LL:AA: Aboriginal Education is under attack

2001-08-13 Thread Ben Donnelly

Please send this email to as many people as you can: -


The admin at UWS in its wisdom decided that it would close down the 
Aboriginal Education centre at Bankstown known as Goolangullia. Their plan 
is to move all aboriginal education centres to UWS Blacktown, for the 
reason that that is where demographically where more Indigenous people live 
in the Western Sydney area. Despite the fact that most of the Indigenous 
students studying at Bankstown have roots here, the admin at UWS has 
decided to rip those up and move them to Blacktown. The Indigenous students 
who access Goolangullia are mostly students studying under the Aboriginal 
Rural Education Programme (AREP) which teaches education and welfare, with 
the idea that AREP students can go  back into the their communities and 
help their communities.

The boxes were sent to Goolangullia on Friday and staff were told that they 
have to be out by Wednesday which is TWO DAYS away. The plan is that AREP 
students are going to stop the moving from happening on Wednesday by 
staying in Goolangullia and refusing to leave. The time and stuff is not 
figured out but i will email everybody again when a decision has been made. 
But that is not the only sort of protest you can do. The elders of the 
traditional owners claimed Goolangullia the sacred learning place for 
Indigenous people. Community groups are sending messages of support. Here 
are some suggestions: -

- Send your letters / messages of support to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Fax
them to (02) 9774 3442

- Ring Jan Reid who is our Vice Chancellor on (02) 9678 7801, email at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Fax her a few times to make sure she receives the message 
on (02) 9678 7809. Some suggestions are 'leave Goolangullia at Bankstown' 
or 'Dont close Aboriginal Education at Bankstown'. Or if you're more 
creative make something up

- Get involved with the fight back, you can call on (02) 9772 6488, and ask 
for John or Dave or any student working on saving Goolangullia

- Or if you want to help on Wednesday that would be awesome.

This is really important, if Aboriginal Education goes to Blacktown all the 
AREP students and the AREP programme will be in jeopardy. UWS Blacktown is 
known for its high level of racism, violence, and sexual assualts in their 
residences. UWS Blacktown has none of the facilities for AREP students and 
thus the programme will soon be scraped, and the student union at Blacktown 
are unsympathetic to the cause (that's as nice as i can be). AREP students 
are taking this as the final showdown, this will be the one and only fight.

Please show your support and if you can show your solidarity and fight with 
these Indigenous students in their quest for an equitable education.

Thanks for your time

Dave Wilcox


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LL:URL: New at anarchosyndicalism.org

2001-08-13 Thread Ben

New at anarchosyndicalism.org:

The Anarcho-Syndicalist Answer to Corporate Globalisation
by Brian Oliver Sheppard


"The capitalist class, through corporate globalization, can disempower
workers, and settle in areas where workers have no political voice to
affect change. Already the WTO is set to meet in the remote desert nation
of Qatar, which is ruled by a monarchy, and where rival political factions
and freedom of speech are illegal. In the USA, corporations increasingly
rely on the easily exploitable labor of illegal aliens and prison
workforces, two segments of the labor force that have no real rights.
Direct action is their only recourse. Likewise, oppressed workers in other
lands often have no political say. What else can they do but act directly
upon what is immediately oppressing them?"

http://shopping.yahoo.com.au - Father's Day Shopping
- Find the perfect gift for your Dad for Father's Day


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2001-08-13 Thread Stuart Kingsford


The Peninsula Branch of the Australian Greens Party is holding " AN EVENING 
WITH THE GREENS". Come and meet Greens Federal Candidates :
SENATE ...Scott Kinnear
DUNKLEY ...Henry Kelsall
FLINDERS...David De Rango

Music and light refreshments with free admission. Every one very welcome!

HIGH STREET UNITING CHURCH ( next to milk bar)
( Melways map ref 100A B9)

Enquiries: Phone Stuart Kingsford 59858486 or email 

Greens Party Information: www.greens.org.au


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LL:PR: City of Yarra Election

2001-08-13 Thread sp

Media Release

Socialist Party to stand Denise Dudley for Nicholson ward by-election,
City of Yarra Council election

Denise Dudley, 24, works with intellectually disabled people and is the 
Co-ordinator of the Community Campaign for Heroin Reform. Denise was the 
chief first aid organiser at both the S11 and M1 demonstrations and is on 
the National Committee of the Socialist Party (SP) and lives in the 
Nicholson Ward.

Denise opposes the introduction of parking meters in the area and the 
shutting down of the domestic violence unit by the Yarra City Council. 
Denise will fight for extra funding for non-profit child care centre in the 
area and supports permanent paid council staff supervision of the Skate 
Board park in the Fitzroy gardens.

Denise will organise a mass campaign of direct action by council unions and 
the local community for extra funding for Council from the State Government.

The Socialist Party has the best record of left of Labor parties in the 
area. In the 1998 federal election Matt Wilson Australia's youngest ever 
candidate won over 1,000 votes in the seat of Batman. A year later Stephen 
Jolly won over 4,000 votes (12.5%) in the state seat of Richmond. Last 
month the SP in the Melbourne City Council election ended up with 1,292 
votes after 120 rounds of counting.

For more information about this campaign or to interview Denise Dudley
phone her on 0403 892605 or the Socialist Party office on 9639 9122.


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LL:DDV: VTHC Rally - campaign on industrial manslaughter

2001-08-13 Thread Margaret

Victorian Trades Hall Council: Rally to launch union campaign on industrial
manslaughter laws

Event: Rally to launch union campaign on industrial manslaughter laws
Event starting date: 10:00am 23 August 2001
Event finishing date: 12:00am 23 August 2001
Where: Storey Hall, RMIT 336 Swanston Street, Melbourne

Contact: Margot Hoyte (OHS Campaigns and Information Officer, Trades Hall)
Description: In September a new law will be introduced into Victorian
parliament, creating the crime of Industrial Manslaughter. OHS reps and
delegates are urged to attend the launch rally on August 23. Speakers at the
launch include: Jan Carrick (mother of Anthony Carrick, killed on his first
day at work), Sia Lagos, Director, Legal Services and Investigations,

Name: Margot Hoyte
Telephone: 9662 3511

Ground Floor, Old Building, Trades Hall,
Cnr. Victoria & Lygon Streets, Carlton, VIC 3053
Ph: (03) 9662 3511 Fax: (03) 9663 2127



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DDV: how the Queer Bloc can build the anticapitalist movement

2001-08-13 Thread Alison Thorne

Freedom Socialist Party special meeting
Count down to CHOGM: How the Queer Bloc can advance and strengthen
the anticapitalist movement
Thursday 23 August, 7 pm @ Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.

The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) takes place in 
Brisbane this October. From October 3 - 5, anticapitalist protesters in 
Melbourne will be mobilising against the pre-CHOGM Commonwealth Business 
Forum. Anti-corporate activists are organising to globalise resistance and 
popularise support for the demands: "No new WTO trade round!" "No 
implementation of GATS!" "Cancel the Third World Debt!"

The Freedom Socialist Party will be there. In particular, we are working to 
build the Queer Bloc, which will mobilise the queer community to 
participate in anti-corporate struggle by emphasising the homophobia of 
visiting Commonwealth leaders. Queer Bloc targets will include Britain's 
Tony Blair, who refuses to repeal the anti-gay Section 28 of the Local 
Government Act; Malaysia's Mahathir Mohammed, who uses homophobia as a 
weapon against his political opponents, and, of course, Mr 'family values' 
Howard, who aims to prevent lesbians and single women gaining access to IVF 
services. Queer Bloc participants will also mobilise in solidarity with the 
brave queer organisation, Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe, which refuses to 
be forced into the closet by arch homophobe, Robert Mugabe.

The meeting will feature discussion on what is needed to advance the
anticapitalist movement as well as examining the role the Queer Bloc can

Dinner is served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation. Everyone is welcome.


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LL:DDA: Join the Tent Embassy firewood convoy on 27/8/01

2001-08-13 Thread mysmar

Subject: Join the Tent Embassy firewood convoy on 27/8/01
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 12:04:42 +1100
Join the Tent Embassy firewood convoy on 27/8/01

Picture a firewood bearing convoy to the Fire at the Aboriginal Tent
Embassy:  join with us!

Happening at noon, Monday 27 August, 2001

The theme of Last night's FRIENDS OF THE EMBASSY meeting was building 
support for Aboriginal people, and one very visible, dramatic, practical 
way is being planned for Monday the 27th of August, just before the start 
of the UN World Conference Against Racism:

A convoy of vehicles: trucks, trailers, cars (with wood in boots or roof 
racks), perhaps even bicycles with trailers, or horses, ponies and 
Foot-falcons all decorated with Aboriginal flags and banners, carrying wood 
for the ceremonial healing Fires for Peace and Justice at the Embassy after 
a short procession.

We plan to assemble from noon to 12:30 in the car park behind the Canberra 
Rex (at the corner of Ipima and Henty/Lowanna Streets), drive south in 
convoy on Northbourne Avenue through Civic, then past the War Memorial, 
down Anzac Parade, across Kings Avenue Bridge, circle around new Parliament 
House and then deliver the wood to the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, on the 
National Heritage-listed site across from Old Parliament House.

Then we intend to have a shared lunch/picnic at the Embassy.
We need:
Women and men with any sort of  vehicles for carrying firewood and/or
leafy gum branches (for the traditional humpy shelters)
People who can make extra flags and banners (some in advance, if
Rope and tape for decorating the vehicles
Streamers (red, black & yellow)
Help with advance publicity
Bring picnic lunches!
Talking with Aboriginal Elder Uncle Kevin Buzzacott after the meeting we
found out that another two fairly urgent needs of the Embassy are:
a floodlight
a tape recorder, ideally one with two decks
Can anyone help with this?
Contacts:   Flora 6231 7884; Ffionnan  6248 8837;  Bobi  6249 7951;
 Ellie  6247 6821;  Claire 6288 0535;  Joon  6254 7742


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LL:DDV: Ideas for FIGHTING CAPITALISM: Socialist Alternative Conf

2001-08-13 Thread Hartin, Tony

Ideas for FIGHTING CAPITALISM: Socialist Alternative's Conference
Friday 17 August & Saturday 18 August:
Two days of discussion and debate about the way forward for the
anti-capitalist movement.
Friday 17 August 7.30PM:

American socialist KATHERINE DWYER'S eyewitness account of the new
*Mass mobilisations in Seattle and Quebec
*Cincinnati riots
*Pro-choice movement
*Campaign against the death penalty

and SANDRA BLOODWORTH on S11 to M1 to the Commonwealth Business Forum:
building the anti-capitalist movement in Australia.

at Trades Hall,
cnr Victoria & Lygon Sts,
Entry: $2 unwaged, $6 waged, $10 high waged

Starting with the mass demonstrations that shutdown the World Trade
Organisation's meeting in Seattle a new anti-capitalist movement has
exploded onto the streets all around the world. But how are we going to 
build on the
inspiring successes of S11 and M1? How are we going to reach out to the
mass of workers?

This conference will focus on the political debates, the strategy and
tactics needed to take the anti-capitalist movement forward. Because this 
is far
from being the first anti-capitalist movement in history we can learn important
lessons for today by looking at the successes and failures of previous 
revolutionary movements. That's why one of the themes of this conference 
will be a series of talks on the politics of previous
anti-capitalist movements.

Rest of Program is as follows:

Saturday 18th August @ Trades Hall, Melbourne.
-The two souls of socialism (Katherine Dwyer)
-Panel: fighting for queer liberation (Darren Kane, Drew Pettifer, Lian
-The first anti-capitalist movement (John Minns)
-The first international revolutionary movement (David Brophy)
-What kind of organisation is SA building? (Corey Oakley)
-Australia on the brink of revolution (Jeff Sparrow)
-How do revolutions spread (Marc Newman)
-Why we support the Palestinians (Sophie Singh)
-Can we change the world without violence? (TBA)
-The sixties revolt (Diane Fieldes)
-Everything you ever wanted to know about socialism* (Everybody)

Read below for more info on Saturday talks.

Cost for whole conference: $5 (unwaged), $14 (low wage), $20 (high wage)
cost for Saturday only: $4, $10, $15 .

For more info or to register, reply via email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], or ring
94214439, or send name & address & phone with money to PO Box 4202, Richmond
East, VIC 3121.


More Information on Saturday's Talks:

The two souls of socialism (Kathrine Dwyer- USA)
Some say (or used to) that socialism could be introduced by parliament or
looked to Russia, China, Vietnam and Cuba as socialist. We don't - we stand 
those who say socialism can only be won by mass struggles led by the working

fighting for queer liberation (Darren Kane, Drew Pettifer, Lian Jenvey-
Melbourne) Looks at the origins of queer oppression and the history of the 
gay and
lesbian liberation movement. With a growing radicalism around sexuality 
concerns in
australia, how should revolutionaries orient towards this and bring
queers into the struggle against capitalism.

The first anti-capitalist movement (John Minns- Wollongong).
The Chartists, active in Britain in the 1840s, were the world's first mass
radical working class movement. They debated out many of the issues
familiar to us today - the use of "force" vs "moral persuasion", and the 
of mass, centralised mobilisations.

Many of the aspects of today's movement that are touted as "new" were
features of this very first anti-capitalist movement eg street theatre, 
displays etc - the point being that any movement involving the mass of
people will bring to the surface creative ideas about how to get
its message across.

The first international revolutionary movement (David Brophy- Melbourne)
This talk will look at the history of the First International - the first
international working class movement of which Karl Marx was a key leader. It
will focus on the experience of the first workers' revolution: the Paris
Commune of 1871 from which Marx drew the conclusion that workers had to 
smash the
capitalist state.

Australia on the brink of revolution (Jeff Sparrow- Melbourne)
The Federation celebrations have painted a depressingly one-sided picture
of a century of mindless flag-waving. But there is also a history of revolt
and this talk focuses on the mass upheavals, many lead and organised by
socialists, in Australia in the 1890s. The similarities with today will be 
surprising and
inspirational, and point to lessons we can learn today.

How do revolutions spread? (Marc Newman- Sydney) This session will look at 
the international nature of revolutions focusing on
the revolutionary upheaval that swept Europe and much of the rest of the
world in the aftermath of World War I.

The Sixties Revolt (Diane Fieldes- Sydney)
For years we've seen the activism of the sixtie

LL:DDV: Rod Quantock at GLW debate

2001-08-13 Thread Green Left Weekly

BROTHER? The 2nd annual Green Left Weekly debate. Would Hanson and Howard 
get evicted? Beazley doing the Bum Dance? Or would Ruddock just lock 'em 
all up in chicken wire? You are invited to a night of laughter, food and 
drinks. Cover Charge a paltry $15 full/$12 concession August 23, Thursday, 
7pm @ Brunswick Town Hall. Info/reservations a MUST, ph. (03) 9639-8622


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LL:DDV: The Fight against Sweatshops: Public Debate 21/8/01

2001-08-13 Thread sp

You are invited to a public meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 21/8/01 at the New
International Bookshop meeting room at Trades Hall.

The Socialist Party has organised an evening of no-holds barred public
debate and discussion on the current and future direction of the
anti-sweatshop movement.

Some of the themes of the discussion will be:

How can the base of the movement be broadened to encompass more than just
the left? Are the current strategies in place as effective as they could
Where do we go from here?


Steve Roach: Founder of the Shearers and Rural Workers Union, now a CFMEU
Pamela Curr:  Fairwear campaign and Greens
Stu Raphello: Socialist Party
Lisa Ferrance: Workers Power
Jerome Small: Socialist Alternative

For more information call (03) 9639 9111


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LL:DDV: Shut down The Department of Foreign Affairs

2001-08-13 Thread Green Left Weekly

For Melbourne comrades - August 16
Their Struggle is Our Struggle! Globalise Solidarity!
National Day of Action in solidarity with the struggles in Indonesia, Aceh, 
West Papua and Papua New Guinea
Starting at the State Library, cnr La Trobe and Swanston Sts @ 12.30pm and 
then marching to DFAT (Dept of Foreign Affairs) to demand
*IMF, World Bank out of Indonesia & PNG
*Fight the dictaorship in Indonesia
*No miliary ties
*Referendum on Independence for Aceh and West Papua
*No sweatshops
Initiated by ASIET (Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East TImor)
Endorsed by Students and Sustainability conference 2001, Resistance, 
Socialist Worker, Kate Davidson NUS National Education officer, WARTA, 
Australian Acehnese Association; No Nike campaign (Melbourne), Students 
Campaigning Against Multinationals (Brisbane), Socialist Alternative, O3 to 
Chogm collective (Melb Uni).

Given the recent events in this region with six PNG students being shot 
dead not long ago in PNG, and wit hthe rise n political repression in 
Indonesia (There are now more political prisoners in Indonesia than there 
was in the last year of Suharto's regime) this action will be important in 
build the solidarity movement with pro democracy activists in the region. 
We want to tell the Australian government what we think of their foreign 


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