
for one of my ledger files, I have entries in two different
currencies.  I also have a number of non-currency items (shares).
When I use the -V option to see the current value of the assets in
this ledger, using a specific prices database file, ledger outputs all
the entries in one of the two currencies, but not necessarily in the
one I want the output reported in!

Can somebody point me to the right place in the manual (or anywhere
else) that would tell me how to tell ledger to report in a specific
currency?  Or some way to tell it to not use a particular currency?

I am running ledger 2.6.2 on Debian testing/unstable.


PS - I tried posting this via my newsreader but was told that I did
not have permission to post to this group.  Is this the normal
behaviour for google groups?

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