LL:DDN: Socialism from below

2002-10-28 Thread leon parissi
Socialism From Below
A discussion series sponsored by Workers’ Liberty, Sydney.
We will be examining the Hal Draper’s  pamphlet “The Two Souls of 
Socialism” and extracts from his 4 Volume work “Karl Marx’s Theory of 

What the Marxists Internet Archive has to say about Hal Draper:
“From 1932 until his death in 1990, Hal Draper was a prolific Marxist 
writer and a socialist activist. In the 50s, a time of general collapse 
and demoralization in the American left, Draper edited the weekly Labor 
Action, a political journal widely read in Europe as well as the United 
States because of its uncompromising rejection of the American consensus 
which did not depend on accepting that other form of despair – the 
slavish defense of “real existing socialism” as the only alternative. It 
was not possible, of course, to remain in opposition to the “real 
existing crap” of both sides of the Cold War without rethinking the 
history of the movement. Draper’s 4-volume Karl Marx’s Theory of 
Revolution is his principal achievement in this regard.” 

First two meetings in the new series of discussions:
4 November . “The Two Souls of Socialism”
9 December: “Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution” Pt 1
6:00 pm
The Café Blue 313 King Street Newtown (2 mins, opp Newtown Station towards
City) Upstairs
Contact WL for copies of readings if required: 0419 493421
Web: http://australia.workersliberty.org/


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Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDV: "Asylum Seekers and Australian Activism" Conference

2002-10-28 Thread Gillian Davy
Saturday 30 November - Trades Hall, Melbourne

This unique conference will explore the growth and development of the 
refugee rights movement from a social action perspective.  Through 
presentations from a range of activist organisations involved in the 
movement, it aims to draw out lessons about what kinds of social action
strategies and tactics work, and why.

Speakers will be drawn exclusively from activist organisations.  Through 
a range of panel discussions and workshops, "Asylum Seekers and 
Australian Activism" aims to facilitate open debate around which way 
forward for the movement.  The conference agenda has also been designed 
to allow for maximum input and discussion from all conference participants.

Unfortunately, time constraints mean that not all organisations involved
in the movement can be represented on the official conference agenda.
However, all activist organisations and asylum seeker service providers
are invited to hold information stalls at the conference and to get
involved in a day of lively debate.

Registration Fee: $20 fully waged / $10 students, concession card 
holders, unemployed, activists, members of community organisations.

For further information or to register, check out 
http://advocacy.tce.rmit.edu.au or contact Gillian on 03 9925 2910 or at 

Sponsored by the RMIT Community Advocacy Unit and the Melbourne 
Community Foundation.

Gillian Davy
Co-ordinator, Community Advocacy Unit
School of Social Science and Planning
RMIT University
GPO Box 2476V
Melbourne  VIC  3001


Tel: +61 3 9925 2910
Fax: +61 3 9925 1855


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Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:INDEX: Workers' Liberty No 27 Nov. 2002

2002-10-28 Thread leon parissi
Bali bombing: reports and analysis:
·   Repression unleashed?
·   Action in Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific
·   FNPBI Indonesian unionists call for action on Bali bombing

Socialist Alliance: reports and analysis:
·   Left unity means uniting with the working class
·   Cunningham By-election
·   Left Unity meeting

Blackshirts and community resistance
Refugees – Tampa, SIEV X Anniversary of shame
NZ – left regroupment
Mobilise to stop the war drive – discussion
British Socialist Alliance backs Fire Fighters strike action
Book review: China and the global economy
FFilm review: Wedding in Ramallah
Afghanistan’s peace that isn’t

Plese note the new URL for our website:


Bali bombing –
Unleashing more repression?

We condemn the bombing in Bali, and offer our deepest sympathies to the
victims from all countries.

Discovering the truth

We have no trust in the Indonesian police and military (the butchers of 
East Timor, Aceh, West Papua) to conduct an inquiry that will discover 
the truth. We have no trust in The USA (most recently the butchers of 
Afghanistan and Iraq), or the Howard government (the USA's unconditional 
ally) to uncover the truth.

The results of investigations so far as reported in the media are
contradictory. Cases are being made that the perpetrators are Islamic
fundamentalists, possibly associated with Al Quaeda or with Jemmah Islamiah.

But there is a long history in Indonesia of collaboration with such
reactionary Islamists by sections of the ruling elite and the army in
pursuit of their interests. The bombs could be aimed at weakening the
Megawati government. There is speculation that elements of the TNI (the
Indonesian military) could have played a role in the bombing. Others 
allege that it could be a US plot to keep the threat of "terrorism" alive.

None of these explanations is beyond belief, which means that any of the
police and military forces which are being authorised to investigate the
bombing, conceivably could have reasons for covering up.

The Indonesian authorities may well frame a guilty party in order to 
appear to be addressing the problem.

With guardians like these

We have no confidence in the US led "war on terror" to keep us safe from
such attacks. In 13 months since September 11 they have failed to 
capture Osama bin Laden. They have murdered Afghan civilians by the 
thousands, and they have spent the last several months preparing war on 
Iraq and Saddam Hussein who has not been connected with either attack. 
Meanwhile the governments of several countries where evidence has 
strongly suggested that Islamist terrorists operate (Saudi Arabia, 
Pakistan, Indonesia) have not taken any action, but the USA approves of 
these governments and has done nothing.

The Howard Governments' priorities were revealed with its failure to 
publish a warning from the US State Department that tourist destinations 
in Indonesia were serious targets. A serious warning from US 
intelligence that energy supply infrastructure in Indonesia was a likely 
target was published and acted upon. Australian capital invested in 
Indonesia had to be protected. But diplomatic relations with Indonesia 
seem to have been considered more important than issuing a warning that 
might have led some Australian tourists to stay away from Bali.


The reaction to this bombing by the governments in Indonesia, Australia 
and other countries is likely to be to increase police and army powers 
and to further curtail civil liberties and freedoms. We know that Bush, 
Howard and their cronies will try to use this horror for their political 

First up in Australia will be a renewed push to pass the laws to extend
ASIO's powers to clamp down on civil liberties. The ALP and other 
parties have opposed the ASIO laws so far - we call on them to refuse to 
buckle under to Howard on the back of these events. Bush and Howard will 
try to use this tragedy to argue for a renewed clamp on civil liberties 
and for "strong states" throughout Asia - for Malaysia's Internal 
Security Act, for Indonesia to crack down on dissent of all types. 
Within 10 days of the Bali bombing Megawati had introduced decrees that 
increased police powers to arrest and detain without trial. In Indonesia 
this is particularly dangerous for the fledgling trade union and 
democratic movements, against whom the state will not hesitate to use 
the laws when they judge the time is right.

The political dangers in Indonesia are grave - there could be a return 
to naked military dictatorship, unelected presidency, intensified 
repression of national independence struggles, an Islamist resurgence 
and the repression of women which it typically carries out, a split in 
the military along sectarian lines.

Our response to this bombing is:

For Australian unions to express their solidarity with Indonesian unions 
and workers for:
· a joint Indonesian – Australi

LL:DDV: Coming soon at Trades Hall

2002-10-28 Thread Trades Hall Arts

GET IT LIVE - GET IT AT TRADES HALL ARTS, bringing class back into the
class struggle . . .

COMPLICITY presented by Keep Left Theatre
Complicity . . .  A workplace death . . .  A fight for justice . . .

Is the right to die the only right granted freely to workers ? Why does
our society deem industrial accidents to be an unpleasant trifle and why
is industrial manslaughter condoned in the pursuit of profits?

Keep Left Theatre explores the after-shocks of a death in a small
industrial plant. A process line churns out a very necessary commodity -
cigarette lighters for cars. Cost cutting, forced overtime, non-union
labour, and the modern slavish pursuit of economic rationalism combine
with old-fashioned greed to produce the inevitable tragic result.

This production examines the effects on the surviving workers and their
fight for safe working conditions. Complicity is performed in the
recognisable style of Keep Left Theatre where fast moving scenes,
dramatic dialogue intersperse with comedy relief. Once again writer
Frank Otis and director Chris Gaffney take a controversial issue and
give us a topical, witty and deeply moving production

The Old Council Chambers
8pm, Wednesday - Saturday until November 2nd
Tickets Full $15/ $9 Conc - Bookings Ph: 9318 5271

The WOODY GUTHRIE Story in Song
He inspired the likes of Bob Dylan, Bruce Springstein and Billy Bragg.
Woodrow Wilson Guthrie is often considered as the original folk song
hero - as early as the 1930's he was the first to use the folk ballad as
a means of social protest.

This informative and entertaining night will rediscover the songs and
stories of Woody Guthrie - from the Dust Bowl Ballads to his Union and
anti-fascist songs. Features PETER HICKS (Tasmanian Folk Hero), MELANIE

Trades Hall Bar
7:30pm Thursday, October 31st
Tickets $8 Full/ $5 Conc Bookings Ph: 9639 8622

Comedy Debate Fundraiser

Rod Quantock, Lynda Gibson, Janet McLeod, Damian Callinan, Mel Sargeant
& Nic Economou debate this vital question! Definitely not to be missed!

"Don't make me laugh" - John Howard (Fitzroy North)

Brought to you by Gavin Jennings MLC & The Melbourne Province Secc.
No election announcements or correspondence will be entered into on the

The New Ballroom
7:30 Friday, November 1st
Tickets $35 Full/ $30 Conc - Bookings ESSENTIAL Ph: 9419 7740

Final 2002 Screening
Featuring:- WTO Special, Labour Lockup, Pine Gap, MX Subversion, Honk 4
Old Growth, Political Graffiti, Corpwatch and much more . . .

Access News is produced by volunteers - video activists, culture
saboteurs, mischief makers and others who want to see some 'real' news
on television.

Trades Hall Bar
8pm Monday, November 4th (Cup Eve)
FREE EVENT - Donations welcome

54 Victoria St (Cnr Lygon St) Carlton  Ph: 9662 3555
Trades Hall Bar - open nightly from 5pm 'til late
Friday Happy Hours 4-7pm
(it's new, its green and it's YUMMY!) ONLY $5
more info visit www.tradeshallarts.com.au

"This machine destroys fascists" - etched into Woody Guthrie's guitar

-> Pass it on


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LL:ART: Editorial: "War on Terrorism"

2002-10-28 Thread CPA
The following Editorial was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of 
the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, October 
30th, 2002.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795. CPA Central Committee:
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au>
Subscription rates on request.


Editorial: "War on terrorism"

Faced with growing scepticism and massive opposition to any war against
Iraq, those who are now almost hysterical in their promotion of the "war 
on terrorism" (and John Howard is in the forefront), require a 
continuous stream of terrorist act to keep up the momentum.

An objective look at the major terrorist acts of the last few months 
raises some interesting questions.

First of all, it is worth recalling that the Taliban and al Qaida were
financed, armed and trained by the US to fight against the Soviet Union.
They were then referred to as "freedom fighters". In the course of this
campaign the bin Laden family which is centred in Saudi Arabia and not
Afghanistan, became close business partners of the Bush family. There is 
no indication that these links have been severed.

Did this organisation actually turn on the United States or are some of 
its leaders still in the pay of the US and, like contract killers, are 
prepared to do any required job for their paymaster? And who benefitted 
by their actions?

The Bush administration used the destruction of the World Trade Centre 
to launch its worldwide "war on terrorism", to line up many other 
governments to join in this "war" and to mark down for occupation or 
destruction any government that did not fall into line.

Each "terrorist act" has its perpetrators and its political objectives. 
Any study of a major terrorist act involves consideration of its 
political context and the asking of the question: whose interests are 
being served?

There are three recent major terrorist acts and a number of smaller ones.

Firstly, the bombing of the French tanker off the shores of Yemen. Why
should al Qaida, if it is genuinely anti-US, want to bomb a French ship 
when the French Government was taking a leading role in opposition to 
the US war against Iraq in the UN Security Council?

The purpose of the attack on the tanker may well have been to put 
pressure on France to abandon this position and to warn France that it 
was not immune from terrorist acts in the future.

Then comes Bali. No organisation has claimed responsibility for this
terrorist act (or for the attack on the French tanker) and the continual
assertions coming from the Australian Government that it was the work of
Jemaah Islamia have so far not been supported by any facts and have been
specifically rejected by Indonesian authorities.

In practical terms it has allowed the US, Britain and Australia to put
considerable pressure on Indonesia to join the "war against terrorism", 
to arrest the leader of Jemaah Islamiah and to raise the question of 
stationing Australian, US and British police and other forces in Indonesia.

Furthermore, it has been used both in Indonesia and Australia to justify
sweeping legislation that severely restricts democratic rights in both
countries. It has also been used in an attempt to frighten Australians 
and to justify the use of Australian forces in this so-called "war" at a 
time when a majority of Australians are strongly opposed to 
participation in a war against Iraq.

This is how the Bali incident has been used irrespective of who may have
undertaken the atrocity.

And now comes the occupation of the Moscow theatre by Chechen 
separatists. Those involved in this terrorist act have been clearly 
identified. But what is not so well known is that the Chechens have been 
and are being supported by forces within the European Union and by the 
US, even though they have made platitudinous statements about Chechen 
"terrorists". The mass media has scarcely been able to hide their 
sympathy for the Chechens.

The Russian Government is also among those strongly opposing any US war
against Iraq. Is the Chechen action being used in the same way as the
bombing of the French oil tanker and the Bali incident?

The "war on terrorism" is a campaign launched by imperialism to justify 
war against any number of countries, to justify their occupation and the 
taking over of their economy by the transnational corporations. It is by 
these means they are attempting to re-impose worldwide colonialism



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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Resist police state ASIO laws

2002-10-28 Thread CPA
The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of the
Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, October 30th, 2002.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795. CPA Central Committee:
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au>
Subscription rates on request.


Resist anti-democratic ASIO laws

The Howard Government has used the Bali bombings as an excuse to
re-introduce legislation to increase the powers of the Australian 
Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), and last week attempted 
unsuccessfully to use a "guillotine" motion to bulldoze the legislation 
through the Senate.

Claiming that ASIO needs to have the ability to obtain a warrant or to
interrogate suspects - powers ASIO currently does not have - in "the 
fight against terrorism", the proposed legislation would give ASIO 
powers to forcibly detain not only anyone suspected of terrorist 
activities, but also anyone who ASIO believes could supply them with 

However, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) already have that ability, 
and the government's primary reason for transferring that role to ASIO - 
turning ASIO into a secret police force - is to undermine civil rights.

Detainees could be held for up to 48 hours without access to legal 
advice, and that detention order could be renewed. Anyone refusing to 
answer the questions put by ASIO could be punished by up to five years' 

The legislation would eliminate the presumption of innocence, the right 
to silence, the right not to incriminate oneself, the right to seek bail.

Greens leader in the Senate, Bob Brown, described the legislation as
outrageous, and said that it made fundamental changes to Australians' 
civil liberties and democratic rights, and warranted a full debate by 
the parliament.

The Bill has now been referred to the Senate Legal and Constitutional
References Committee, for an inquiry whose terms of reference include:

* the development of an alternative regime in which questioning to 
obtain intelligence relating to terrorism is conducted not by ASIO but 
by the AFP, including appropriate arrangements for detention of 
terrorist suspects, and questioning of persons not suspected of any offence;

* the relationship between ASIO and the AFP in the investigation of
terrorist activities or offences;

* the adequacy of Australia's current information intelligence gathering
methods to investigate potential terrorist activities or offences, 
recent overseas legislation dealing with the investigation of terrorist 
activities or offences;

* whether the Bill in its current or amended form is constitutionally sound;

* the implications for civil and political rights of the Bill and any
proposed alternatives.

The Committee has until December 3 to report on the results of its inquiry.

The Government previously attempted to pass legislation which would have
given it the power to proscribe organisations which it simply declared 
to be terrorist. The Senate rejected this wide-ranging legislation. The 
Government was finally forced to accept legislation based on 
proscriptions adopted by the United Nations.

In the aftermath of the Bali bombings, the government moved to proscribe 
the organisations al Qaida and Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), which Australian 
agencies and other Western security agencies claim were linked to the 
terrorist attacks on New York and Bali.

The government was horrified when it learnt that a legal technicality in
drafting the legislation meant that al Qaida could not be proscribed 
until December, nor could JI be outlawed until early next year.

The government rushed through special legislation to allow it to deal 
with these organisations immediately.

The Howard Government is still intent on using the terrorist threat to 
gain draconian anti-democratic powers and to involve Australia in a 
US-led war for oil against Iraq.

Commenting to The Guardian on the Government's legislation, Peter Symon, 
CPA General Secretary, said that "the so-called 'war on terrorism' is 
being used as the excuse to destroy long-standing democratic rights that 
have been fought for and won by the people over many decades.

"It is part of the offensive being undertaken by conservative 
governments in a number of countries which, overtime, will be used to 
silence opposition to their war policies.

"The capitalist system is now in very serious economic and political 
crisis and wants to silence all criticism of its policies.

"Those organisations that are resisting this attack on democratic rights
should be supported. A common front of all progressive organisations can 
put a stop to both the war plans and maintain our democratic rights", 
said Peter Symon.


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