The S11 Alliance, which is helping organise mass protests outside the World
Economic Forum in Melbourne from September 11, is holding a teach-in on
Saturday and Sunday, August 5-6.

The plenaries will include indigenous, union and academic speakers and will
look at:

* What is globalisation and the World Economic Forum.
* How globalisation affects us in Australia.
* Resistance to globalisation.

There will also be two dozen workshops, covering topics from the
environment, indigenous rights, non-violent direct action, overseas
struggles, globalisation's impact on women, and the case for revolution.

The teach-in will take place from 9.30am each day at Trades Hall, corner of
Lygon and Victoria sts, Carlton. Registration costs $15/7 for the weekend
or $10/$5 for the day. High school students $2.

Register by mailing S11 Teach-in, GPO Box 12387, A'Beckett St, Melbourne
8006, or by emailing [EMAIL PROTECTED] or on the door. More
information on 9925 3327.

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