Show your anger against the Liberals
Protest at Howard's GST

A rally called on GST-eve (Friday, June 30) by the S11 Alliance. Maintain
your rage against an unjust tax. Tell Labor we want it repealed. And
organise against economic rationalism anywhere--from Howard, from the World
Trade Organisation or the World Economic Forum.

Rally at the GPO, corner of Bourke and Elizabeth streets, city, at 5.30pm.

Speakers include:

* Craig Johnston, secretary of the Victorian branch of the Australian
Manufacturing Workers Union
* Bronwyn Pike, state government minister
* Annie Delaney, Victorian branch of the Textile Clothing and Footwear Union
* Dave Cushion, assistant secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia
* Cassandra Bawden, president of the Victorian TAFE Students and
Apprentices Network
* Claire Sonego, S11 Alliance

Then march to the Stock Exchange.

The S11 Alliance is organising for a huge rally against the World Economic
Forum at Crown Casino on September 11. The Alliance meets every Wednesday
at 6.30pm at RMIT (near the student TV studios), Swanston St, city.

For more details, ring 9925 3327 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit

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