Jenny Macklin, federal Labor health spokesperson, will be among those
addressing a rally in Melbourne against GST on tampons on Friday, February 4.

The rally, "Get your taxes off our bodies--No GST on tampons!", starts at
5pm at the GPO in the Bourke St Mall.

The protest has been endorsed by:

* Monash University NTEU branch
* CPSU national section council (Department of Family and Community Services)
* CPSU delegates committee, Centrelink area North Central (Vic)
* Helen Stitt, federal NUS women's officer
* Jordy Hunter, Victorian NUS women's officer
* Socialist Worker

For more information, to endorse the rally or to get leaflets/posters,
reply to this email or ring Helen Stitt on 0402 032 052 or Jordy Hunter on
0412 291 377 or Socialist Worker on 9386 4815.

Please forward this email to appropriate addresses and lists.



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