The following Editorial was published by The Guardian, newspaper of the
Communist Party of Australia, in its issue of January 28, 2004.
Reproduction of articles, together with acknowledgement if appropriate,
is welcome.
The Guardian, 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills, Sydney 2010 Australia.
Editor: Anna Pha
Communist Party of Australia, 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 
10 Australia.
General Secretary: Peter Symon
Phone (02) 9212 6855         Fax: (02) 9281 5795    Email CPA
Subscription rates are available on requests.


1. Editorial: People's power and the 21st century

The leaders of the United States often talk about the 21st century being
an "American Century" but it is more likely to become an "American
nightmare". It will become a century of people's actions and people's
power that will transform societies and overthrow capitalism in many
more countries.

The break-up of the Soviet Union almost 15 years ago opened the doors to
unprecedented attacks on the rights and conditions of the working people
throughout the world. It also opened the way to the overthrow of
socialist societies in East Europe and then to the wars to break up the
state of Yugoslavia. Then followed the US invasions of Afghanistan and
Iraq, all steps towards the long-held US leadership's objective of world

A savage attack was launched on the rights and working conditions of
hundreds of millions of people worldwide and on the public sector. This
involves the privatisation of publicly owned enterprises and the
undermining of public education and public health in favour of private
schools and private companies. Behind the "American Century" is the
power and wealth of the transnational corporations.

But this capitalist offensive is only half the story. The wars and the
attacks on the working people are bringing counter action and strong

This was most dramatically shown last year when the world witnessed the
unprecedented demonstrations against the war in Iraq. Nothing like it
has ever been seen before. The exposure of the US leadership continues
with the confirmation that Bush, Blair and Howard lied about Iraqi
weapons of mass destruction. Their main justification for the invasion
and occupation of Iraq was a lie.

While this expression of people's power did not prevent the invasion it
did show that millions of people have woken up to the despicable
character of their leaders and that these leaders serve the shoddy
profit interests of the armaments, oil and other corporations and not
those of the people.

In Australia, in addition to the actions against the Iraq war, there has
been a strong movement and many actions against the immoral and racist
refugee policy of the Federal Government. The very people who have been
turned into refugees by wars in which the Australian Government has
joined, are refused refugee status in Australia, a right guaranteed
under international law.

There is the stubborn struggle of Australia's Indigenous people,
personified at the moment by the refusal of the elected Chairman of
ATSIC, Geoff Clarke, to be intimidated by government ministers Ruddock
and Vanstone. They are using the situation surrounding Geoff Clarke to
wage an all-out attack on ATSIC and the Indigenous people in general.

There are the actions of teachers and students in the defence of public
education and against the hike in student fees.

These struggles are all part of the growing people's movements and they
will be multiplied many times over in the coming years.

At present, in Australia, they do not challenge the social system of
capitalism but as time goes on it will become more widely recognised
that bandaid solutions do not go far enough. The real source of the
attacks on rights and conditions, the worldwide poverty and the wars
that cause so much misery and thousands of deaths is to be found in the
system of capitalism and imperialism.

In Latin America the people's struggles have reached a high level.
Socialist Cuba has survived more than 40 years of threats, embargoes,
attempted assassinations and other covert actions. The people of
Venezuela defended the revolutionary government of Hugo Chavez while the
people of Brazil have elected a left-progressive government. The people
of Colombia continue to wage an armed struggle against fascist-type
governments backed by US money and arms.

This is only a small part of the world-wide picture but it gives
enormous encouragement to all who are on the side of the people and
against the power of the transnational corporations and the despicable
governments that they impose.

Rather than the claim of US leaders that the century is theirs, the 21st
century will be a century of people's actions and people's power.


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