enjoyed the game at Sunderland earlier in the season but a bit concerned
how easily our offensive boys were brushed aside and knocked off the ball.
Watching the season unfurl on tv, this is a remaining issue, with the newer
europeans keener to wave arms in the air and imaginery cards than chase
back - or even learn to stand up for themselves.  Good old English refs
don't like it and seem to allow good old english defenders the benefit of
the doubt.  Now I've also been watching our little magician, Sami, getting
a bit of the georgie best, diego maradona treatment from players he's
running rings round with his tricks and turns: endless tugs, pushes, nudges
and kicks and yet he prefers to hang on to the ball, he's about beating
them and looking for a pass (though too often there's no pass on) or making
space for the shot, only finally does he generally lose the ball and end up
in a frequent ball of frustration...frustration at losing the ball, at lack
of options from his team, from too many defenders and too little protection
from the refs. And this worries me. If I were he, maybe I would be pining
for a land where he'd get the fair share of free kicks he warrants. So,
dear Santa, for New Year I want SS to fall in love with us as much as PJ
and stay, I want the refs to be more understanding of him and for his
team-mates to rise their game for him.  (And I want Alioski teaching how to
stand strong to a challenge - would have wished the same for Pierre too,
but can't be bothered with him anymore.)

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