Web site address: http://www.vicnet.net.au/~fcrc/
1 JUNE 2000

The Financial and Consumer Rights Council has been swamped with calls 
from consumers who are angry or confused about the cost of banking, 
particularly in relation to electronic transactions.  In response to 
this problem the Council is running a survey, offering consumers an 
opportunity to air their views about electronic bank fees and charges.  

The FCRC survey will run throughout June.  Consumers can access the 
survey via FCRC's website at http://www.vicnet.net.au/~fcrc/ or by 
phoning the Council and requesting that a copy be faxed or posted out.  

FCRC's Policy Coordinator, Sharon Barker stated, "Despite the fact that 
almost every expert in the country has had their say about banking and 
bank fees, there has been no positive change for consumers. Its time 
that ordi nary consumers had an opportunity voice their views about 
bank fees and FCRC is facilitating this process".   

The results of the survey will be submitted to the Joint Committee on 
Corporations and Securities inquiry into electronic banking in July.   

The Council will also institute other methods to link with consumers 
during June.  Many of its members, who are financial counsellors and 
consumer support workers, will take to the streets throughout 
metropolitan Melbourn e and country Victoria to collect consumer's 
opinions about electronic banking.  

"The cost of banking in Australia is obviously hurting ordinary 
consumers and, therefore, we anticipate a high level of interest in the 
survey", stated Sharon Barker. For more information contact: Sharon 
Barker Policy Coordinator on 9614 5433 or mobile 0409 432 932 
Financial and Consumer Rights Council
An independent association funded by the Department of Human Services 
and the Office of Fair Trading & Business Affairs Association 
No: A0000536A  

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