Dear Leftlinkers,

I thought you might be interested to read the following piece. As you know,
the World March of Women campaign is a campaign against poverty and
violence. If you could distribute this article among your own networks, it
would be helpful to building the campaign.

many thanks and all the best,

Cathy Picone
on behalf of the national coordinating committee for the World March of
Women in Australia


ACTU Women's Congress Supports World March of Women

At the weekend's Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) Inaugural 
Women's Congress, ACTU President Sharran Burrow formally presented World 
March Liaison representative, Cathy Picone with the ACTU's endorsement of 
the World March of Women campaign.

The worldwide campaign, initiated by women in Canada, now involves women in 
157 countries. Worldwide, 5,000 groups have endorsed its extensive list of 
demands aiming at the elimination of poverty - which is increasing 
everywhere in the wake of economic globalisation - and the elimination of 
violence against women.

A lunch time media event arranged for last Sunday attracted a good deal of 
publicity for the campaign.

160 delegates attended the ACTU Women's Congress over two days - they are 
active trade union women from all around Australia. In addition, women from 
other women's organisations also attended Sunday's lunch time rally/ media 

At the rally, women and members of the media - along with the trade union 
choir - filled the carpark at the front of the Australian Education Union 
building on Greenhill Road.

Bread and Roses - the Rising of the Women

Sharran Burrow (on behalf of the ACTU) and Cathy Picone (on behalf of the 
World March of Women campaign) addressed the rally. Together, Sharran and 
Cathy then released four white doves while the trade union choir sang 
"Bread and Roses":

"As we go marching marching, unnumbered women dead Go crying through our 
singing their ancient call for bread Small art and love and beauty their 
drudging spirits knew Yes it is bread we fight for but we fight for roses too

As we go marching marching, we bring the greater days The rising of the 
women means the rising of the race No more the drudge and idler, ten that 
toil where one reposes But a sharing of life's glories - bread & roses, 
bread & roses!"

(Inspired by a banner in the huge 1912 walkout of textile workers in 
Lawrence, Massachusetts.)

Sharran formally handed over to Cathy a package indicating the ACTU's 
support of the World March. The package featured a large colour photograph 
of bread and roses. In her speech, Sharran had talked about the Federation 
des Femmes du Quebec's "Bread and Roses" March back in 1995 - the starting 
point for the worldwide campaign. A Lively Media Event

The release of the white doves made a lively picture for the TV cameras. 
Many thanks to the ACTU women for organising an excellent media event.

The trade union choir sang a bracket of songs including "Bread and Roses". 
A vase of tall roses and several loaves of bread displayed on a table 
nearby made a colourful backdrop picking up the symbolism. Afterwards, the 
entire group had our photo taken by a photographer who'd climbed onto a 
high ladder while we all held our WMW2000 signature support cards aloft.

In the main hall where the Congress participants met each day and heard 
from a range of speakers including Sharran Burrow, Helen Creed, Barbara 
Pocock and Margaret Reynolds, the walls were decorated with brightly 
coloured union banners. Out the front behind the speakers on the dais, 
another large banner specially made for the Congress was prominently 
displayed. That banner centrally featured the World March of Women logo.

The TV coverage was very good on Channel 7 and even better (more extensive) 
on SBS and ABC TV.

Would You Like to be Involved?

If you would like to distribute cards for signature among your friends and 
networks, please contact the national organising committee at the address 
below. The cards can be signed by women and men. The committee is also 
seeking to involve women interested in initiating small scale grass roots 
meetings in your workplaces, schools and neighbourhood centres on October 
17th, UN International Day for the Eradication of Poverty when the 
seven-month WMW2000 campaign culminates with the presentation by an 
international political delegation of millions of cards to Kofi Annan at UN 
headquarters in NY. Any woman is welcome to initiate such a meeting. If you 
would like to do so, please get in touch with us.

For further information, please contact:
World March of Women in the Year 2000 - Australia
c/o Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
GPO Box 2094, Adelaide   SA   5001
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   fax: 08 8377 0706      phone: 08 8296 4357
web site for Australia:
web site for overseas:

The national coordinating committee for World March of Women 2000 in 
Australia acknowledges the support for its work given by Senator Kate 
Lundy, Jenny Macklin, Member of the House of Representatives for Jagajaga, 
Cheryl Kernot, Member for Dickson, Hon Dr Carmen Lawrence, Member for 
Fremantle, Faye Lo Po, NSW Minister for Women,  the YWCA and the Australian 
Virtual Centre for Women and the Law.


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