LL:ART: many school students to rally against invasion

2003-02-27 Thread Nobby Tobby

Sydney Morning Herald - February 28 2003

Truants or not, many school students to rally against invasion

By Gerard Noonan and Linda Doherty

Students in NSW schools are being encouraged to express their feelings
about war but those taking part in an anti-war demonstration next
Wednesday without parental permission will be regarded as truants, 
school authorities say.

The Department of Education is telling principals that students will not
be given permission to attend an anti-war lunchtime rally organised by
students from the University of Technology, Sydney. Catholic students 
face the same curbs.

"Students who decide to attend a rally do so as individuals, guided by
their own conscience; they will also need parental permission," said the
head of Sydney's Catholic Education Office, Brother Kelvin Canavan.

Principals interviewed by the Herald reported growing levels of stress
among students, with anti-war petitions, passionate speeches at school
assemblies and discussions in classes.

At St Ignatius College, Riverview, the three school captains have 
written a strongly worded letter to the Prime Minister, calling for a 
withdrawal of Australian troops from the Persian Gulf and for a 
non-military solution. Tom van Beek, Sean Williams and Justin Fleming 
told Mr Howard a poll of 574 students at the Catholic high school showed 
75 per cent were against Australian military participation in Iraq, 
regardless of the United Nations' position.

The Riverside Girls High School captain, Nadya Marokakis, and its
vice-captain, Elizabeth Garlan, led 25 fellow students in their school
uniforms to the peace rally in Hyde Park on February 16.

The 17-year-olds have addressed their school assembly and made banners
arguing for peace.

This is the first war these students have faced but many have studied 
the Vietnam and Gulf wars and feel "frustrated, more than anything 
else", Miss Garlan said. "Learning about the experience of war and the 
mistakes made, to see history repeating itself is frustrating for us. 
We're the next generation and they're messing with our future."

Riverside's principal, Judy King, wondered whether educational 
authorities realised quite how deeply feelings were running and how 
aware most students were.

The principal of St Raphael's primary in South Hurstville, Felicity 
Giles, said the pupils there had a heightened awareness and sense of unease.

"At midday each day we down tools right across the school and say a 
prayer for peace - it might be a Muslim prayer or a Bahai or Hindu or 
Jewish prayer, not only a prayer from the Christian Catholic tradition.

"They need to feel that it's the world that seeks peace."

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LL:DDV: Coming soon at Trades Hall

2003-02-27 Thread Trades Hall Arts
GET IT LIVE - GET IT AT TRADES HALL ARTS, bringing class back into the
class struggle . . .

One Night Only

Kev Carmody has established himself as one of the most respected
singer/songwriters in the country. Carmody lives out the life of a
modern troubadour. He is a travelling songsmith with an itinerary which
finds him touring the world. He regularly tours Australian goals, works
with street kids, plays at a Greenpeace rally or fund-raiser, a world
music celebration, an Aboriginal musical festival, on a university
campus, or at Trades Hall.

Kev will be accompanied by Tonchi McIntosh - a voice full of warmth and
emotion, of a clear-sighted passion for the land and its traditional
owners, moving from acoustic folk/rock to electric and touches of reggae
and country. One of McIntosh's strengths is the meshing of imagery, be
it allegorical or as raw and rich as the red earth of the outback. It
gives his music an originality, that in Australia, is something to

The New Ballroom
8:30pm - Thursday, March 6th
$20 Full/ $15 Conc - at the door on the night

presented by the Australian Writers Guild

Lovers of British drama and fans of television's Cracker, this is your
chance to get up close and personal with screenwriter Jimmy McGovern.
McGovern is something of an icon and hero in his hometown of Liverpool.
He enjoys a reputation as a warm and gregarious individual. McGovern's
success as a writer for stage and screen reads an impressive list of
credits, including the award winning Cracker series staring Robbie
Coltrane, the haunting British drama The Lakes and feature films
including the controversial Priest and heart breaking Liam.

Jimmy McGovern has generously agreed to this one off, unique event where
he will enjoy a live interview with guild member Stella Kinsella and
share clips and stories from his screen repertoire. This is a rare and
valuable opportunity for writers and lovers of screen drama to
participate in what promises to be an evening of insight and laughter.
Come chew the fat with McGovern and enjoy some wine, music and a good
old yarn from one of Britain's best practitioners.

This is the first of a series of special Guild the Lily cabaret/panel
events presented by the Victorian branch of the Australian Writers

The Old Council Chambers
7:30pm Thursday, March 6th
Bookings through Annie O'Hanlon of AWG on Ph: 03) 9328 5671

Violent Conquest or Benign Colonisation?
Keith Windschuttle debates Pat Grimshaw

In his recent book The Fabrication of Aboriginal History, Keith
Windschuttle charges academic historians with a series of wilful
misrepresentations intended to portray Australia as a society marked by
atrocities against Aboriginies. In this important debate, Keith
Windschuttle and Pat Grimshaw outline competing accounts of white
settlement, and explain what is at stake in the dispute.

In addition to The Fabrication of Aboriginal History (2002), Keith
Windschuttle is the author of six other books on contemporary social
issues, including The Killing of History: How Literary Critics and
Social Theorists Are Murdering Our Past (2000). He is also publisher and
a frequent contributor to The New Criterion and Quadrant.

Pat Grimshaw holds the Max Crawford Chair of History at the University
of Melbourne. She is the author of Women's Suffrage in New Zealand
(revised edition 1987) and co-author of Creating a Nation (1994). A
co-authored comparative study of the place of indigenous peoples in the
political structures of British settler colonies is currently in press.

The New Council Chambers
6:30pm Wednesday, March 5th
Entry: $10 Full/ $5 Conc/ RMIT Students FREE
This event is being presented by the RMIT Community Advocacy Unit & The
New International Bookshop

WORLD SEASON Film Screenings
presented by Access News & SKA TV
SIMON JONES MEMORIAL CAMPAIGN (UK): Simon Jones was killed on his first
day as a casual worker at the Shoreham dock of Euromin, after being sent
by their employment agency Personnel Selection. While campaigning to
bring those responsible for Simon's death to justice, his family and
friends have faced a systematic Government cover-up of the human cost of
And it happens in Australia too! . . . Learn about the very similar
story of Anthony Carrick here and help stop corporate killing.

7pm Monday, March 3rd
Trades Hall Bar
FREE event - donations welcome

LL:DDV: Mornington Peninsula Anti War Events

2003-02-27 Thread Stuart Kingsford

Rally for Peace

Upcoming Events for the Mornington Peninsula...

Sunday, March 8, 1.00pm

POINT NEPEAN PEACE WALK – Meet at Visitor Centre and then we’ll walk to 
Point Nepean! (5km round trip, Adults $7.00 Child/Conc $3.50 Family $17.50)

Saturday, March 15, 12.00 noon

FRANKSTON PEACE RALLY – Beauty Park, Frankston (Melway 102 - C 3) Info: 
Alison 97664304

Every Friday Night, 5.00pm

FRANKSTON PEACE VIGIL – Shannon Mall, Frankston
(Melway 100A – D 6 / 102 - D 2)

To Be Announced

PUBLIC MEETINGS – with MP’s Greg Hunt and Bruce Billson

More Info – Dave DeRango 5982 1025 or 0403 900202 (Chairperson of 
Victorian Peace Network – Mornington Peninsula Group); or email 



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LL:INFO: War on Iraq Knowledge Test

2003-02-27 Thread Katherine Wilson
Please pass this on.

Take the 'War'-on-Iraq IQ Test Do you know enough to justify going to 
war with Iraq?

1. Q: What percentage of the world's population does the U.S. have?
A: 6%

2. Q: What percentage of the world's wealth does the U.S. have? A: 50%

3. Q: Which country has the largest oil reserves? A: Saudi Arabia

4. Q: Which country has the second largest oil reserves? A: Iraq

5. Q: How much is spent on military budgets a year worldwide? A: $900+

6. Q: How much of this is spent by the U.S.? A: 50%

7. Q: What percent of US military spending would ensure the essentials 
of life to everyone in the world, according to the UN? A: 10% (that's 
about $40 billion, the amount of funding initially requested to fund the 
US retaliatory attack on Afghanistan).

8. Q: How many people have died in wars since World War II? A: 86 million

9. Q: How long has Iraq had chemical and biological weapons? A: Since 
the early 1980's.

10. Q: Did Iraq develop these chemical & biological weapons on their
own? A: No, the materials and technology were supplied by the US 
government, along with Britain and private corporations.

11. Q: Did the US government condemn the Iraqi use of gas warfare 
against Iran? A: No

12. Q: How many people did Saddam Hussein kill using gas in the Kurdish
town of Halabja in 1988? A: 5,000

13. Q: How many western countries condemned this action at the time?
A: 0

14. Q: How many gallons of agent Orange did America use in Vietnam?
A: 17 million.

15. Q: Are there any proven links between Iraq and September 11th 
terrorist attack? A: No

16. Q: What is the estimated number of civilian casualties in the Gulf 
War? A: 35,000

17. Q: How many casualties did the Iraqi military inflict on the western
forces during the Gulf War ? A: 0

18. Q: How many retreating Iraqi soldiers were buried alive by U.S. 
tanks with ploughs mounted on the front? A: 6,000

19. Q: How many tons of depleted uranium were left in Iraq and Kuwait 
after the Gulf War? A: 40 tons

20. Q: What according to the UN was the increase in cancer rates in Iraq
between 1991 and 1994? A: 700%

21. Q: How much of Iraq's military capacity did America claim it had
destroyed in 1991? A: 80%

22. Q: Is there any proof that Iraq plans to use its weapons for 
anything other than deterrence and self defense? A: No

23. Q: Does Iraq present more of a threat to world peace now than 10 
years ago? A: No

24. Q: How many civilian deaths has the Pentagon predicted in the event 
of an attack on Iraq in 2002/3? A: 10,000

25. Q: What percentage of these will be children? A: Over 50%

26. Q: How many years has the U.S. engaged in air strikes on Iraq? A: 11

27. Q: Were the U.S and the UK at war with Iraq between December 1998 
and September 1999? A: No

28. Q: How many pounds of explosives were dropped on Iraq between 
December 1998 and September 1999? A: 20 million

29. Q: How many years ago was UN Resolution 661 introduced, imposing 
strict sanctions on Iraq's imports and exports? A: 12 years

30. Q: What was the child death rate in Iraq in 1989 (per 1,000 births)? 
A: 38

31. Q: What was the estimated child death rate in Iraq in 1999 (per 
1,000 births)? A: 131 (that's an increase of 345%)

32. Q: How many Iraqis are estimated to have died by October 1999 as a
result of UN sanctions? A: 1.5 million

33. Q: How many Iraqi children are estimated to have died due to 
sanctions since 1997? A: 750,000

34. Q: Did Saddam order the inspectors out of Iraq? A: No

35. Q: How many inspections were there in November and December 1998?
A: 300

36. Q: How many of these inspections had problems? A: 5

37. Q: Were the weapons inspectors allowed entry to the Ba'ath Party HQ? 
A: Yes

38. Q: Who said that by December 1998, "Iraq had in fact, been disarmed
to a level unprecedented in modern history." A: Scott Ritter, UNSCOM chief

39. Q: In 1998 how much of Iraq's post 1991 capacity to develop weapons 
of mass destruction did the UN weapons inspectors claim to have 
discovered and dismantled? A: 90%

40. Q: Is Iraq willing to allow the weapons inspectors back in ? A: Yes

41. Q: How many UN resolutions did Israel violate by 1992? A: Over 65

42. Q: How many UN resolutions on Israel did America veto between 1972 
and 1990? A: 30+

44. Q: How many countries are known to have nuclear weapons? A: 8

45. Q: How many nuclear warheads has Iraq got? A: 0

46. Q: How many nuclear warheads has US got? A: over 10,000

47. Q: Which is the only country to use nuclear weapons? A: the US

48. Q: How many nuclear warheads does Israel have? A: Over 400

50. Q: Who said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about
things that matter"? A: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr


Charles Sheketoff, Executive Director Oregon Center for Public Policy PO
7, Silverton, OR 97381

The United States Government will spend more on the military in fiscal 
year 2003, than all the rest of the countries on Earth combined. Current
expenditures are 437

LL:DDV: Forum on East Timorese Asylum Seekers

2003-02-27 Thread Gillian Davy

Justice for East Timorese Asylum Seekers

Thursday 13 March at 6.30pm
Trades Hall (54 Victoria Street, Carlton)

Featuring Fivo Freitas from the East Timorese community, and exploring 
what action the community can take to prevent the deportation of East 
Timorese Asylum Seekers.

Other confirmed speakers include representatives from Action in 
Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific and the Refugee Action Collective. 
  Invited speakers include representatives from the Sanctuary Network 
and the Australian Education Union.

Please join this important discussion and help to circulate information 
about the event as widely as possible.

Further information is available from Gillian on 0421 109 474.

With thanks.


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LL:DDV: Women's Voices against War - Women's Performance Night

2003-02-27 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Green Left Weekly presents:

'Women's Voices against the War'

Join us at our annual GLW Women's performance nite celebrating the 
manifold talents of uppity women and feisty feminists.

A night of music, poetry and comedy

Saturday, March, 22, 8.00pm=20
279 Smith St
$12.00 or $7.00 conc.


For more information and bookings contact : 9639 8622 or Rachel on 0403
798 420


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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance International Women's Day dinner

2003-02-27 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
The Socialist Alliance invites you to:

International Women's Day Dinner
and the Maribyrnong & Brimbank Council Election Launch:
" Peace, Justice & Solidarity" - No War on Iraq

enjoy an exquisite three course meal, live performance and brief toasts
from our candidates and local activists

Saturday, March 8, 7.00pm
Church Hall, Hyde Street (next to Council Chambers)

costs: $ 25.00 (solidarity price), $ 20.00 waged, $ 10.00 concession

for more information and bookings contact:
Linda on 9687 0789 or 0403 920 394


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LL:DDV: International Women's Day Luncheon

2003-02-27 Thread union of australian women
International Women's Day Luncheon
Wednesday March 5 ~ 12.- 2 p.m.
Level 4, Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane Melbourne


Celebrate IWD with us - delicious lunch  $10

Union of Australian Women Inc
A 002121R
Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane,
Melbourne, 3000
Phone/fax (03) 9654 7409



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LL:DDV: White settlement: violent conquest/benign colonisation?

2003-02-27 Thread NIBS
Please circulate

White settlement in Australia: violent conquest or benign colonisation? 
Two of Australia's high-profile historians go head-to-head in 
Melbourne's Trades Hall.

New Council Chamber, Trades Hall

Last year, the independent historian Keith Windschuttle published The
Fabrication of Aboriginal History, a study of settlement in Tasmania 
which claims to debunk the orthodoxy that white colonisation meant 
murder and dispossession. On Wednesday 5th March, he debates Pat 
Grimshaw, the Max Crawford Professor of History at Melbourne University 
and author of numerous historical works, including a forthcoming 
co-authored study of the place of indigenous peoples in the political 
structures of British settler colonies.

Roger Kimball in The New Criterion, New York declared The Fabrication of
Aboriginal History a 'scholarly masterpiece - destined to become an
historical classic' while Dr Shayne Breen from the University of 
Tasmania attacked it as 'replete with misconceptions, distortions, 
character assassinations and unsupportable generalisations'.

The issues in dispute go to the heart of Australia's past, present and
future. Have the conventional historians of settlement got it wrong or 
was this country founded on a deep and abiding injustice?

This is an important event, not just for historians but for anyone who
cares about black-white relations in Australia.

Keith Windschuttle is the author of The Killing of History: How Literary
Critics and Social Theorists Are Murdering Our Past (2000), now in its
fourth edition, as well as five other books on contemporary social issues.

His most recent book, The Fabrication of Aboriginal History, Volume One,
Van Diemen's Land 1803-1847, was published by Macleay Press in November
2002. He is also a publisher and a frequent contributor to The New
Criterion and Quadrant.

Pat Grimshaw holds the Max Crawford Chair of History at the University 
of Melbourne. She is the author of Women's Suffrage in New Zealand 
(revised edition 1987) and Paths of Duty: American Missionary Women in 
Nineteenth Century Hawaii (1989), and co-author of Creating a Nation 
(1994). A co-authored comparative study of the place of indigenous 
peoples in the political structures of British settler colonies is 
currently in press with Manchester University Press.

The event will be chaired by Associate Professor Joy Damousi, Editor of
Australian Historical Studies.
Further information from Gillian on 9925 2910 or Jeff on 9662 3744
www.advocacy.tce.rmit.edu.au or www.nibs.org.au

Sponsored by the RMIT Community Advocacy Unit, the New International
Bookshop, Australian Historical Studies, the Australian Historical
Association, Latrobe University Aboriginal Studies and Virtual Communities.

Jeff Sparrow
New International Book Co-operative
Trades Hall
Box 18
54 Victoria St
Carlton Sth 3053
Mon-Fri 9am-6.30 pm Sat 11am-5pm
tel 03 9662 3744 fax 03 9662 4755

to receive regular updates about bookshop events, send a message to



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