Watching Varneys pathetic attempt to win a penalty yesterday got me
thinking why we are so much against diving and yet are tolerant or even
supportive of other types of  cheating. I am sure we have all yelled at a
player to 'take him down' when an opposition forward is clean through or
cheered when a Leeds player has sparked one of theirs, but I have never
heard any fan shout to a player to dive or to roll over or stay down / act
injured etc.
So even though diving unlike some other cheating is a 'victimless crime' in
some respects it really seems to annoy fans.

The only thing that I can think of is that it sort of makes cheats of us
all. If Varney had won the penalty we would have wanted the taker to score
and celebrated it like any other goal - and then justified it with the old
'these things even themselves out' etc. If he had missed we may have
accepted justice had been done.

I cannot think of any other reason why we are so against diving but pretty
much condone any other cheating by our team - pinching yards at throw ins,
wasting time etc etc

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