Yesterday Greens Senator Kerry Nettle moved a motion in Federal
Parliament calling on Australia to support a ban on the use of
anti-vehicle landmines.  Neither the government nor the ALP supported
this motion, which is disappointing given that, like anti-personnel
landmines,  anti-vehicle mines are indiscriminate and kill civilians
during war and long after conflicts have ended.  We think that those
senators who voted against this motion should tell us why - please email
them and ask. A full list of email addresses for senators can be found

The Motion read:


Senator NETTLE (New South Wales) (9.47 a.m.)-I move:

That the Senate-
(a)notes that:

(i)like anti-personnel landmines, anti-vehicle mines kill and maim long
after conflicts have ended,

(ii)like anti-personnel landmines, anti-vehicle mines are indiscriminate
and kill both civilians and military personnel in violation of the
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and
relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts
(Protocol 1) of 8 June 1977,

(iii)anti-vehicle mines can increase the cost and slow the delivery of
humanitarian aid,

(iv)there is no publicly available evidence that the Australian Defence
Forces have gained any direct military advantage from the use of
anti-vehicle mines since the Korean War,

(v)the only Australian soldier killed in the 2001 to 2002 deployment to
Afghanistan, SAS Sergeant Andrew Russell, was the victim of an
anti-vehicle mine, and

(vi)of the four Australian peace-keepers killed since 1966 by weapons,
two have been killed by landmines while driving in vehicles; and

(b)calls on the Federal Government to:

(i)recognise anti-vehicle mines that can be set off by contact with a
person as anti-personnel landmines, and therefore banned under the
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and
Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and their Destruction (Mine Ban

(ii)support a ban on anti-vehicle mines with anti-handling devices,
which can be set off if a mine is disturbed, and

(iii)work with like-minded countries towards a global ban on the
production, stockpiling, transfer and use of anti-vehicle mines.

Melanie Gillbank
Campaigner for Greens Senator Kerry Nettle
Electorate Office
GPO Box 36, Sydney 2001
Ph: 9241 6663
Fax: 9241 6680
Parliament House
Canberra 2600
Ph: 6277 3501
Fax: 6277 5716


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