From: "jovana jellybean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: hi from serbia...
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 12:06:37 +0100

i would like to give you short info about the situation in serbia.
after continuous nato threats the serbian parliament last night 
thuesday)>at 21:00 announced the state of direct war danger. till now 
general>mobilisation was still not announced but yesterday military 
police tried forced mobilisation (mostly in the workplaces) but it was 
not still on the larger scale. the same day at 23:15 javier solana gave 
the permission to general clark, the commender of nato forces, to start 
the operation. the operation actually means bombing of serbian army aims 
on terrain (aims include communication too what means roads, bridges...) 
and italian prime minister dini said that after the first attack the 
serbian government be given the another chance for negotiations. i doubt 
that after the bombing serbian government would like to negotiate, but 
i'm afraid that they will act revengously toward albanians.
early this morning at 2:50 the police forces banned radio b92 after they 
occupied it with the excuse that they broke their frequency. radio b92 
was trying in last few days to inform people what was going on, without 
following regimes directions. vojislav seselj, the subpresident of 
serbian parliament and president of serbian redical party (ultraright 
wing), said that they will first deal with inner betrayers what we'll 
start the fascistic politicy of lynch and revenge. many antiwar 
activists, as well as anarchist are on his lynch list. it's wednesday 
19:10 and as far as i know the operation didn' started yet. i'll try to 
keep you informed.

jovana vukovic
kirovljeva 5/21
11030 beograd
phone: + 381-11-541670

at 21-23 nato atacked serbia and montenegro. cannot write about it now.

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