Dear Left Link,

Here's the latest version of the Marxism 2000 provisional agenda,
including the list of international guest speakers, (now standing at
about 50) and the day by day agenda.

For more information and registration contact: (61-2) 9690 1230

For a full list of talks, visit our web page:
Asia Pacific Solidarity and Education Conference

Sydney, January 5-9, 2000
University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury

Initiated by the Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance
MARXISM 2000: a gathering of left parties and socialist activists from
Australia, Asia and the Pacific, and around the world, to discuss the
prospects for socialism in the 21st century.

Five days of feature presentations, talks, workshops, classes, cultural
events and discussion.

International guest speakers:

John Pilger
      Internationally acclaimed left journalist and film-maker
James Petras
      Latin American specialist, Professor of Sociology, New York
Francisco Nemenzo
      Professor of Political Science, President of the University of the

Leaders of left parties and socialist activists from:

      B.Sivaraman, Communist Party of India Marxist Leninist Central
Committee, editor of Liberation.
      V. Krishna Ananth, left journalist.
      Sonny Melencio, Socialist Party of Labour, chairperson; Rasti
Delizo, Reihana Mohideen, executive council.
      Cris Gaerlan, Alab-Katipunan, secretary-general.
      Five leaders of the Indonesian Committee for Socialism and the
revolutionary democratic movement
      Farooq Tariq, Labour Party Pakistan, general secretary; Amjad Ayub,
national committee
East Timor
      Avelino da Silva, Socialist Party of Timor secretary general;
      A central leader of Fretilin, and other Fretilin activists
      Pradip Nepal, Polit Bureau, Rajan Bhattarai, secretary
International Department, Arjan Karki, Communist Party Nepal, (UML)
Sri Lanka
      Priyantha Pushpakumara Wickramasingh, Polit Bureau, Nava Sama
Samaja Party
      A K M Fazlul Hoque, executive committee Democratic Workers Party.
      A delegation from the Bangladesh Agricultural Farm Labour
South Korea
      Won Young-Su, Korean Institute for Labor Studies and Policies
New Zealand
      Adam Novack, editor, International Viewpoint (Fourth International)

      Matt McCarten, NZ Alliance director
      Maung Maung Than, All Burma Students' Democratic Organisation
United States
      Caroline Lund, Malik Miah, Barry Sheppard, Claudette Begin, Alex
Chis, Solidarity
      Pierre Beaudet, secretary, Daya Varma, president, Alternatives
      Pam Currie, Scottish Socialist Party
      Stan Demidjuk, Ligue Communiste Revolutionnaire
      Manuel Luis, MIR
      Faris Mahmood, politburo, Workers Communist Party of Iraq

As well as activists from: South Africa, Aceh, PNG, Bougainville, West
Papua, Malaysia, Turkey, Palestine, Taiwan, Hong Kong. Plus speakers
from the Democratic Socialist Party, Resistance, Green Left Weekly,
Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor, Committees in
Solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean, and activists from
political campaigns and union struggles around Australia.

Marxism 2000

The Marxism 2000 Asia Pacific Solidarity and Education Conference
consists of 15 plenary talks and panels, 4 major sessions, and 92
multiple choice talks, classes or workshops. Unfortunately, with so many
choices, it won't be possible for you to attend all those you'll want

The multiple choice talks are arranged in 24 streams which group related
talks, workshops and classes. These streams don't clash, allowing
conference participants to attend all the sessions in a particular

Seminar Streams
Talks, classes, workshops, debates, panels

A. Internationals and Internationalism
B. The Indonesian revolution
C. East Timor's struggle for freedom
D. The history and perspectives of the Philippines left
E. New developments in the Latin American left
F. Issues facing the left in Asia, Africa and the Arab East
G. Struggles for democracy and independence in Asia
H. Classics of Marxism-Leninism
I. Creating capitalism — understanding bourgeois revolutions
J. Marxist philosophy
K. Marxist economics
L. Marxism and the national question
M. Crucial issues for Marxists
N. Introduction to the DSP & Resistance
O. Australian workers' history and struggle
P. Propaganda tools for revolutionaries
Q. The political legacy of the Bolsheviks
R. The historical contribution of Trotskyism
S. Towards a history of the US Socialist Workers Party
T. Building parties and movements in advanced capitalist countries
U. How Marxism analyses women's oppression
V. Can humanity survive the 21st century?
W. Debates in the student movement
X. Panels

We will record and publish many of the talks, so if you miss out on some
talks you wanted to get to, you will be able to read the presentation in
Green Left Weekly or Links magazine, or on our web pages: Democratic
Socialist Party:

Organising meetings for DSP and Resistance members active in particular
unions and areas of political work will be held on Friday afternoon.
Some classes and workshops are scheduled at the same time.

Further talks and workshops will be added to the agenda, but we will try
to ensure the talks listed in this agenda are presented on the days
(* Indicates the session will be a book launch)

The conference will be held at the Hawkesbury campus of the University
of Western Sydney, in a semi-rural setting an hour's drive from Sydney.
There is a range of accommodation, in single, double or dormitory rooms.
The conference is fully catered. Facilities include an Olympic size
swimming pool, tennis courts, professional child-care, a bar and coffee
shop, and a well stocked conference bookshop.

Wednesday January 5

8.00-10.00 Registration

10.00-10.30 Welcome to international guests and organisation of
Susan Price
Official opening by Maria Luisa Fernandez, Cuban Consul General

10.30-12.00 Plenary talk and discussion
The Relevance of Marxism in the 21st Century.
Peter Boyle (DSP National Executive)

12.00-12.30 Lunch

1.00-2.30 Plenary talk and discussion
Strategies for Marxist Trade Unionists
Caroline Lund, (Solidarity, USA); Ari, (Indonesian trade union leader);
Chris Spindler, (DSP national committee)

2.30-4.15 Talks, classes, workshops
Building unions in Indonesia in the post Suharto period (B1) Ari and
Jazz (from the Indonesian Committee for Socialism)
Lessons from the history of the Philippine communist movement 1930-1999
(D1) Francisco Nemenzo
The English Civil War: capitalist revolution before capitalism? (I1)
Alison Dellit
An introduction to Marxist economics (K1) Rebecca Meckelburg
Introduction to the DSP & Resistance What we stand for, what we do (N1)
Tom Flanagan; Kylie Moon
The history of the Maritime Union of Australia (O1) Steve Best
US SWP History: The renewal after the 1950s (S1) Barry Sheppard
Biology as ideology and women's oppression (U1) Marina Carman

4.15-6.00 Talks, classes, workshops
Cuba, a continuing beacon for Latin America (E1) Roberto Jorquera
Marxist Classics: The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels * (H1)
Margaret Allan
Fundamentals of Historical Materialism * (J1) Philippa Stanford
Imperialism and the national question — Kosova, Kashmir and East Timor
(L1) Malik Miah
Agitprop workshop (P1) Dave Riley
Trotsky's analysis of Stalinism (R1) Stan Thompson
Canada: Social movements and north-south solidarity (T1) Pierre Beaudet,
Daya Varma
Rebuilding the left student movement (W1) Debate

6.00-6.45 Dinner

7.00-8.30 Plenary talk and discussion
India: The revolutionary perspective to counter capitalist reaction
B. Sivaraman (Communist Party of India - Marxist Leninist, Central

Films and videos
Lenin Films Historical footage from the Soviet Union (preceded by a
reading of Mayakovsky's poem "Lenin")
Indonesian and East Timor videos by John Pilger and Jill Hickson
History of Resistance video
Resistance high-school anti-racism walkouts videos
Videos of September 11 Sydney East Timor Solidarity demonstration

Thursday January 6

8.30-10.00 Plenary talk and discussion
Imperialism's global offensive, and prospects for resistance
Doug Lorimer (DSP National Executive)

10.00-12.00 Talks, classes, workshops
Major session: Revolutionary trade union collaboration in Asia
Activists from the Philippines, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri
Lanka and Indonesia
Palestine: Will the Oslo accords lead to liberation? (F1) Adam Hanieh
Burma; The struggle for democracy (G1) Maung Maung Than
Socialism, Utopian and Scientific; Engels * (H2) Trish Corcoran
Globalisation and the internationalisation of finance capital (K2)
Chow-Wei Cheng
US SWP History: The successes in the 1960s and '70s (S2) Barry Sheppard
Was Engels right on the family? The new evidence (U2) Pat Brewer

12.00-12.30 Lunch

1.00-2.30 Plenary talk and discussion
What basis for international left collaboration and socialist renewal?
John Percy (DSP National Secretary)

2.30-4.15 Talks, classes, workshops
Colombia: The FARC's struggle against oligarchy and imperialism (E2)
Jorge Jorquera
Marxist Classics: Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism, Lenin *
(H3) Sarah Peart
France 1789: the classic bourgeois revolution? (I2) Sam Wainwright
An introduction to Marxist Philosophy (J2) Sarah Stephen
Immigration and refugees in late monopoly capitalism (M1) Iggy Kim
James P Cannon; Socialism on Trial * (R2) Dave Holmes
New Zealand: The recent experience and perspectives of the Alliance (T2)
Matt McCarten
Environment, Capitalism and Socialism * (V1) Marcel Cameron

4.15-6.00 Talks, classes, workshops
East Timor society and politics (C1) Jon Lamb
Political economy of communalism in India (F2) Krishna Ananth
Marxist Classics: State and Revolution, Lenin * (H4) Tony Iltis
World capitalism: ready for another long boom? (K3) Allen Myers
The national question and Yugoslavia * (L2) Mike Karadjis
Integration of the unions into the capitalist state (M2) Malik Miah
Rebuilding unions from the ground up — recent experiences (O2) Chris
Spindler, Tim Gooden
Political implications of the Internet (P2) Greg Adamson
What strategies for the women's movement (W2) Debate

6.00-6.45 Dinner

7.00-8.30 Plenary talk and discussion
Pakistan: Workers against the generals, mullahs and capitalist elite.
Farooq Tariq (Labour Party Pakistan General Secretary)

9.00-11.00  Songs of Struggle
International song night
Friday January 7

8.30-10.00 Plenary talk and discussion
Indonesia's democratic revolution
Machmud, Armi and Gatot (from the Indonesian Committee for Socialism)

10.00-12.00 Talks, classes, workshops
Major session: Nepal: Communists leading mass struggles  Pradip Nepal,
Rajan Bhattarai, Arjan Karki, CPN (UML)
Internationals & Internationalism: The experience of the Comintern (A1)
B. Sivaraman, Francisco Nemenzo
Indonesian perspectives — Questions and answers after the plenary (B2)
Machmud, Armi and Gatot
Brazil: Rio Grande's Marxist government  (E3) Adam Novack
What is Dialectics? (J3) Neville Spencer
The national question in the Philippines (L3) Rasti Delizo
France: Experiences and lessons of the LCR-LO election success (T3) Stan

12.00-12.30 Lunch

1.00-2.30 Plenary talk and discussion
Australian Politics — How we can fight back
Sue Bolton (DSP National Executive)

Talks, classes, workshops
Chile: The perspectives of the MIR (E4) Manuel Luis
Bougainville; (G2)
Marxism and War (M3) Graham Matthews
What's wrong with "permanent revolution" (R3) James Vassilopoulos
Autonomous Marxism - Debate:  (W3) Zanny Begg; Love and Rage
Women's reproductive rights struggles around the world (X1) Kamala
Emmanuel, Claudette Begin, Pam Currie
(Fractions for DSP and Resistance members)

4.15-6.00 Talks, classes, workshops
Building solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor; Developing the work
of Asiet. (B3) Max Lane, Pip Hinman, Janet Parker
Cambodian society today (F2) Helen Jarvis
South Korean workers in struggle (G3) Wong Young Su
Defending the Russian Revolution (Q1) Angela Luvera
The nuclear cycle doomsday machine (V2) Jim Green
Where is China going? (X2) Panel of activists from Hong Kong, Taiwan,
(Fractions for DSP and Resistance members)

6.00-6.45 Dinner

7.00-8.30 Plenary talk and discussion
The Left in Latin America
James Petras

Solidarity Rally for the Asia Pacific
Solidarity and internationalism: building Marxist parties in Asia and
the Pacific, and launching some concrete collaborations — joint tours
for trade union activists; joint tours of women activists; statement on
unity and collaboration; future joint educational efforts; publication
projects; Links magazine.

Saturday January 8

8.30-10.00 Plenary talk and discussion
Womens liberation and the fight for socialism
Lisa Macdonald (Editor Green Left Weekly)

10.00-12.00 Talks, classes, workshops
Major session: Left perspectives in Bangladesh: A K M Fazlul Hoque, DWP.
Representative of the BAFLF
Internationals & Internationalism: The Fourth International (A2) Barry
Sheppard, Adam Novack
West Papua: Report from the independence struggle (G4) John Ondawame?
Marxist Classics: "Left-wing" Communism — an Infantile Disorder, Lenin *
(H5) Sue Bull
Imperialism's impact on the Asian economies (K4) Reihana Mohideen
The rise of fascism in Europe and the tasks for Marxists (M4) Amjad Ayub

The Red North: Queensland's history of struggle (O3) Jim McIlroy

12.00-12.30 Lunch

1.00-2.30 Plenary panel and discussion
Imperialism in the 21st Century
James Petras, John Pilger, Francisco Nemenzo

Talks, classes, workshops
Human rights violations in Aceh (B3) M. Dahlan (Australia-Aceh
Alab-Katipunan: Perspectives for the Philippines Left (D2) Cris Gaerlan
Marxism vs postmodernism (J4) Jeremy Smith
The national question in Kashmir (L4) Farooq Tariq, B. Sivaraman
Anarchism: A raincoat full of holes (M5) Nick Soudakof
Maximising our use of radio, TV, and video (P3) Jill Hickson, Arun
US SWP History: Degeneration into a sect (S3) Barry Sheppard
Issues in Women's liberation Today (X3) Jenny Long, Bronwyn Jennings

4.15-6.00 Talks, classes, workshops
Left debates over UN intervention in East Timor (C2) Norm Dixon
Malaysia (G5)
The transition to capitalism. Is semi-feudalism possible? (I3) Jonathan
Writing for Green Left Weekly (P4) Natalie Zirngast,
Scotland: The rise of the Scottish Socialist Party (T4) Pam Currie
Tactics & strategies for rebuilding an environmental movement (V3) Cam
Is Lenin still right on the party question? (W4) Debate: Sean Healy,
Love and Rage

6.00-6.45 Dinner

7.00-8.30 Plenary talk and discussion
East Timor's fight for self-determination
Avelino da Silva (Socialist Party of Timor secretary general)

9.00-11.00 Cabaret
Political skits and music
Sunday January 9

8.30-10.00 Plenary talk and discussion
The role of youth in the struggle for socialism
Wendy Robertson (Resistance National Coordinator)

10.00-12.00 Talks, classes, workshops
Major session: Sri Lankan Left unites for election  Priyantha
Pushpakumara Wickramasingh, NSSP
Internationals & Internationalism: The Committee for a Workers
International (A3) Farooq Tariq, Lisa Young
The need for left unity in the Philippines. The view of the SPP (D3)
Sonny Melencio
Iraq: A worker communist perspective (F4) Faris Mahmood
Introduction to the DSP & Resistance. How we organise, how to join (N2)
Paul Benedek ; Bea Brear
Hansonism and the roots of racism in Australia (O4) Kim Bullimore
Does women's liberation require a revolution? (U3) Karen Fletcher

12.00-12.30 Lunch

1.00-2.30 Plenary panel and discussion
Philippines Society and Revolution
Rasti Delizo, Francisco Nemenzo, Cris Gaerlan

2.30-4.15 Talks, classes, workshops
East Timor, What Next? PST and Fretilin discuss the way forward (C3)
Left perspectives for South Africa (F5)
Marxist Classics: The Transitional Program, Trotsky * (H6) Nikki
The Tamil struggle in Sri Lanka (L5)
The Russian experience and the socialism of the 21st century (Q3)
Renfrey Clarke
USA: What sort of party? Debates in the US left (T5) Caroline Lund,
Barry Sheppard, Malik Miah
The fraud of environment taxes * (V4) Dick Nichols
Revolutionary youth collaboration in Asia (X4) Socialist youth activists
from Resistance, the Philippines, and Indonesia

4.15-6.00 Concluding plenary talk and discussion
Socialism in the 21st Century
Max Lane, (DSP National Executive) plus a panel of Asian Marxist leaders


Whole conference: $50 waged, $30 unwaged
Daily registration: $15 waged, $10 unwaged
For cost of meals and accommodation, visit our web page.

For more information contact: (61-2) 9690 1230



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