LL:ART: Howard, Vaile in all-out push for "free trade" deal

2003-12-11 Thread CPA
The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of the
Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, December 10th, 2003.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au>
Subscription rates on request.

Howard, Vaile in all-out push for "free trade" agreement with US

The Howard Government is redoubling its efforts to get an Australia US 
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) signed, sealed and delivered as quickly as 
possible. Negotiations between the two governments resumed last week 
with Trade Minister Mark Vaile doing his best to promote a pact during 
his lengthy US visit.

by Bob Briton

The PM and his Cabinet hope to present a secretly negotiated deal as a 
fait accompli to parliament and use it to steamroller the necessary 
legislation through both Houses.

The numerous eloquent contributions to the debate over local content at 
the Australian Film Industry (AFI) awards landed heavy blows against the
government's sell-out position.

The Prime Minister responded using ambiguous language. He said that
Australia would not undo longstanding policies such as the local rules 
on existing media. He would, however, be prepared to be "fairly 
flexible" about new media forms. In other words, local content rules may 
lapse when digital TV services take over.

Howard knows there is little support for the abolition of media 
ownership rules, the import of genetically modified food without 
labelling, or for water privatisation, just to take a few examples of 
likely outcomes.

The Government feels vulnĀ­erable over the weakness of its commitment to 
the highly popular Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme - a target of the 
powerful US pharmaceuticals industry.

Ron Pollack, Executive Director of Families USA; a pro-regulation lobby
group in the US, told the ABC that we should hold on to our wallets if 
the PBS is watered down as a result of negotiations. "This is going to 
be a slippery slope and if the drug industry gets some concessions this 
year, they'll come back next year for the next set of concessions."

Howard chooses his words carefully. "I want to make it clear that we are 
not going to trade that wonderful facility away in the free-trade 
negotiations, we're not. The PBS in its essential character is just not 
on the list and is not up for grabs or not up for negotiation." 
[Emphasis added]

The PM makes much of the need to offer concessions in return for 
permission for Australian agricultural produce to compete on US markets. 
We should take note of what happens when smaller nations negotiate "free 
trade" agreements with what the Howard Government delights in calling 
the biggest and most dynamic economy in the world.

Chile signed an FTA with the US that takes effect in January. To get the 
US to set aside 15 barriers to trade, Chile had to drop 52. Among other
impacts, cheap US wheat is set to wipe out local production. Chilean
Christian Democrat Senator Jorge Lavandero now protests, "this is not 
free trade, this is a political imposition. We are practically giving up 
our sovereignty."

The sacrifices made in the name of agriculture could prove worthless. 
NSW Greens Senator Kerry Nettle pointed out the flaw in the government's 
line to The Guardian in a recent interview: "Travelling in rural 
communities I've heard farmers say that what stops them being able to 
export their produce into the US are the agricultural subsidies that the 
US Government pays to its farmers. Agricultural subsidies cannot be on 
the table in a bilateral trade negotiation. They can only be negotiated 
on in multi-lateral negotiations."

The US is in no mood for such multi-lateral talks and has already 
rejected requests for an end to the subsidies in its negotiations for an 
FTA with Brazil. This did not stop the US demanding changes affecting 
investment, intellectual property rights, government procurement 
guidelines and other aspects of Brazil's independence.

The movement opposed to the changes being floated to local media 
content, the PBS, our quarantine regulations and a host of other vital 
safeguards must keep up their resistance to the FTA threat to our 
national sovereignty. We must not let the government trade significant 
gains made by the people over decades in a few weeks of this final round 
of "free trade" negotiations.

Write now to PM Howard, Mark Vaile and your Senators calling for a halt 
to negotiations and the public release of Australia's and the US's 
negotiating stances.


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LL:INFO: Peace Brigades International Indonesia Training

2003-12-11 Thread Jodie Martire / Ocean Press

Making space for peace!

Peace Brigades International (PBI) seeks skilled and dedicated people to
play a vital role in protecting human rights workers and activists in

The next Training for people applying for the Indonesia Project will be
February 28 to March 9, 2004 in Victoria.

Peace Brigades International (PBI) is a unique grassroots, non-partisan
human rights organisation that maintains international teams of volunteers
in areas of conflict around the world. For over twenty years, PBI has
worked to protect the lives of individuals, organisations and communities
threatened with human rights abuses and political repression. Currently,
PBI's Indonesia Project has two teams of volunteers in Indonesia.
Upon request, PBI volunteers provide nonviolent protective accompaniment
for local human rights workers, trade unionists, indigenous activists,
church leaders, and communities who live and work amid extreme political
violence and repression.  PBI volunteers literally walk beside them.
Acting as the 'eyes and ears' of the global community and backed by an
international support network, PBI's protective accompaniment allows local
activists to continue their work for peace.

It is challenging, demanding but crucial work. By being there, PBI
volunteers are literally 'making space for peace'.

PBI is seeking people who:
  * are about 25 years old or older
  * are available to make a 12-month commitment to work on the project
  * have experience learning languages& willingness to learn Indonesian 
before service
  * have some prior experience with nonviolence, human rights, or 
working in a non-government or community organisation.
  The Indonesia Project provides:
  * comprehensive training
  * all expenses in Indonesia, including vacation stipend
  * an equivalent of $100 US per month stipend
  * back up and support from a broad international network of PBI 
country groups and individuals.
  * one year of international field experience, a supportive team 
environment and close contact with Indonesian grassroots organisations and

This 11 day residential training is now free for applicants to the
Indonesia Project
Information, application & reference forms are available on the web at:

Applications are encouraged as soon as possible as the training will fill
up fast. The deadline for applications is January 15th.

Please visit our website for the latest news about the Indonesia Project's
work, and contact us if you have further questions about the process of 
becoming a volunteer.

Anthony Kelly
PBI Australia


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LL:DDV: Coming soon at Trades Hall

2003-12-11 Thread Trades Hall Arts
  GET IT LIVE - GET IT AT TRADES HALL ARTS, bringing class back into the
class struggle . . .

Presented Blue Chair Theatre Works
Blue Chair Theatreworks return to Trades Hall with their unique
interpretation of William Shakespeare's funniest play. A funky and
riotous interpretation that will have audience members, young and old,
in stitches! Hurry - limited season of 4 evening performances and 1 matinee.

The play pleases because it makes us laugh. It's good for what ails us
because, as the wisest man who ever lived put it, "a merry heart doeth
good like a medicine."

The Old Council Chambers
8pm Weds - Sat, Dec 10 - 13 + 2pm Sat matinee, Dec 13
Tickets: $16 Full/ $12 Conc & Union Members/ $7 Preview (Dec 10)
Bookings Ph: 9815 2292

OVERLAND LAUNCH - Utopia? Australian Idealism
and Christmas Party

Carmen Lawrence considers Labor's loss of values and idealism that has
turned ALP voters toward the Greens. Graham Maddox presents a strong
case for the maintenance and revival of the ALP socialist pledge. Robyn
Walton challenges the 'end of utopia' claim.  Antonia Hildebrand
dismantles the myth of John Howard as the archetypal 'ordinary Australian'.

Issue 173 contains Overland's regular serve of fiction, poetry and reviews.

Trades Hall Bar
6:30pm Friday, December 12th
FREE Event

presented by the Players
An absurd comedy about the end of the world . . .

Spadewaiting returns for its third season after being deemed a 'runaway
success' during its tour of the Edinburgh Festival in 2000, and Deakin
University in 1999. Spadewaiting is both a visual and aural masterpiece;
incorporating mime, a canneed audience, simulated sexon chairs and a man
dancing to the sound of loud belching.

The Old Council Chambers
7:30pm Tues to Thurs, Dec 16th to 18th
Tickets: $15 Full/ $10 Conc - Bookings Ph: 9729 2280

54 Victoria St (Cnr Lygon St) Carlton  Ph: 9662 3555
Trades Hall Bar - open nightly from 5pm 'til late
Friday Happy Hours 4-7pm
more info visit http://www.tradeshallarts.com.au

A new national short story competition supporting politically and
socially orientated writing.

The New International Bookshop and the Trades Hall and Literary
Institute are proud to announce the launch of a new national short story
competition that fosters writing for social change - The Abe Amaterstein
Short Story Competition. The competition prizes total $1,500, with the
winning entry to be published in Overland magazine.

Author, Christos Tsiolkas, Co-editor of Overland magazine, Katherine
Wilson and chairperson of the New International Bookshop Co-operative,
Peter Ewer, will judge the competition.

Named in memory of Abe Amaterstein, a long time activist in social
causes and the labour movement, the competition provides writers with a
political and social orientation to express their ideas in a short story

Entries close on the 6th February 2004 and results will be announced at
the Overland lecture in Trades Hall on the 31st March 2004.

Entry details and forms are available online from www.nibs.org.au. Entry
fee is $7 for the first entry and $5 for each additional entry, and the
competition is open to all Australian residents.

For more information contact The New International Bookshop
Ph: 03)9662 3744 or email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:AA: save Brunswick gym from demolition picket

2003-12-11 Thread Energy Action Group
the gym needs you!

A community 24 hr picket has been organised to prevent the demolition of
the Brunswick gym - a demolition order has already been granted.

The CFMEU has a black ban on the site but this will only hold if there
is demonstable community support.

Put yourself on the roster by ringing  Save the Gym organiser Tony
Rogers 9380 9417.


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDV: Free the Refugees Action

2003-12-11 Thread Jess Walsh
Free the Refugees!
Picket Amanda Vanstone

The new Immigration Minster Amanda Vanstone is coming to Melbourne.
Join the protest and call on Minister Vanstone to free the refugees.

2pm, Thursday 18 Dec
CEDA Conference Centre
136 Exhibition St (near cnr Bourke)

Refugee Action Collective - Victoria
* end mandatory detention
* close the camps
* stop deportation of refugees
* abolish temporary protection visas
* let the boats land
* fight racist scapegoating

RAC meets every Tuesday, 6pm at Trades Hall (cnr Lygon and Victoria st,


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDV: Day School this Saturday!

2003-12-11 Thread sp
2nd Unite Day School...This Saturday!!

The art of workplace organising

2pm Saturday December 13th Trades Hall

1 - NSW's most militant union organiser Marisa Bernardi, NSW NUW organiser

2 - One of the most experienced and respected shop stewards in 
Melbourne's construction industry, Robbie Cecela, FEDFA shop steward

3 - Victor over Kennett at Richmond, ex-CFMEU FFTS organiser, respected
militant steward on many jobs, Dave O'Brien CFMEU rank and filer

All 3 veterans of numerous strikes, pickets, occupations, organising, 
court battles, and more.

Don't miss out on a seat - book now by phoning 96399111 or email:



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LL:URL: New Poll and Statement of Media attack

2003-12-11 Thread sp

Here is reply from SP Executive Committee to the assault of the Medicare
campaign and SP in particular over the past few days:


Also, there is a new poll on the frontpage of our web site
Does Mark Latham's victory make you:
More likely to vote Labor?
Less likely to vote Labor?
Make no difference to your views?

The results of the previous poll were:
Should unions/community groups set up a new workers' party?
Yes, most definately - 75.2%
No, stick with Labor - 8.8%
No, Greens are the alternative - 8.8%
No, stay out of politics - 7.2%
Unsure - 0%

Plus: SP statement on the contradictory character of Latham's victory:


Plus: Political Report on CWI International meeting in Belgium - 'Iraq 
is still at the centre of world politics and the Bush Administration is 
heading for disaster. To quote King Pyrrus: "Another such victory as 
this and we are finished.'"




   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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