The following Editorial was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
November 6th, 2002. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subscription rates on request.


Editorial: ASIO raids undermine relations with Asian neighbours

The Howard Government is steadily isolating Australia from its 
neighbours in Asia and the Pacific. This is again shown by the protests 
coming from countries experiencing tourist warnings from Alexander 
Downer's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade -Indonesia, Singapore, 
Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and the Philippines. All of these countries 
have been listed as "high risk" destinations.

The most vehement protests from Indonesia followed the raids made on the
homes of Indonesians living in Australia last week. The raids bear all 
the hallmarks of panic by ASIO and the Federal police under government

The raiders carried machine guns and pistols, wore flack jackets and
balaclavas and at least in one case, carried a sledgehammer. In no case 
has any hard evidence been produced nor has anyone been charged for 
association with any terrorist organisation. One or two have been 
charged with visa violations who have done no more than the tens of 
thousands of British backpackers who overstay their visas and work 

The raids are intended, more likely, to impress the Australian public 
with fears of "terrorism" and to stir up racist and anti-Muslim 
sentiments. At every opportunity the mass media and government leaders 
attempt to connect Jemaah Islamiah with the Bali bombing atrocity 
although not a shred of evidence has been produced to substantiate this 

The zealots in the Australian Government also failed to notify the
Indonesian Government that the homes of some of their nationals were on 
the hit list despite this being part of international 
government-to-government procedures. This has also become a point of 

While the government leaders may have convinced themselves of the 
"terrorist" threat, the Australian public has widely condemned the 
raids. Many see the raids as Australia's slide into a police state. This 
view is confirmed by new terror legislation to give ASIO sweeping new 

The NSW and Victorian State Labor Governments are also jumping on the
terrorist bandwagon with new laws and the creation of new police and
"special" forces organisations.

As previously noted, the "war on terrorism" requires a continuing stream 
of "terrorist" acts whether real or concocted by the authorities. In 
this respect the article by famous American writer, Gore Vidal, (page 
12) is essential reading. Australia also has its "enemy within" residing 
in high places. ASIO's chief, responding to the Government's paranoia, 
gave a clue to the future when he remarked (almost as a promise) that 
"There will be further terrorist attacks, of that we can be sure".

The Australian Government is attempting to downplay the Asian backlash
despite the fact that the Indonesian Government that has lodged protests
over the raids on Indonesian families. As part of the inevitable 
response to Australian high-handedness Indonesia advise its nationals to 
leave Australia. The Indonesian media reported and strongly reacted to 
the raids on the homes of Indonesians living in Australia.

The threatened US invasion of Iraq and other countries, the whipping up 
of the "war on terrorism" and its inherent racism is creating a 
worldwide situation of insecurity and anarchy. This is the inevitable 
consequence of the policies being implemented by the US, Australian and 
British Governments in particular.

Geoffrey Barker writing in the Australian Financial Review (28/10/02)
illustrated the atmosphere being whipped up. Speaking of the allegation 
that North Korea possesses nuclear weapons he wrote: "North Korea should 
be told there can be no more rewards for self-confessed cheats and liars 
in international affairs.

"Pyongyang should be told that diplomatic absolution comes from
unconditional repentance, reform and reconstruction", said Mr Barker, 
who went on to charge North Korea with "crude nuclear blackmail".

Geoffrey Barker's outburst follows the visit by a US representative to 
North Korea during which the US attempted to stand over North Korea. 
"The US is mistaken if it thinks that [its] brigandish attitude would 
work on the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea", said a Korean 
Government statement.

Geoffrey Barker's rude and arrogant remarks are also not likely to cut 
much ice and can only hurt Australia's relations with not only North 
Korea but other Asian nations as well.



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