1000-3000.

Simon et al. write that they have attempted to make the expressions
valid, in the sense of the mean, from 4000 BC to 8000 AD.

The best other reference I know is Laskar in Astron.  Astrophys.  157,
59-70 (1986) where the mean elements of the planets were studied over
1 years.  The mean longitude of the inner planets are given as
10th order polynomials.  I believe that in this paper the elements are
more mean of a mean than in Simon, by which I mean that the cyclical
variations of relatively short term are not present.  (Apologies for
that last sentence :-)

Nevertheless, half a day is half a degree, and all these expressions
are probably that good over those time spans.  It is very hard to be
more sure than that.  The only valid checks that reach 4000 years
before present are a few records of solar eclipses and the alignment
of megalithic structures.  These checks are not much better than half
a degree.  Extrapolating as far into the future is just as dangerous;
it is really better to wait and see.

Getting more directly back to the purposes of leap seconds...

The current scheme of UTC with leap seconds should work for well over
1000 years.  Around 1700 years from now it would become necessary to
have a leap second at least once a month, and then the current scheme
requires modification.

In the absence of leap seconds, an atomic timescale will have deviated
from UT by an hour in 1000 years.  As Markus pointed out, the
situation gets worse quadratically.  Night becomes day between 3000
and 4000 years from now, and in around 5000 years today is tomorrow.

For the purposes of broadcast time signals, it should be sufficient
that any change which may be adopted will last for 1000 years without
forcing posterity to implement a large discontinuity.  As for 1
years -- there can be point in laying down specifications for
activities to be carried out over 300 generations from now.

IMHO, even planning for 500 years is hubris, but knowingly creating a
problem which must be solved by somebody else in 500 years is

Steve Allen  UCO/Lick Observatory   Santa Cruz, CA 95064
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Voice: +1 831 459 3046
PGP: 1024/E46978C5   F6 78 D1 10 62 94 8F 2E49 89 0E FE 26 B4 14 93

Re: What to do if International Time hits the International Date Line?

2003-07-01 Thread Steve Allen
On Tue 2003-07-01T21:51:09 +0100, Markus Kuhn hath writ:

It is extremely important to note which reference frame is being used.

> Thanks. If I understood it correctly, section 5.8.3 gives me with
>   L = 100°.46645683 + 1295977422".83429*t - 2".04411*t^2 + 0".00523*t^3

All of the expressions 5.8 are with respect to the mean dynamical
ecliptic and equinox J2000.  That is a reference frame which is very
nearly, but not quite, inertial.  As such it does not give the
longitude of the sun with respect to the seasons that the Gregorian
calendar attempts to mark.

The expressions 5.9 are referred to the mean dynamical ecliptic and
equinox of date.  Those relate more closely to the calendar, and as
such they are a much better match to Newcomb's values.

> The large number of decimal digits provided for the Newcomb formula in
> the Metrologia leapsecond paper had suggested to me that all this is
> rather exact science and that these digit are actually significant ... :-(

precision vs.  accuracy.  The precision is necessary in the sense that
UT1 is still determined in a fashion which refers to the fictitious
mean sun of Newcomb's tables, such as they were.  Whenever a new and
better model is applied, the boundary conditions are set such that
there is no measurable discontinuity in UT1 during the changeover.

This practice has been followed for the past century, and was an issue
of concern just this last year when the new IAU system (which
abolished the ecliptic and equinox) was instituted on Jan 1.  This
means that whatever errors are present in the previous set of
expressions are carried into the initial conditions of the new
expressions.  As such, the longitude the fictitious mean sun
accumulates small errors based on the current amount of imprecision,
and the mean time at which the sun actually crosses the Greenwich
meridian does slightly deviate from 12:00 UT.

This small drift is part of the motivation being used by the leap
second haters to justify completely disconnecting civil time from the
sun.  But it should be pointed out that the calculation of TAI suffers
from an analogous drift.  The rules for calculating TAI have changed
several times, which means that a best extrapolation of a completely
uniform timescale back through the history of atomic time would
deviate from the published values of TAI.

> Is the Simon et al. formula considered good enough to predict the mean
> longitude of the sun within half a day for the next few tenthousand
> years? The authors make only a statement on the quality of ephimerides
> derived for the years 1000-3000.

The accuracies are given in table 7 as 6 arcsec for the earth/moon.
For ranges outside the years 1000-3000 it would be better to see the
referenced works of Bretagnon and Laskar.

Steve Allen  UCO/Lick Observatory   Santa Cruz, CA 95064
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Voice: +1 831 459 3046
PGP: 1024/E46978C5   F6 78 D1 10 62 94 8F 2E49 89 0E FE 26 B4 14 93

Re: What to do if International Time hits the International Date Line?

2003-07-01 Thread Markus Kuhn
Steve Allen wrote on 2003-07-01 19:52 UTC:
> On Tue 2003-07-01T20:34:58 +0100, Markus Kuhn hath writ:
> > Newcomb's formula for the geometric mean longitude of the Sun is
> >
> >   L = 279° 41' 48".04 + 129602768".13 C + 1".089 C^2
> not really valid more than 200 years into the future.
> Please don't use Newcomb for that.
> You want to use something intended to match integrations that have
> moved much farther into the future.
> For a start, see Simon et al., Astron. Astrophys 282, 663-683 (1994)

Thanks. If I understood it correctly, section 5.8.3 gives me with

  L = 100°.46645683 + 1295977422".83429*t - 2".04411*t^2 + 0".00523*t^3

the mean longitude of the sun, where t is kiloyears from the year 2000.

Oops, I am mildly shocked to see that the sign of the t^2 term has
changed its sign compared to how Newcomb's formula is printed on page
4(512) of

while the magnitude changed by a factor of 2 whereas the scale of t has
changed by a factor of 0.1.

The large number of decimal digits provided for the Newcomb formula in
the Metrologia leapsecond paper had suggested to me that all this is
rather exact science and that these digit are actually significant ... :-(

Given the new formula, unless I made a silly mistake with my pocket
calculator, the second term in the mean longitude of the sun will have
grown to 0.5 days by

  (360/(2 * 365.25) * 60*60" / 2".044)^1/2 = 29 kiloyears from now

whereas the third term will have accomplished the same (with opposite
sign) by

  (360/(2 * 365.25) * 60*60" / 0".00523)^1/3 = 70 kiloyears from now

Sounds much better! If the annual oscillation of the earth does really
not diverge from atomic time by more than one day for the next 30
kiloyears, then adjusting the leap year rules for civilian time zones
might really help to keep the

  a) civilian time zones
  b) international (atomic) time
  c) the date of the spring equinox

synchronized more or less for the next few ten thousand years. So there
might be hope not to mess up everything completely by dropping leap
seconds. Perhaps this idea is not that crazy after all and deserves
being scrutinized by professional astronomers. Comments welcome.

Is the Simon et al. formula considered good enough to predict the mean
longitude of the sun within half a day for the next few tenthousand
years? The authors make only a statement on the quality of ephimerides
derived for the years 1000-3000.


Markus Kuhn, Computer Lab, Univ of Cambridge, GB | __oo_O..O_oo__

Re: What to do if International Time hits the International Date Line?

2003-07-01 Thread Steve Allen
On Tue 2003-07-01T20:34:58 +0100, Markus Kuhn hath writ:
> Newcomb's formula for the geometric mean longitude of the Sun is

not really valid more than 200 years into the future.
Please don't use Newcomb for that.

You want to use something intended to match integrations that have
moved much farther into the future.

For a start, see Simon et al., Astron. Astrophys 282, 663-683 (1994).

Steve Allen  UCO/Lick Observatory   Santa Cruz, CA 95064
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Voice: +1 831 459 3046
PGP: 1024/E46978C5   F6 78 D1 10 62 94 8F 2E49 89 0E FE 26 B4 14 93

What to do if International Time hits the International Date Line?

2003-07-01 Thread Markus Kuhn
Let's drive the discussion forward into a region that we haven't
touched here before:

What happens with a leap-second and leap-hour free time scale (as the
TI proposed at Torino) in the long run (>> 1 kiloyear into the future)
and what interactions with the length of the year emerge there?

Let's say, we get used to the idea of dropping all leap seconds from
UTC from today and we rename the resulting new uniform atomic time
scale into International Time (TI). This would put the point (or
meridian) on Earth where International Time coincides with local time
(currently for UTC this point wanders around somewhere near the
Greenwich meridian) onto a slowly accelerating course eastwards,
detaching International Time from London and making it truely

Fine so far (apart from short-term concerns with legacy software over
the next 10-20 years).

How will local times have to be adjusted?

Stephenson and Morrison give

  delta_T(T) = TAI - UT1 = (31 s/hy^2) T^2 - 52 s

where T = (t - 1820-01-01T00:00) / (100 * 365.25 days) is the number
of centuries (hectoyears, hy) since 1820. For Temps International
TI = TAI - 32 s (if introduced today), we get equivalently

  delta_T(T) = TI - UT1 = (31 s/hy^2) T^2 - 84 s

The offset between local civilian times would have to be adjusted by
one hour when delta_T(T) = 0.5 h, 1.5 h, 2.5 h, ..., i.e. at about the

  sqrt((1 * 1800 s + 84 s) / (31 s/hy^2)) * 100 + 2000 = 2780
  sqrt((3 * 1800 s + 84 s) / (31 s/hy^2)) * 100 + 2000 = 3330
  sqrt((5 * 1800 s + 84 s) / (31 s/hy^2)) * 100 + 2000 = 3712

   2780, 3330, 3712, 4023, 4292, 4533, 4752, 4956, 5146,
   5326, 5496, 5658, 5814, 5963, 6107, 6246, 6380, 6511,
   6638, 6762, 6882, 6999, 7114, 7227, 7337, 7444, 7550,
   7654, 7755, 7855, 7954, 8050, 8146, 8239, 8332, 8423,
   8513, 8601, 8689, 8775, 8860, 8944, 9027, 9109, 9191,
   9271, 9350, 9429, 9507, 9584, 9660, 9735, 9810, 9884,
   9957, 10030, 10102, 10173

The adjustment of a civilian time by one hour can easily be
accomplished without particular disruption as part of the summer time
arrangements (assuming that this 1% electricity saving measureis still
of concern in the far future). This would have to be done for the
first time near the year 2780, and then every few hundred years, and
from the year 7700 on even several times per century.

What I am still struggling with is the long-term perspective. At
present, the maximum difference between any civilian local time and
the international reference time (currently: UTC) is limited to +/- 13
h. That limit would be dropped if we replaced UTC with TI, and at
about the year

  sqrt((12 h + 84 s) / (31 s/hy^2)) * 100 + 2000 = 5736

the point where International Time corresponds to local time will
cross the International Date Line. What do we do then? Having
International Time and local civilian time several days apart sounds
rather unpractical for doing mental arithmetic and could lead to
confusion far more severe than anything leap seconds might ever cause.

I had briefly hoped that we can play around with 29 February and
remove from the civilian time zones a 29 February (compared to what
pope Gregory dictates) near the year 5700, in order to keep the
maximum offset between any civilian time zone and International time
at least limited to +/- 25 hours. International Time would continue to
strictly follow the Gregorian rules, as it must be uniform and
long-term predictable. A Gregorian "leap year" in TI that is ignored
in local civilian times would bring civilian times back into sync with
TI without much disruption.

This would at first glance of course mess up the date of the spring
equinox (the reason for the Gregorian calendar reform), and who knows
whether people still worry about when Easter Sunday is by then. We
need leap years, in order to compensate for the fact that the
rotational frequency of the earth around the sun and around its own
polar axis have a non-integer relationship. However, if the length of
the tropical year were highly constant, the need to keep local
civilian times and TI from diverging by more than a day and the need
to keep the spring equinox on the same date every year would lead to
compatible requirements for scheduling leap years in civilian time
zones beyond the period when the Gregorian rule works.

Unfortunately, the rotation of the Earth around the Sun accellerates
far too fast for this idea to work:

Newcomb's formula for the geometric mean longitude of the Sun is

  L = 279° 41' 48".04 + 129602768".13 C + 1".089 C^2

where C = (t - 1900-01-01T12:00Z) / (100 * 365.25 days) is the number
of (Julian) centuries since 1900. Newcomb's third term represents the
acceleration of the Earth's mean angular velocity around the sun. This
term will grow to 0.5 days or equivalently a mean-sun longitude offset
of 360°/(2 * 365.25) at

  C = sqrt(360/(2 * 365.25) * 60*60" / 1".089) = 40.36 centuries = 4036 years

In other words, the longterm frequency stability of the annual