
Friday 22 August 2003
**** Health Reform - Government snubs Health Summit

On Wednesday 20 August the Government put full page ads about its health
package in newspapers around the country. This was roundly criticised by
doctors and health proffessionals as well as by opposition parties.

Sarah Russell, a former critical-care nurse who has worked in public and
private hospitals, explained If you really need care, public is the way
to go in an opinion piece in the Age.

A health summit in Canberra was snubbed by the Minister for Health and
Health Department officials. 200 health proffessionals marched to
Parliament House in Canberra to deliver their demand for urgent changes
to the health system.

At the start of the week Victorian Premier, Steve Bracks joins calls for
health reform. Queensland Labor Premier accused the Federal Government
of Defence 'bleeding' healthcare.

There was also Call for bulk-billing clinics in hospitals to alleviate
the crisis in Public Hospital Emergency Departments with the reduction
in bulk billing.

**** Most Australians back Medicare hike: Survey

A survey released on Saturday 16 August showed that Most Australians
back Medicare hike, with Greg Combet of the ACTU explaining the
importance of the results on Lateline. At the same time the Prime
Minister, John Howard dismisses calls to increase health funding, while
it is reported that there are Doctors working 70hrs a week and the
Doctor crisis hits home in regional Victoria. Sharan Burrow, President
ACTU, argued that people want Services, not tax cuts.

**** Private Health cover is at a three-year low

It was revealed on the 15th August that Health cover is at a three-year
low. Young people are quitting private health cover in droves. Official
figures showed almost 60,000 people quit health funds in the June
quarter, leaving just 43.4 per cent of the population covered by private
hospital insurance, the lowest rate since June 2000. Labor Shadow
Minister, Julia Gillard, says the figures chart a continued decline but
says Labor will not yet say whether it will cut the 30 per cent health
insurance rebate.

**** Country and regional people suffer lack of bulk billing and doctor

In Victorian country regional areas it was reported that Families
battling to pay GPs' bills and Health system crisis predicted. The
crisis in health care extends to regional towns such as Bendigo in
Victoria, and Goulburn in NSW. Country areas in particular lack bulk
billing clinics, especially Northern Territory. Bulk-billing dropped to
its lowest rate in Tasmania.

In more lies the Prime Minister, John Howard said the Medicare changes
will boost rural services. See what John Howard has previously said on
medicare and bulk billing.

**** Bulk Billing Crisis

The Senate Committee on Medicare meeting in Hobart was told by a GP of
survival practice - six minute medicine. An Australian Council of Social
Service (ACOSS) report showed that Bulk-billing overloads GPs. In
Goulburn people who can't afford dentist fees face a long wait for
public dental services. A reason why bulk billing needs to be extended
to cover dentistry.

A Senate inquiry into poverty was told the growing gap between the rich
and poor in Australia must be tackled as a matter of urgency. Uniting
Care Centre for Social Justice director Dr Noel Preston said "The social
wage is something I think that's slipping off the agenda, and by that I
mean protecting public health systems such as Medicare, more resources
to public education and more affordable housing - that sort of thing."

Dr Joe Toscano of The Defend and Extend Medicare group says it will hold
one mass rally in every state, every month, until the next federal
election, to pressure the Federal Government into abandoning proposed
changes to Medicare. The Doctors Reform Society says the Federal
Government's current Medicare policies are impacting dramatically on
society's poor.
Full references for all the above are available on the website.

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