For people interested in the World March of Women in the Year 2000 
(WMW2000), here below is a copy of the update on the Australian launch 
events for the March. This is a copy of the report which has been sent to 
Nancy Burrows of the Federation des Femmes du Quebec in Canada. Nancy is 
the liaison contact in Montreal for the Asia/ Oceania region.

For women wishing to become involved, or more invloved, in the WMW2000 
campaign to end poverty and violence against women, a list of women to 
contact in the various centres around Australia will be distributed via 
Left Link tomorrow.

all the best,

for the Australian coordinating committee
World March of Women in the Year 2000



Dear Nancy,

Over the past weeks in the lead-up to the launches, the national 
coordinating committee here in Australia worked extremely well together as 
a team.

We were all very appreciative of the work of Michelle Beg (who represents
the YWCA on the committee) in getting 60,000 support cards printed and
Auriel Bloomfield (who represents Indigenous Australian women on the
committee) and her team of workers battled not a small number of obstacles
to get the cards batched, boxed and delivered around the country in time
for all the many launches. We've sent you two sample cards through the post
- I think you'll agree that they're lovely!

Dorothy Buckland Fuller (who represents NESB women on the committee) and
Pam Greer (who represents Indigenous Australian women on the c'tee) worked
many, many hours organising for numerous launches in and around Sydney.
Dorothy and her team of helpers handed out cards at the UNIFEM breakfast on
8th March. The Older Women's Network were very helpful in storing the
cards. Dorothy spoke at the Premier's Reception at Government House,
thanking the NSW Minister for Women, Faye Lo Po for her support of the
World March and left cards at the cloakroom table as it was raining.
Dorothy was also the keynote speaker at the Greek Community Club's
celebrations for IWD where she did another launch. Here organisations of
women from various ethnic backgrounds had been invited for the launch of
the World March. On Saturday, at the IWD rally in Sydney, Pam spoke about
the WMW2000 and, on the day before, Pam together with Lynne Smart arranged
a major launch of the March for the Indigenous Women's Program at the
Women's Legal Resources Centre in NSW. Pam and Lynne launched the March at
the Indigenous Women's IWD Day event at Alexandria Park. Lynne is also
distributing information about the March through her extensive networks.
Pam then raced across town to another launch on Friday for the Cultural
Diversity Luncheon and, next day, Pam and Dorothy together spoke at the
International Women's Development Agency's breakfast. Pam also launched the
March at an Indigenous Australian event north of Sydney, in Cessnock, NSW.

In Melbourne, Victoria, Sheila Byard (who represents the Union of
Australian Women on the c'tee) arranged launches there. UAW launched the
cards at a Coburg Council Women's Expo. Following the launch at Coburg Town
Hall, Sheila wrote:

"What a thrill to finally have those cards minutes before I went out the door
to the launch we did this morning. Congrats to all concerned with printing
and distribution. Excellent work!

Quite a buzz at the Coburg Town Hall this morning where it was the last day
of the City of Moreland Women's Expo. The local group of the Union of
Australian Women had a terrific position just inside the main door, with a
good display of posters, cards and a posting box. They were thrilled that
two other people from our national co-ordinating committee could be there
apart from myself: Dianne Alley (Women's Rights Action Network Australia
and United Nations Association of Australia, Women's Committee, National
Convenor) who actually did the launch  and Jean Wilkinson (Older Women's
Network). Councillor Melanie Raymond spoke on behalf of the municipal
council and we got some excellent pics of Dianne and Councillor Raymond etc
putting the cards into the posting box. There was a most encouraging
response from everyone present,
many taking leaflets with a view to ordering cards for their neighbourhood
houses etc etc."

In Brisbane, Queensland, Linda Shallcross (Baha'i Women Network) and Mary
Ziesak (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom) did a great
deal of work  organising launches and distributing 8,500 cards throughout

"As part of IWD activities in King George Square (outside City Hall), [we]
launched the WMW2000. There was a day of activities and WMW2000 was
officially listed on the program and had centre stage for about fifteen
minutes. We had a display table in the foyer also as over 800 guests
arrived to the Town Hall for an IWD lunch. Our postcards arrived in the
nick of time and many were handed out and collected on the day. It really
was a fantastic day."

In Townsville in northern Queensland, Betty McLellan organised a launch and
rally on Saturday 4th March.

In Western Australia, Sarah Stephen (who has represented the IWD
Collectives on our c'tee) coordinated delivery of the cards for various
launch events in WA including an event organised by Women's Electoral Lobby
and National Council of Women. Sarah also organised a launch for WMW2000 at
the IWD rally which followed the WEL/NCW event. Jo Dillon (Western
Australian branch of WILPF) was the speaker.

In Hobart, Tasmania, Margot Roe (Tasmanian branch of WILPF) spoke about the
WMW2000 at the IWD rally and organised for the cards to be distributed.

In Darwin, Northern Territory, Treya Derrington arranged a launch for
WMW2000 at the IWD March there. Treya also had a little table with the
cards and copies of the leaflet for people to take.

In Adelaide, South Australia, Marilyn Rolls (who represents United Nations
Association of Australia, Women's Committee) and Cathy Picone organised and
spoke at launches and distributed cards at these and other events. Between
us, we covered the trade union women's IWD breakfast, the IWD luncheon, the
Greek Orthodox Community's event to mark IWD and the IWD rally on the
following Saturday. Marilyn also distributed cards at the UNIFEM breakfast.
Beryl Miller of the Union of Australian Women (SA branch) was particularly
supportive, making multiple copies both of the poster and of the leaflet
for distribution and display.

In Canberra, ACT, Dianne Proctor (who represents Australian Reproductive
Health Alliance on the c'tee) has arranged for Ruth Corrigan (of the ACT
branch of WILPF) to coordinate the grass roots work there. In Canberra, the
March was launched at the International Women's Development Agency's
breakfast where Hellen Cooke spoke about the WMW campaign.

Our media team, (Michelle Beg, Helen Leonard of the Women's Electoral Lobby
and Dorothy Buckland Fuller) issued a press release on IWD and Cathy Picone
did some radio and print media interviews, including one with a Spanish
newsagency and another with "Green Left Weekly". I will attach a copy of
the press release. In addition, Dorothy has very good contacts with the SBS
radio network - she actually has a weekly talk back radio program in Greek
- and several journalists contacted us as a result of her work. There was
also a splendid centre spread in "The Guardian" and more is to come; Pam
Greer was later interviewed by Anna Pha for "The Guardian".

Dorothy was interviewed by SBS in English and in French and used her
Talkback Program on SBS Radio for the six weeks prior to the launches to
discuss the World March. Dorothy was also interviewed by "The Greek
Herald", the largest Greek Newspaper in Australia which has a national
circulation. They devoted half a page to the March.

In addition, the Anglophone youth-oriented magazine, "Metropolis"
interviewed Dorothy and they will print our card in their magazine. Dorothy
also wrote an article for the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of
Australia and arranged for the distribution of the card through their
national magazine.

As you know, Barbara Palmer (who represents Women's Rights Action Network
Australia on the c'tee) was in New York for CSW so we were pleased that she
was able to represent Australian women at your satellite launch there. That
was quite a feat - congratulations! - it was also inspiring to hear of Aung
San Sui Kyi's support for the World March!

Other important "behind the scenes" work has been done by Marie Coleman
(National Foundation for Australian Women), Sheila Byard and Diane Alley
(United Nations Association of Australia, Women's Committee) - taking the
minutes, and by Linda Shallcross and Pam Greer who have chaired our
meetings. Elaine West (formerly Elaine Chalcraft - who represents Coalition
of Activist Lesbians on the c'tee) has kept our database people informed.

And of course, as you can imagine, we owe a big thank you to the many, many
women around the country who have distributed the cards and supported other
women to do the work which we've managed to do together. We're a great team!


for the Australian coordinating committee
Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii"

For people interested in the World March of Women in the Year 2000
(WMW2000), here below is a copy of the update on the Australian launch
events for the March. This is a copy of the report which has been sent
to Nancy Burrows of the Federation des Femmes du Quebec in Canada.
Nancy is the liaison contact in Montreal for the Asia/ Oceania region.

For women wishing to become involved, or more invloved, in the WMW2000
campaign to end poverty and violence against women, a list of women to
contact in the various centres around Australia will be distributed via
Left Link tomorrow.

all the best,


for the Australian coordinating committee

World March of Women in the Year 2000



Dear Nancy,

Over the past weeks in the lead-up to the launches, the national
coordinating committee here in Australia worked extremely well together
as a team.

We were all very appreciative of the work of Michelle Beg (who
represents the YWCA on the committee) in getting 60,000 support cards
printed and Auriel Bloomfield (who represents Indigenous Australian
women on the committee) and her team of workers battled not a small
number of obstacles to get the cards batched, boxed and delivered
around the country in time for all the many launches. We've sent you
two sample cards through the post - I think you'll agree that they're

Dorothy Buckland Fuller (who represents NESB women on the committee)
and Pam Greer (who represents Indigenous Australian women on the c'tee)
worked many, many hours organising for numerous launches in and around
Sydney. Dorothy and her team of helpers handed out cards at the UNIFEM
breakfast on 8th March. The Older Women's Network were very helpful in
storing the cards. Dorothy spoke at the Premier's Reception at
Government House, thanking the NSW Minister for Women, Faye Lo Po for
her support of the World March and left cards at the cloakroom table as
it was raining. Dorothy was also the keynote speaker at the Greek
Community Club's celebrations for IWD where she did another launch.
Here organisations of women from various ethnic backgrounds had been
invited for the launch of the World March. On Saturday, at the IWD
rally in Sydney, Pam spoke about the WMW2000 and, on the day before,
Pam together with Lynne Smart arranged a major launch of the March for
the Indigenous Women's Program at the Women's Legal Resources Centre in
NSW. Pam and Lynne launched the March at the Indigenous Women's IWD Day
event at Alexandria Park. Lynne is also distributing information about
the March through her extensive networks. Pam then raced across town to
another launch on Friday for the Cultural Diversity Luncheon and, next
day, Pam and Dorothy together spoke at the International Women's
Development Agency's breakfast. Pam also launched the March at an
Indigenous Australian event north of Sydney, in Cessnock, NSW.

In Melbourne, Victoria, Sheila Byard (who represents the Union of
Australian Women on the c'tee) arranged launches there. UAW launched
the cards at a Coburg Council Women's Expo. Following the launch at
Coburg Town Hall, Sheila wrote:

"What a thrill to finally have those cards minutes before I went out
the door

to the launch we did this morning. Congrats to all concerned with
printing and distribution. Excellent work!

Quite a buzz at the Coburg Town Hall this morning where it was the last

of the City of Moreland Women's Expo. The local group of the Union of

Australian Women had a terrific position just inside the main door,
with a

good display of posters, cards and a posting box. They were thrilled

two other people from our national co-ordinating committee could be

apart from myself: Dianne Alley (Women's Rights Action Network
Australia and United Nations Association of Australia, Women's
Committee, National Convenor) who actually did the launch  and Jean
Wilkinson (Older Women's Network). Councillor Melanie Raymond spoke on
behalf of the municipal council and we got some excellent pics of
Dianne and Councillor Raymond etc putting the cards into the posting
box. There was a most encouraging response from everyone present,

many taking leaflets with a view to ordering cards for their

houses etc etc."

In Brisbane, Queensland, Linda Shallcross (Baha'i Women Network) and
Mary Ziesak (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom) did a
great deal of work  organising launches and distributing 8,500 cards
throughout Queensland:

"As part of IWD activities in King George Square (outside City Hall),
[we] launched the WMW2000. There was a day of activities and WMW2000
was officially listed on the program and had centre stage for about
fifteen minutes. We had a display table in the foyer also as over 800
guests arrived to the Town Hall for an IWD lunch. Our postcards arrived
in the nick of time and many were handed out and collected on the day.
It really was a fantastic day."

In Townsville in northern Queensland, Betty McLellan organised a launch
and rally on Saturday 4th March.

In Western Australia, Sarah Stephen (who has represented the IWD
Collectives on our c'tee) coordinated delivery of the cards for various
launch events in WA including an event organised by Women's Electoral
Lobby and National Council of Women. Sarah also organised a launch for
WMW2000 at the IWD rally which followed the WEL/NCW event. Jo Dillon
(Western Australian branch of WILPF) was the speaker.

In Hobart, Tasmania, Margot Roe (Tasmanian branch of WILPF) spoke about
the WMW2000 at the IWD rally and organised for the cards to be

In Darwin, Northern Territory, Treya Derrington arranged a launch for
WMW2000 at the IWD March there. Treya also had a little table with the
cards and copies of the leaflet for people to take.

In Adelaide, South Australia, Marilyn Rolls (who represents United
Nations Association of Australia, Women's Committee) and Cathy Picone
organised and spoke at launches and distributed cards at these and
other events. Between us, we covered the trade union women's IWD
breakfast, the IWD luncheon, the Greek Orthodox Community's event to
mark IWD and the IWD rally on the following Saturday. Marilyn also
distributed cards at the UNIFEM breakfast. Beryl Miller of the Union of
Australian Women (SA branch) was particularly supportive, making
multiple copies both of the poster and of the leaflet for distribution
and display.

In Canberra, ACT, Dianne Proctor (who represents Australian
Reproductive Health Alliance on the c'tee) has arranged for Ruth
Corrigan (of the ACT branch of WILPF) to coordinate the grass roots
work there. In Canberra, the March was launched at the International
Women's Development Agency's breakfast where Hellen Cooke spoke about
the WMW campaign.

Our media team, (Michelle Beg, Helen Leonard of the Women's Electoral
Lobby and Dorothy Buckland Fuller) issued a press release on IWD and
Cathy Picone did some radio and print media interviews, including one
with a Spanish newsagency and another with "Green Left Weekly". I will
attach a copy of the press release. In addition, Dorothy has very good
contacts with the SBS radio network - she actually has a weekly talk
back radio program in Greek - and several journalists contacted us as a
result of her work. There was also a splendid centre spread in "The
Guardian" and more is to come; Pam Greer was later interviewed by Anna
Pha for "The Guardian".

Dorothy was interviewed by SBS in English and in French and used her
Talkback Program on SBS Radio for the six weeks prior to the launches
to discuss the World March. Dorothy was also interviewed by "The Greek
Herald", the largest Greek Newspaper in Australia which has a national
circulation. They devoted half a page to the March.

In addition, the Anglophone youth-oriented magazine, "Metropolis"
interviewed Dorothy and they will print our card in their magazine.
Dorothy also wrote an article for the Federation of Ethnic Communities
Councils of Australia and arranged for the distribution of the card
through their national magazine.

As you know, Barbara Palmer (who represents Women's Rights Action
Network Australia on the c'tee) was in New York for CSW so we were
pleased that she was able to represent Australian women at your
satellite launch there. That was quite a feat - congratulations! - it
was also inspiring to hear of Aung San Sui Kyi's support for the World

Other important "behind the scenes" work has been done by Marie Coleman
(National Foundation for Australian Women), Sheila Byard and Diane
Alley (United Nations Association of Australia, Women's Committee) -
taking the minutes, and by Linda Shallcross and Pam Greer who have
chaired our meetings. Elaine West (formerly Elaine Chalcraft - who
represents Coalition of Activist Lesbians on the c'tee) has kept our
database people informed.

And of course, as you can imagine, we owe a big thank you to the many,
many women around the country who have distributed the cards and
supported other women to do the work which we've managed to do
together. We're a great team!



for the Australian coordinating committee



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