The following articles were published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
November 15th, 2000. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
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Prisons, Profits and Gov. George Bush

Longhorn cows. Oil. They've made a few Texans rich and famous.
But under Governor George W Bush another industry is pumping out
cash like an East Texas gusher -- private prisons!

by Tim Wheeler
Editor, "People's Weekly World"

George and Richard Wackenhut, owners of Wackenhut Corporation, operate 13 
prisons in the Lone Star State. They are so enthusiastic about fellow 
Republican George "Dubya" Bush and his race for the presidency that they 
have contributed considerable sums to his election campaigns.

Bush's ties to the prison-industrial complex raise troubling questions 
about his posturing as a "compassionate conservative". It sheds light on 
his "lock-em-up-and-throw-away-the-key" policy on the incarceration of drug 
users -- even though Bush does not deny reports that he snorted cocaine in 
his youth.

It also reveals much about his hard-line support for the death penalty 
which he has imposed 137 times since taking office, more than any other 

Bush sent Shaka Sankofa (Gary Graham) to his death despite widespread doubt 
about his guilt. He also executed Karla Faye Tucker, the first women in 100 
years executed in Texas, despite worldwide calls for clemency.

The death penalty is a centerpiece of the GOP's [Republicans'] policy of 
criminalising youth and people of colour.

That policy has resulted in the incarceration of 1.8 million people in US 
prisons, rivalling the number of youth attending college.

At least US$35 billion is spent each year on prison incarceration and the 
"privatisers" of the GOP see this industry as a lush pasture for super-profits.

More than 146,000 inmates are incarcerated in the Texas prison system, 
according to the Sentencing Project. Almost another 58,000 are languishing 
in local jails, for a grand total of 204,000 prison inmates.

Of these, over 63,000 or 45.3 per cent, are Black and almost 37,000 or 26.2 
per cent, are Hispanic.

Texas has the nation's second highest rate of incarceration after Louisiana.

Prison industry

Back in 1994, Texas Comptroller John Sharp released a 384-page report on 
the Texas prison system that sounded like President Eisenhower's farewell 
warning against the "military industrial complex".

In a message to then-Governor Ann Richards, Sharp warned that the Texas 
prison system's two-year budget was US$4 billion, more than six per cent of 
the state budget.

"Prison operating costs, not including their original construction or debt 
service cost, have ballooned by some 2,000 per cent in the past decade and 
will rise by another two-thirds by the turn of the century", he wrote.

At the time he was writing, another 76,000 prison beds were to be added to 
the system, bringing total capacity to 145,000 inmates. But at the rate new 
inmates were being added, the state would need 206,000 prison beds, he 
wrote. (His projection was nearly on the mark.)

Sharp further warned of a "prison industrial complex" in Texas that will 
fight attempts to reduce costs.

"Corrections has spawned its own self-perpetuating interest groups with 
consultants, lobbyists, burgeoning state bureaucracies and a rising private 
corrections industry. Like any special interest group, the correctional 
industry is in business to keep its empire growing."

Slave labour

Again, this warning has come true with a vengeance under Governor Bush. 
Just listen to Senator Phil Gramm (R-Texas), a close crony of Bush. He has 
proposed turning prisons into industrial parks.

"I want them to make prisoners work 10 hours a day, six days a week. I want 
to enter into contracts with major manufacturers so that we can produce 
component parts in prisons ... now being produced in places like Mexico, 
China, Taiwan and Korea. We can defray about half the cost of keeping 
people in prison."

The savings, $22,000 annually per prisoner, could be used to build more 
prisons and train more prison guards, Gramm said. He also proposed doubling 
the number of graduates of the FBI Academy to oversee this prison boom.

Rep Bill McCollum (R-Fla.), chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on 
Crime, is the sponsor of legislation in the House to speed conversion to 
private prisons. McCollum spearheaded the impeachment of President Clinton.

"Certainly Sen Gramm supports that legislation", said Jenny Gainsborough a 
researcher at the Sentencing Project.

It may sound farfetched, but Bush is actively implementing the plan in Texas.

Wackenhut, based in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, where it enjoys close, 
mutually profitable ties to Governor Jeb Bush -- and McCollum -- has 
generated hefty profits and lots of nasty headlines.

On December 16, 1999 the Texas Department of Corrections was forced to take 
over the Travis County Community Justice Center, operated by Wackenhut, 
when several women inmates filed a lawsuit charging that guards had beaten 
and raped them.

The 11 Wackenhut thugs are now awaiting trial. Wackenhut's answer was that 
they would end the practice of male guards overseeing female inmates.

The state of Louisiana was forced to take over the Wackenhut- operated Jena 
Juvenile Justice facility this spring when inspectors found that guards 
routinely beat and abused the youthful inmates.

A judge denounced conditions as "intolerable" with inmates denied adequate 
food, clothing and health care. Many of the youths were barefooted.

More than 130 African, Latin American, and Asian inmates at a Wackenhut 
operated Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) detention center in 
New York City went on a hunger strike last fall to protest their prolonged 
incarceration and the denial of their appeals for asylum despite clear 
proof that they faced death if sent back to Uganda, Nigeria, Colombia and 
other countries.

The hunger strikers accused the Wackenhut guards of physical and verbal abuse.


Meanwhile, back in Texas, Wackenhut is prospering. About 25 miles south of 
Austin, in the town of Lockhart, Wackenhut took over a prison and invited 
corporations to set up a factory to employ inmates.

Leonard Hill, owner of a company in Austin that assembled circuit boards, 
closed his factory -- terminating 150 workers -- and moved his plant to the 
Wackenhut prison.

Texas taxpayers paid for the construction of a new factory built to Hill's 
specifications for which he pays $1 per year in rent.

Hill's company, now called Lockhart Technologies Inc, employs 100 inmates 
who assemble circuit boards for IBM, Dell and Texas Instruments, all non-union.

The inmates are paid the minimum wage with 80 per cent of their wages 
deducted to pay "room and board" and "victim restitution". Texas taxpayers 
cover the inmates' health care and workers' compensation.

Wackenhut's prison warden, Scott Comstock, told CAQ magazine's Reese 
Erlich, "I think that Texas, in particular, has proven that privatisation 
is a viable alternative."

Wackenhut Corp last year reported a 27 percent increase in revenues, to 
US$530.3 million.

Joe Gunn, President of the Texas AFL-CIO, has accused Wackenhut of 
profiting from "indentured slave labour" in its private Texas prisons.

This system of prison labour exerts a strong downward pressure on the wage 
standard in "right-to-work" (for less) Texas.

US workers are forced to compete not only with non-union sweatshop labour 
in places like Malaysia, but are also competing with prison labour in 
Texas. And it isn't limited to Texas.

Oregon Prison Industries is producing "Prison Blues," stylish denim 
garments sold for profit around the world.

Soledad Prison in California is also exporting garments made by prison inmates.

Prisoners in Southern California, Utah and Ohio are doing "data entry" for 
profit-making corporations.

Wisconsin's GOP Governor Tommy Thompson approved a scheme that used 
US$239,000 in taxpayer money to buy cutting and sewing machines that were 
installed in its prison in Green Bay.

Fabry Glove and Mitten Company then closed down plants employing "free 
workers" and moved into the prison garment shop where it employs 100 inmates.

The total cost to taxpayers was $1.6 million and the loss of many jobs.

Wackenhut is surely licking its chops in anticipation of even greater 
profits in its prison "industrial parks" at home and abroad if George W 
Bush is elected President.

CIA & FBI ties

The rent-a-cop security corporation boasts that it has the nation's largest 
private collection of files on alleged "subversives", with dossiers on 
three million people in the United States.

In the 1970s, it diversified into strikebreaking and scab- herding.

Wackenhut works closely with the FBI and CIA, and guards nuclear weapons 
facilities and embassies.

Recently, Wackenhut became the first private prison operator to take over a 
federal prison, a facility that houses many of the 25,000 undocumented 
immigrants detained by the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Wackenhut operates 42 prisons across the United States. It has private 
prisons in Puerto Rico, England, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa.

More than 5,000 inmates from 14 states are now incarcerated at private 
"rent-a-cell" facilities in Texas.

No wonder Texas has embraced "assembly line" procedures in its criminal 
justice system, filling its prisons with profit- generating inmates.

Texas is also turning over many subsidiary services to private 
corporations. A consortium of the Marriott Corporation and Paris- based 
Sodexho are under contract to provide food services to private and 
state-owned prisons.


The release of a videotape in 1997 of prison guards at Brazoria County 
Detention Center in Texas beating and kicking inmates, attacking them with 
a stun gun and a K-9 dog stirred much outrage.

These were prisoners who were lying shackled on the jail floor. They had 
been convicted in Missouri but shipped to a Texas "rent- a-cell" facility 
operated by Capital Correctional Resources (CCR). The State of Missouri 
cancelled the contract and brought the inmates back to Missouri.

In August 1998, two Oregon sex offenders escaped from a prison in Houston 
operated by the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), largest of the 
prison privatisers.

This was a minimum security facility used to house undocumented immigrant 
workers arrested by the INS. But too many of the cells were vacant to give 
CCA the desired profit margin. Without consulting state authorities, CCA 
imported 240 sex offenders from Oregon.

The following month, a riot erupted at the Frio Detention Center, a private 
prison operated by the Dove Development Corporation. Texas had to send in 
30 state correctional officers to subdue the 300 inmates from Utah and 

The Bobby Ross Group, based in Austin, operates seven prisons in Texas, 
signing contracts to house inmates from Colorado, Missouri, Montana, 
Oklahoma, Virginia and Hawaii.

Ross was a Texas sheriff who went into the private prison business in 1993. 
At the Bobby Ross Prison in Dickens County, inmates organised a protest 
against the inedible food and lack of proper medical care.


Montana sent an investigator who found that the inmates "were going hungry 
and waiting days to see a doctor". But the Texas Commission on Jails gave 
the jail "the highest possible ratings".

Their inspector later admitted that, in addition to his official duties, he 
also worked as a "consultant" for the Bobby Ross Group, which paid him a 
$42,000 annual retainer.

In December 1998, 11 inmates escaped from the Bobby Ross prison in Newton, 
Texas. They released nearly 300 other inmates and set fire to one of the 

Ross' answer to the chorus of outrage was to hire William Sessions, who 
served as FBI director under Presidents Reagan and Bush, as a "special 
adviser ... He goes with us on sales calls to potential clients".

We should not be surprised that Texas is currently operating private 
prisons that reek of the chain gangs and forced convict labour of a century 

But a hard look at Texas tells us much about what may be in store if Bush 
is elected President and his fellow Texas lawmakers, Dick Armey, Tom DeLay, 
and Bill Archer, continue their gangster-like control of the House.

As for the Senate, it is under the leadership of a Bush soul mate, Trent 
Lott of Mississippi, a devotee of the White Citizens Council whose state 
has its own history of convict labor and lynch law.

"There is no question that Texas has given the private prison industry its 
biggest boost", said Gainsborough. "They built all these prisons to house 
their huge prison population and now they are importing inmates from all 
across the country."

That is the brutal truth behind George W Bush's friendly smile.

"People's Weekly World", paper of Communist Party, USA.


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