> According to
> http://www.parliament.uk/documents/commons/lib/research/rp99/r
> p99-111.pdf
> life expectancy for a UK male has gone from about 70 to about 
> 75 in between
> 1981 & 2011 - say 7,5% increase, I can't find the exact 
> figures at the moment but productivity per worker over the 
> same period has increased by much much more. 

Well I'd say it was slightly more than that (78?) and anyway that is the LE
at Birth, the figures so will only come into play in the middle of this
century - the figures we'd want would be of people of working age and an
average at that.  But they probably did have the figures, I think they
ignored the effect on future generations because no-one is going to turn
down the chance of vast wealth so they all agreed on it, and now when the
bills start to come in we realise what a momentously stupid and greedy idea
it was.  No one needs so much money when they retire. more tax and better
state pension is the right way to go - just like in France (at least up
until now) 

> If we could 
> afford final salary pensions in 1981 (and we
> could) why can't we today? (clue - the answer is in my 
> preceeding mails ;))

My contention is that no only were people were blinded by greed and
therefore igored the cyclical nature of the markets - which you agree - of
but also ignoring the inexoarble increase in the life expectancy - which you
don't - I guess we'll have to disagree. 

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