Women in Black Vigils in Adelaide

                     Wednesday 28th November 5.30pm to 6.30pm*
and monthly after that on the last Wednesday of each month until the
"war on/of terror" stops

   We invite all women to join our silent vigil in protest against the
ongoing attacks by the United States and its allies against the
people of Afghanistan.  Wearing the black clothing of bereavement and
adopting the silence enforced on the victims of violence, we will
mourn the dead and express our opposition to all forms of violence.
Please join us to call on the Australian Government to immediately
step back from vengeance and instead pursue justice through the
channels of international law.

Women in Black is a loose, international network of women who share a
common philosophy of opposition to militarism and violence and use a
similar style of silent demonstration.

For more details, please contact Jillinda on 8341 7517 or Cathy on 8296 4357

   *This will occur at the same time as the Women in Black Vigil in Sydney
     on the steps of Sydney Town Hall except we will be CST and they are EST


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