Dear all,

Women's Abortion Action Campaign with the local residents of Salisbury Road
are calling on everyone to help them Free Salisbury Road of the "Defenders
of God's Precious Infants" who are a "Pro-Life" (anti-women) group.

Every third Saturday of every month, the "Defenders of God's Precious
Infants" organise in large numbers (anywhere up to 120 people) to campaign
against the Abortion Clinic in Salisbury Road.  They march past the clinic
and gather across the road from the clinic in an intimidating group.  There
are several (mostly men) who actually stand outside the clinic and verbal
and harrass the women as they walk towards the clinic... attempting to
direct them away from the clinic.  They follow the women right up to the
door and stand next to them as they wait to be admitted into the clinic.

On the 15 May, Pro-Abortion activists had a fantastic counter-rally with
around 80 people gathering to support a Woman's Right to Choose.  We
managed to drown them out with our chants and singing... and they were
forced to leave much earlier than they normally do.  On the 19 June we are
going to do the same and hope to attract even larger numbers...

All are invited to attend... it is a peaceful rally... children are welcome...

Free Salisbury Road!
7.30am onwards  Saturday, 19 June.
135 Salisbury Road, Camperdown
(Five minutes walk from King Street Newtown...Walk up Australia St. from
Newtown Square and turn left at Salisbury Rd)

Mel Slee



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