Howard shames the nation

The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
May 17th, 2000. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subscription rates on request.

In response to the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation's
official "Declaration Towards Reconciliation", Prime Minister
John Howard has issued his own version of a document acceptable
to him. His objective is to mobilise the racist sections of the
Australian community who do not recognise the rights of the
Aboriginal people as the first occupiers and owners of the land.

The genocide of over 200 years, was first by shootings, poisoned
water-wells and flour, disease, herding into reserves, and then
my the more recent policies of assimilation, integration, stolen
children, racist mandatory sentencing, neglect of health and
housing, unemployment and discrimination. In every way these
policies are the hallmarks of that section of Australian society
that the Prime Minister is appealing to.

A comparison of the two documents vividly reveals the truth. The
contested sections are reproduced below. (In all cases the
emphasis has been added.)

The Council's wording:

Reaffirming the human rights of all Australians, we RESPECT

Howard's wording:

Reaffirming the human rights of all Australians, we RESPECT the
cultures and beliefs of the nation's first people and recognise
the place of traditional laws within these cultures.

Howard's version omits the vital word, "RECOGNISE" in the first
part and also the word "CONTINUING".  "RESPECT" on its own is not
sufficient and, in fact, relegates the significance of the
culture, customary laws and traditions of the Indigenous people
of Australia.


As we walk the journey of healing, ONE PART OF THE NATION
APOLOGISES and expresses its sorrow and sincere regret for the
injustices of the past, so the OTHER PART ACCEPTS THE APOLOGIES


As we walk the journey of healing, AUSTRALIANS EXPRESS THEIR
SORROW AND PROFOUNDLY REGRET the injustices of the past and
recognise the continuing trauma and hurts still suffered by many
Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders.

The Indigenous people recognise themselves as Australians and in
Howard's version his use of the word "AUSTRALIANS" is intended to
include the Indigenous people who are, therefore, called upon to
apologise for injustices imposed on them.

The Council's version, on the other hand, recognises the truth
that the injustices were committed by one section of Australian
society against another section.

Whereas, the Indigenous people are prepared to accept an apology
and offer forgiveness, Howard's meanness prevents him from even
offering an apology which he knows would be accepted in a
generous spirit.


We desire a future where all AUSTRALIANS ENJOY THEIR RIGHTS,
accept their responsibilities, and have the opportunity to
achieve their full potential.


We desire a future where all Australians enjoy equal rights, LIVE
UNDER THE SAME LAWS and share opportunities and responsibilities
according to their aspirations.

In his version, Howard denies that the Indigenous people are a
national minority and insists that there is only one law -- the
law of those who invaded Australia, occupied all its territory,
seized the land that belonged to others and set about, by acts of
genocide, to destroy those who had occupied the land for at least
50,000 years.

The rest of Howard's version which speaks of sharing
"opportunities according to their aspirations" is a meaningless
platitude as the policies of Howard and those who support him,
are rooted in discrimination and racism.


And so, we pledge ourselves to stop injustice, overcome
disadvantage, and respect that Aboriginal and Torres Strait


And so, we pledge ourselves to stop injustice, overcome
disadvantage and RESPECT THE RIGHT of Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander people, ALONG WITH ALL AUSTRALIANS to determine
their own destiny.

The Council's version raises the question of self-determination
but within the life of the nation. There is no thought here of
setting up a separate State of the Indigenous people, the Council
correctly insists upon the recognition of the Indigenous people
as a national minority.

By denying this right, Howard continues the policies of
assimilation and integration. He insists that the power of the
conqueror be accepted without question by the Indigenous people.

They must bow-down to the superior force, give up their land to
the invaders, accept the law of the conqueror, accept their
position as inferiors, end protests against discrimination and

Once again the "pledge" of Howard to stop injustice and overcome
disadvantage is meaningless in the face of the failure of his and
previous governments to right the wrongs of the impoverished,
deprived and discriminated against Indigenous people.

Howard's statement continues to deny the rights of the Indigenous

It will also split the rest of the Australian people between
those who genuinely want to extend the hand of reconciliation and
bring an end to two centuries of injustice on the one hand and,
on the other, those who would continue the old policies of
deprivation, discrimination and genocide.

It is a critical moment for the Australian nation and all its
people. Prime Minister Howard, and his government should be
driven out of office. They shame the country. They are a disgrace
to the civilised world.


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