Cuba Si!
50 years of revolutionary struggle in Cuba
50th Anniversary of the Moncada Barracks Attack

Latin American Dance Night
7pm, Saturday July 26
Fairfield Community Centre- 25 Barbara St, Fairfield
Music by Latin American sensation - Chiri Moya

Cost: $15 concession / $25 workers / $30 solidarity
(includes entry, band and food)

for tickets: Kim on 9793 2188 or 0439 45 4375

On July 26, 1953 guerilla fighter lead by Fidel Castro launched their 
historic attack on the Moncada Barracks founding the July 26 movement. 
Six years later, the victorious Cuban people overthrew the brutal regime 
of the US backed dictator, Batista.

For over forty years, the Cuban people have continued their struggle 
towards socialism. Join us for a celebration of 50 years of 
revolutionary struggle in Cuba.

A fundraiser for GreenLeft Weekly.

A collection will also be taken on the night to support the Mareana 
Grajales school located inMatanzas Province Cuba and which was destroyed 
in recent hurricanes.


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