From: "Marlene Obeid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the Canterbury-Bankstown Peace Group, I would like to 
invite you to endorse a Public Forum on David Hicks and Mamdouh Habib:

When: Saturday 20 September 2003
Time: 6.00pm
Where: Sydney Trades Hall, 4 Goulburn St., Sydney.

Confirmed guest-speakers thus far are: Terry Hicks (David Hicks' 
father); Stephen Hopper (Mamdouh Habib's Solicitor); and Maha Habib 
(Mamdouh's wife); and still to be confirmed: Steven Kenny (David's 
Solicitor), and a guest from the NSW Council for Civil Liberties.

As you are aware these two men, along hundreds of others, have been
imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, by the US administration for over 20 
months now. The Australian government has done nothing thus far to seek 
their release or repatriation of these two Australian citizens so they 
can be tried in Australia under Australian law.

This is a great opportunity for you to hear a panel of legal experts and
guests linked to David Hicks and Mamdouh Habib's campaign.

This is also a great opportunity to link your name to an event which 
seeks justice for two of our own  who have been left  in inhumane 
conditions languishing at Guantanamo Bay.

Your comments and suggestions are more than welcome. For further
information, please contact me, Marlene Obeid, on 0401 758 871 or at

For Justice & Peace,
Marlene Obeid
Forum Coordinator
Canterbury-Bankstown Peace Group


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