LL:ART: Women set to benefit as Europe broadens definition of refugee

2001-09-17 Thread Trudy Bray

The Sydney Morning Herald
Women set to benefit as Europe broadens definition of refugee

Date: 14/09/2001

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels

Women fleeing "gender discrimination" will be able to claim political 
asylum in European Union member states under rules set out by Brussels.

The move is part of a plan by the European Commission to broaden refugee 
status to cover victims of cultural persecution, going beyond the 1951 
Geneva Convention, which largely restricts asylum to those escaping 
repressive states.

The text issued on Wednesday cites the example of female circumcision - 
widely practised in Africa and the Middle East - as the sort of persecution 
that ought to be covered.

Britain already allows some asylum claims from people fleeing "non-state" 
persecution, such as victims of Islamic extremists in Algeria or people 
escaping the anarchy in Somalia.

The new legally binding Brussels directive defines a refugee as someone who 
has a "well-founded fear" of being persecuted on grounds of "race, 
religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group and 
political opinion".

France and Germany have a closed-door policy towards the victims of 
"non-state" persecution, so the proposal would amount to a significant 
loosening of their asylum policies when there is already a populist 
backlash against refugees. Either state could veto the measure, which 
requires unanimous support from EU ministers.

Britain's Home Secretary, Mr David Blunkett, and his French counterpart 
were due to meet to try to resolve tensions between Britain and France over 
illegal immigration.

The two countries have become increasingly at odds on the issue since 1999, 
when a Red Cross refugee centre was opened at Sangatte, only a couple of 
kilometres from the Channel Tunnel entrance.

Since then numbers of immigrants trying to cross illegally into Britain 
through the nearby Eurotunnel terminal has risen to 6,500 a month, and both 
sides have blamed each other for the problem.

Britain has complained that France is not doing enough to protect the 
Eurotunnel terminal and that the Sangatte centre encourages 
people-smuggling gangs to establish themselves in the area.

Meanwhile, France has pointed an accusing finger at what it labels 
Britain's lax asylum laws, saying that they prove an irresistible magnet to 

At Wednesday's meeting Mr Blunkett was expected to make it clear that the 
opening of other refugee centres in France would be highly unpalatable to 
Britain if Sangatte remained open.

The French Government says that Sangatte is not the cause but the result of 
Britain's attractiveness to immigrants.

France was expected to point to Britain's refusal to introduce identity 
cards as well as the presence of established communities of illegal 
immigrants as the real root of the refugee problem.

The Telegraph, London

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LL:DDV: Rescheduled: Anti-semitism: where does it come from?

2001-09-17 Thread Alison Thorne

Freedom Socialist Party special meeting
Anti-semitism: where does it come from and how to eradicate it
Now rescheduled to Monday 24 September 7 pm @ Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney 
Road, Brunswick.
Dinner is served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation. For more info: 9388-0062.

Our September meeting will explore why Jewish people are oppressed, how Jew 
can be liberated and why Zionism is not the solution. Everyone is welcome.


The meeting has been rescheduled to allow participation in a special 
Socialist Alliance Public meeting Who is to blame - Middle Eastern People 
or U.S.  foreign policy? on Wednesday 19 September.  Speakers include: Ali 
Kazak, Head of the General Palestinian delegation to Australia and 
Palestinian Ambassador to Vanuatu,  Surma Hamid, Political refugee and 
Representative of Worker Communist Party of Iraq and Alison Thorne, 
Socialist Alliance Senate Candidate.  New Council Chambers, Trades Hall at 
7 pm.

Please note: SA public meeting is NOW Wednesday 19 September, NOT Thursday 
20 September as previously advertised.


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LL:INFO: Nike demo: report

2001-09-17 Thread Mark Fontaine

Melbourne Indymedia has the following story by Ignatius Quigley:-

Melbourne's 27th anti-Nike protest rally
by Ignatius Quigley junior 10:30pm Fri Sep 14 '01


Melbourne's 27th anti-Nike protest tonight, Friday 14 September, was 
deliberately made a quiet affair -- in light of the terrible events in the 
USA. Tonight's protest was largely a symbolic one, to keep up our record. 
Protesters wanted it to be a quiet night with no confrontations.

Protesters didn't bring their loud-speaker, and didn't line up in the usual 
way across the front of the store.  However, they did turn up so as to 
maintain their unbeaten run of 26 weeks. We had two anti-Nike demos this 
week (Tuesday 11 September and Friday 14 September) -- so tonight was Demo 
No. 27 in Week 26).

Tonight most of the protesters gathered to the side of the footpaths, near 
their literature tables. Protesters were also very active handing out 
leaflets to the crowds in Swanston Street and Bourke Street.

Surprisingly, police numbers were up and it was quite a sight seeing about 
20 police standing alone in front of the Nike entrance, effectively barring 
entrance to any prospective customers.  The police are extremely well 
trained blockaders and will not budge -- not even for a genuine customer 
(unless their sergeant tells them to). At about 6.15pm, about 8 of the 
police were allowed to leave their posts and go home.  They weren't replaced.

A young student who was handing out leaflets near the police lines was 
asked to move away from the store. This seemed rather bizarre, since she 
clearly wasn't blockading -- she wasn't near the store entrance and was 
merely standing on the footpath next to the police.

For a full report of our full-day Nike protest last Tuesday, 11 September, 
go to:-


The protest will be on next week -- Friday 21 September.  Same time, same 
place, same Nike channel (at the corner of Swanston and Bourke Streets).



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LL:DDV: public forum with Ali Kazak - CORRECTION TO DATE

2001-09-17 Thread Graham Matthews

Because of difficulties with flights, the Socialist Alliance public forum 
on `Who's To Blame' has had to be moved a day forward. The correct details 
are now 7pm Wednesday September 19, New Council Chambers Trades Hall 
Council, cnr Lygon & Victoria Sts, Carlton. Entry by donation.

Also, because the new date clashed with a pre-organised forum sponsored by 
the ISO, two additional speakers, David Glanz, Socialist Alliance candidate 
for Wills and Ezzedine Rafhi, Moreland Ethnic Communities Council, Vice 
President have been added.


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LL:DDV: meet women from the Zimbabwe Opposition Party & Union Movmnt

2001-09-17 Thread hutch 1976

Dear All,

Read on and also circulate throught your networks please - from EMILY's 
List, the ACTU and Glenyys Romanes MLC...



  Women of Zimbabwe's
Opposition Party and Union Movement in Melbourne

EMILY's List, the ACTU and Glenyys Romanes, MLC, invite you to attend a
meeting with two leaders of Zimbabwe's Opposition party, the Movement for
Democratic Change

Sekai Holland
 MDC Secretary for International Relations

Lucia Matibenga
 MDC Chairperson for Women,
 First Vice President of the Zimbabwe Trade Union
 Congress and President of the Commercial Workers' Union

Zimbabwe's broad, trade union-based democratic opposition movement is united
in the Movement for Democratic Change.  The MDC won 57 out of 120 seats at
the June 2000 parliamentary elections, despite a truly massive and brutal
campaign to suppress it.  The current ZANU - PF regime of President Robert
Mugabe is mounting and escalating a campaign of violence and intimidation
against the democratic opposition - black and white - in a bid to hold onto
power at the April 2002 presidential elections.  Come and hear of their

The MDC is calling for international support to ensure free and fair
elections...Show your support by attending this meeting

Sunday 23 September,
7.00pm to 9.00pm,
Parliament House, Spring St, Melbourne

For further information call Clare Gallagher on 0409 973 315 or
Hutch Hussein on 0438 507 103




hatice "hutch" hussein  :)

(0438 507 103)

'To live is the rarest thing in the world.
Most people exist and that is all.'
  Oscar Wilde


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LL:PR: CPA Statement on World Trade Centre and the Pentagon

2001-09-17 Thread cpa

Statement by the Central Committee Secretariat of the Communist Party of 

The Communist Party of Australia expresses its shock and horror at the 
coordinated and devastating attack on major civilian targets in the US.

We share the grief of the thousands of relatives and friends who have lost 
their loved ones. We convey our sincerest condolences.

Those responsible for this terrible act have yet to be identified and 
should, if identified, be brought to justice.

However there are some politicians who are using this incident to whip up 
racist and religious intolerance and to attack the very democratic rights 
that they pretend to be upholding.

The talk of war and that "America is under attack" is being used by US 
leaders, NATO and the Australian Prime Minister to justify restrictive 
measures that can only be regarded as preparations for war against any 
country that dares to challenge the policies of the Bush - Blair - Howard 

"War", "revenge" and "retaliation" and the killing of more innocent people 
in other countries, will not solve the problems of the millions of 
unemployed people, the homeless, those suffering ill-health, or those who 
have no clean water or educational opportunities. These are the causes of 
frustration and despair which lead to desperate terrorist acts.

What has happened to the people of New York and Washington is little 
different to the suffering of the people of Iraq, Yugoslavia, Panama, 
Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Vietnam, Korea - all countries that have been the 
victims of US bombing. The US has a long history of violence against many 

It is the foreign policy of the US, its military occupation of a number of 
countries, its worldwide network of military bases, the behaviour of its 
troops, the arrogance of the US leadership and its pretentions to be a 
superior race that have contributed to hostility and anger directed against 
the US in many countries.

While the media and western politicians have been quick to lay blame 
without any evidence it should be recalled, when considering who might be 
responsible, that it was Americans who assassinated President Kennedy and 
then his brother, Robert Kennedy.

It was an American army veteran - Timothy McVeigh -- who bombed the US 
Government building in Oklahoma in 1995 - a fact that was revealed only 
after many blamed Islamic terrorists.

It is US agencies that have made numerous attempts to assassinate Fidel 
Castro. The list of US initiated outrages is a long one.

The Bush administration is using the current crisis to justify the 
expansion of the Pentagon's war budget, to attack the democratic rights of 
the American people and to whip up a racist, anti-Islamic war fervour.

In total disregard of the United Nations, the situation is being used to 
justify the possible military occupation of Afghanistan and perhaps other 
countries as steps towards the objective of world domination by the US. But 
the lesson is that violence begets violence.

In this dangerous situation we call on the labour and peace movements and 
all left and progressive organisations to resist the racist and war 
hysteria, the attacks on democratic rights and the attempt to justify 
military attacks on other countries. An urgent meeting of the UN Security 
Council should be called to bring under control a rapidly developing war 

(SEPTEMBER 15TH, 2001)


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LL:DDN: No to USA retaliation -open organising meeting (Sydney)

2001-09-17 Thread Kim Bullimore

please distribute widely...

U.S. attack and its aftermath - No to war - no to racism.
Open invitation to attend a meeting to discuss how we can respond to the 
threat of war.  All are invited to help form a coalition to oppose US 

7pm, Thursday 20 September
Gaelic Club - 64 Devonshire St, Surry Hills, SYDNEY

Tel: Nick or Lisa 9690 1977 or Tom 0408 619 152



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LL:DDV: Stop the war on refugees--rally 22 September

2001-09-17 Thread Judith Anne McVey

Stop the war on refugees

End racist scapegoating
rally and international day of action
on 22 September

1pm State Library (cnr Latrobe and Swanston stst)

Speakers include:

Barney Cooney, ALP Senator for Victoria

Andrew Rowe, Councillor, City of Moreland

Australian Arabic Council

Kate Davison, National Education Officer, NUS

Victorian Trades Hall Council

Greens Victoria

Socialist Alliance

Refugee Action Collective

This rally coincides with the "Free the Refugees--Solidarity Bus Tour" to 
Woomera Detention Centre. There will be rallies around Australia and in 
some European countries.

For more info: Refugee Action Collective 0418 347 374



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LL:DDV: Refugee Forum in Brunswick

2001-09-17 Thread Judith Anne McVey

This forum is presented by Amnesty International (inner north group)
6.30pm, Thursday 27 September, Brunswick Town Hall (cnr Sydney Rd and 
Dawson St)

"A discussion to help us understand the real issues confronting asylum 
seekers first hand:

Zahra, refugee
David Manne, Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre
Rev Andrew Hamilton, Jesuit Refugee Services
Laureen Gillam, Amnesty International

Phone 9489 5259
Music by Brahmin Benhin
There will also be a brief reportback on the Woomera Bus Trip
Endorsed by Moreland City Council, Moreland Ethnic Communities Council, 
Refugee Action Collective
Light refreshments provided


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