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A public meeting

Good Global Governance ...
Can the United Nations deliver?

Dr Anthony Burke, Lecturer in International Relations, Department of 
Politics, University of Adelaide and author of "In Fear of Security: 
Australia's Invasion Anxiety", published Pluto Press Australia, 2001

Dimity Hawkins Formerly of Reaching Critical Will, a nuclear disarmament 
project of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, WILPF 
United Nations Office, New York

Tuesday 18th June 2002
7.15 pm for  a 7.30 start. Finishing at 9.30 pm

Coglin Street Community Centre
23 Coglin Street, Adelaide
(Please note the change of venue)

Entry by gold coin donation
Live music
Supper provided

Organised by: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (SA) and 
the United Nations Association of Australia (South Australian Division)
Further information: phone 08 8296 4357


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