LL:INFO: How to say NO to the war....

2003-01-19 Thread john 0rice
Say no to war – light up for peace!
Turn on your car lights to stop the war!

A simple, international, anti-war campaign that any driver can 
participate in has begun.

If you are opposed to the imminent war with Iraq, turn on your car 
lights while driving during the day.

Send a message to others, and ultimately your government, that you 
refuse to be part of this aggression.

If the powers that be see continuous, highly visible opposition every 
day, this will act as a brake on their plans for war.

Make a statement - turn them on today! Do it until the war is called off!

Bus drivers, car drivers, truck drivers, motorbike riders, pushbike 
riders, and trishaw peddlers are all encouraged!

“Just as some politicians last year called for people to turn on their 
lights to remember the 2800 dead from the September  11th attacks in the 
US, so we are urging people all over the world to turn their car lights 
on  continually during the day to prevent many more dead from a war 
against Iraq.

Don’t forget to put a sticker or some coloured tape on your steering 
wheel or driver’s side window.  This will remind you to turn off your 
lights when you stop your car….

Please tell 10 people about this campaign over the next few days. Ring 
your local radio, TV or newspaper about it if you have the time. Contact 
your local antiwar/peace group and help them build this campaign.

Please email this message on immediately to at least 10 people in your 
address book. It’s urgent this message spreads as quickly as it can. Ask 
your friends and neighbours for their email addresses and send it to 
them so they can send it on. Please send to other states and countries 
if possible, as well as email discussion groups and chat rooms. Remember 
10x10x10x10x10x10x10x10x10 (only 9 steps) = 1 billion people ….

Make light overcome darkness! Good luck to you and all your endeavours 
to stop the war!

John Rice – NOWAR  collective


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LL:INFO: Nazi infiltration into the Melbourne music scene.

2003-01-19 Thread Hutchings, James
Nazi infiltration into the punk and metal scene in Melbourne - report on


Blood and Honour are a small Nazi organisation, which is based in Melbourne.

Their aim is to spread Nazi ideas through music.  Throughout 2002, they
have held a few gigs to try and achieve this.  There are a number of 
Nazi bands connected to Blood and Honour, for example Fortress, Bailup, 
and Ravenous.

The management of the Birmingham Hotel (on the corner of Smith and 
Johnston Streets in Fitzroy) has helped them.  The Birmingham let them 
put on two gigs (one of them to celebrate Hitler's birthday).  The 
Birmingham also allowed them to meet there regularly.  Due to pressure 
from us, Blood and Honour seem to be looking for another venue to put on 
shows.  However they also seem to still be meeting at the Birmingham.

Our activity.

Our aim in 2002 has mainly been trying to get around information about 
Blood and Honour, and especially to try to get a response from the punk 
and metal scene.  We have asked people in the area to stop supporting 
the Birmingham Hotel.


One major success is that Blood and Honour have said they're not doing 
any more gigs at the Birmingham.  They announced this on the 'Melbourne 
Punx Forum' website (although they felt the need to say that it 'wasn't 
because they were scared').

We wrote to Community Radio 3CR and the Friends of the Earth bookshop. 
Both 3CR and FOE have offices on Smith Street, would've been seen as 
targets by Nazis, and put on benefit gigs at the Birmingham.  Neither of 
them wrote back to us, but neither of them have had any more gigs at the 
Birmingham as far as we know.

This has meant that the Birmingham has lost two sources of money, and 
that Blood and Honour no longer have a central location to put on gigs - 
although they appear to still be using the Birmingham for meetings.

The Melbourne Times.

We approached the Melbourne Times, a local paper with a reputation for 
being slightly 'lefty'. They talked to us about it, but refused to run a 
story.  One of their reasons was that "they talked to a lot of local 
councilors and social workers and they hadn't heard of Blood and 
Honour".  Blood and Honour operates almost completely within the punk 
and metal scenes.  Common sense would suggest that talking to someone in 
that scene might be a better idea.

It's likely that these local councilors and social workers wouldn't know
about *anything* that goes on in that scene.  It's a bit like us talking 
to some metalheads and asking them to name some local councilors - and 
if they couldn't, deciding the local council mustn't exist.

The undertone of their attitude was like "if it doesn't effect 
councilors or social workers it mustn't be important".  One of the local 
Nazis, Patrick O'sullivan, has recently gone to jail for stabbing 
someone in North Fitzroy.

We told the Melbourne Times this but they treated it as if it was 
totally unimportant.  I got the impression that the Melbourne Times 
didn't care, because of who the victim was.  He was 'just' a skinhead 
who'd turned away from Nazism.  I got the impression that if he'd been a 
social worker or councilor then it would have been treated differently.
In a way the Melbourne Times agreed with the nazis, that this person was 
of no value or importance, because of who he was.  There was a real 
element of classism or snobbery to it; like if 'those people' want to 
hurt each other then it's OK, as long as they don't turn on 'us'.

The sad thing is, if the Nazis ever kill someone, then the Melbourne 
Times would probably decide it was now newsworthy, run to us begging for 
an interview, and run a story about how "someone has to do something". 
We want to stop the Nazis before they kill someone, and they couldn't 
care less.

The best that can be said about this episode, was that it was our own 
silly fault.  We shouldn't have put that much faith in an institution 
like the Melbourne Times, and in future we won't.

The punk scene.

Although a lot of people in the scene have supported us, some people 
have been very defensive about ties to Nazis.

A typical comment on the Melbourne Punx Forum website, was that the
Birmingham is the only pub that supports the punk scene.  This is 
completely false. Punk gigs happen at the Arthouse, the Pink Palace, the 
Tote, and several other places.

Someone even said that "the birmy is our pub".  This is a ridiculous
comment.  The Birmingham belongs to the owner of the Birmingham. They're 
not "supporting the punk scene", they're supporting the idea of them 
getting money.

If the Birmingham management decided there was more money to be made by
putting on top 40 bands, that's what would happen.  It's likely that if 
our campaign keeps going, the owner of the Birmingham will just cut off 
all ties with the punk scene, and the punk scene will find that 'our' 
pub was their pub all along.

Punk is supposed to be partly about 'diy'.  Even if there were no venues

LL:AA: Howard to meet suspected war criminal Henry Kissinger

2003-01-19 Thread Nobby Tobby
sorry for cross-posting - it's urgent. any mobilisations?
please 'reply-to-all' to spread the word quickly!


Howard to meet suspected war criminal Henry Kissinger tomorrow

- by Nick Montgomery (Melb IMC) 1:30pm Mon Jan 20 '03 article#25333

American statesman and former secretary of state during the Vietnam War,
Henry Kissinger, will be visiting Sydney this week in a non-official

Kissinger, an influential foreign policy heavyweight in the American
political scene, plans to have an audience with prominent Australian
politicians on Monday and Tuesday including the Prime Minister and 
Foreign Minister.

PM John Howard, a long-standing admirer of the 72-year-old Kissinger, 
will take time out from holidays to meet the 72-year-old policy analyst 
on Tuesday and is expected to ask advice on the Iraqi face-off.

Kissinger remains the most controversial of the former US secretary of
states and is either loved or loathed by the international community.

Various journalists, academics, and activists have accused Kissinger of
carrying out crimes against humanity after commandeering an illegal
bombing campaign in Cambodia during the Vietnam war which some have
likened to a holocaust, while others, notably rightwing politicians, 
have praised Kissinger for his endeavourers to end the Indochina 
conflict which culminated in the shared Nobel Peace Prize of 1973.

Kissinger's actions during the Cold war were of important influence on
Australia affairs.

Most recently, left wing journalist Christopher Hitchens lunched a
scathing attack on Kissinger and called for his indictment as a war
criminal in mainstream magazine 'Vanity Fair'.


In "THE CASE AGAINST HENRY KISSINGER", Hitchens raised questions about 
the role of Henry Kissinger in giving a green light to the invasion that 
has left perhaps 200,000 dead in the years since and also brought 
Australia and Indonesia perilously close to all out conflict on several 

The legacy of Kissingers Indo-china policy is still being felt 
throughout the post cold war years, culminating in a policy of military 
intervention in East Timor under the Howard Government.

The Howard government at this stage would not comment on Kissinger's
status as a war criminal nor the criticism of Prime Minister Howard's
approach to the Iraqi crisis during the holiday season.

A spokesperson for Greens leader Bob Brown who protested with activists 
in opposition to the offical visit of the chairman of the National 
People's Congress, Li Peng, (dubbed the butcher of Beijing) to Australia 
last year, said the Greens would object to Howard's meeting with any 
suspected war criminal.

Pundits are claiming if the PM can organize time to meet with a 
suspected war criminal during the holiday season then he must make time 
to debate any decision to join a war with Iraq in parliament.

As the anti-war movement grows the labor party, the 'ailing' democratic
and the 'rising' green parties have unanimously called for a "conscience
vote" in the Australian senate before any decision is made to support
either possible American unilateral military action or United Nations
sanctioned action.

However, any parliamentary debate looks unlikely, after Mr. Howard
asserted last month that a parliamentary debate would most probably
proceed the deployment of 1,500 Australia troops to fight the oil rich
Iraq state.


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDV: IWD movie night - The Hours

2003-01-19 Thread Alison Thorne
Celebrate International Women's Day with Radical Women and the Freedom
Socialist Party at a Gala Movie Night

Sunday, 2 March, 7.15 pm
Upstairs, Westgarth Theatre, 89 High Street, Northcote

Based on a Pulitzer-prize winning novel by Michael Cunningham, the film
employs as its foundation and inspiration Virginia Woolf's own classic
novel, "Mrs Dalloway," with its central character, Clarissa. Set during 
a single day, yet spanning three different eras, the film focuses in the
parallel lives of three women. Nicole Kidman -- wearing a prosthetic 
nose -- is virtually unrecognisable as English author Virginia Woolf, 
whose battle with mental illness eventually led to her tragic suicide in 
1941. Opening at the moment of her suicide, the film regresses to 1923, 
and Woolf's life and work as she crafted her most memorable character -- 
Clarissa Dalloway. In 1950s Californian suburbia, another woman, Laura 
Brown (played by Julianne Moore), struggles with alienation and 
depression. Trapped by a clinging young son and an adoring husband, who 
she does not love, the desperate woman tries to prepare for her 
husband's birthday but can=B9t stop reading "Mrs Dalloway." Finally, in 
modern day Manhattan, Clarissa Vaughan (played by Meryl Streep), a 
lesbian who lives with her lover and daughter, struggles to prepare a 
party for her ex-husband, who is dying of AIDS. Beautifully overlapping 
editing sews the women's interwoven stories seamlessly together.

This special evening will kick off a four month long $75,000 
international fund drive for our two feisty socialist feminist 
publications -- the "Freedom Socialist" newspaper and the Australian 
"Freedom Socialist Bulletin." So get the International Women's Day 
season off to a great start by enjoying a fun night out and helping two 
publications which the founder of this day of socialist feminist action, 
Clara Zetkin, would enthusiastically support!

Screening followed by a wine and cheese supper in the ornate upstairs foyer.

Tickets are $20 solidarity price, $15 regular or $12 concession.
For tickets send a cheque, payable to FSP, PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic
For more information call Alison on 9386-5065 or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can't make it? We'd welcome your donation to help us reach our $7,500 
local goal!



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LL:INFO: Make your concerns obvious!

2003-01-19 Thread Ron Gray / Irene Gale
It was suggested at today's APC meeting that a good way to make your
concerns re the threatening war obvious is to wear a BAND AID pinned to 
your shirt / dress, along with your purple ribbon - and perhaps write 
the word "Iraq" on the band aid.

People will probably ask you why you are wearing a band aid - giving you 
the opportunity to explain your concerns, and the fact that the band aid
represents the great injury which war will do to masses of people.

Australian Peace Committee (South Australian Branch) Inc.
11 South Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia
Ph: (+61-8) or (08) 8332 3461
Fax: (+61-8) or (08) 8364 2291
Web site: www.peacecourier.com



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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