A classified Pentagon briefing paper recently leaked to the US media
calls for marked changes in US nuclear posture. Until now, US nuclear
policy (to use nuclear weapons as a last resort) has been based
around the use of nuclear weapons as deterrents.

A secret "Nuclear Posture Review" would expand the kinds of
situations in which the US would be prepared to countenance the use
of nuclear weapons by its military. The Review states that nuclear
weapons could be used by the US in three types of situations: against
targets able to withstand non-nuclear attack; in retaliation for
attack with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons; or "in the event
of surprising military developments."

The report also identifies seven countries against which the US would
be prepared to use its nuclear armoury.

Consistent with recent changes in foreign policy, this Nuclear
Posture Review,  if adopted, would see yet another sharp move towards
increased US unilateralism. Refusal to participate in the
Comprehensive Test Ban  Treaty; an announced intention to withdraw
from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty; and commitment to the
National Missile Defence system have all signalled a renewed
unilateralist inclination in the US.

"These suggested changes to US policy on the use of nuclear weapons
are provocative in the extreme and, if adopted, could only be
regarded as irresponsible," says Mary Ziesak of the Women's
International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF).

"If this review is adopted, the US would be giving itself carte
blanche to use nuclear weapons even against nation states which
possess only conventional weapons.

Despite US denials, this new policy review would amount to nuclear
weapons being regarded as conventional battlefield weapons.

"These are moves which would make the use of nuclear weapons more
likely and could only result in increased international tensions.

"We need to be reducing political and military tensions not
increasing them," says Ms Ziesak. "This new nuclear posture would
diminish the safety of all, including the safety of Australian
citizens. At Pine Gap, Australia hosts a base which plays its part in
the US nuclear war fighting strategy. There is ample room for a
middle ranking power on the international stage such as Australia to
stand up against these belligerent and provocative moves on the part
of the US. WILPF believes that the Australian Government now needs to
take a firm stand against the changes proposed in this policy review."

Contact: Cathy Picone 08 8296 4357




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