The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
February 27th, 2002. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subscription rates on request.
Notorious Union-basher buys rail network

Rail workers beware!

With the acquisition of FreightCorp and National Rail by Toll and Lang 
Corp, Chris Corrigan, one of Australia's best known anti-worker, 
anti-union zealots, will be set to wreak his brand of terror over rail 
workers. The man responsible for the unleashing of savage dogs and 
balaclava-clad goons onto them in 1998 is set to "reform" these rail 

The Federal, NSW and Victorian Governments announced on August 24, 2001,
that the "best outcome for profitable freight carriage" was a sale of 
their assets to one private owner. The three governments are 
stakeholders of the main interstate freight rail carrier National Rail 
Corporation (NRC) and the NSW freight rail carrier FreightCorp.

FreightCorp and National Rail hold up to 70 percent of the 
standard/broad gauge rail freight rolling stock in Australia. In Sydney 
they hold the monopoly at Port Botany terminal, where FreightCorp runs 
the PortLink service and is the major container operator into Port Botany.

Lang Corp and Toll will pay $1.17 billion for the assets, except the 
tracks that are owned by the state governments.

Other bidders for the public assets included Rail America and the 
consortium of Wesfarmers/Genesee and Wyoming (US) joint owners of the 
Australian Railroad Group.

On September 5 last year Toll and Lang announced they would form a
consortium for the combined rail freight sale.

Toll, a major Australian transport and logistics company, is the main
customer for National Rail. Toll has a substantial trucking fleet in 
which the majority has been contracted out to small operators.  It would 
be no trouble to alter these contracts so as to cater for an increase in 
rail freight.

Lang Corporation is the parent company to major stevedoring company 
Patrick Stevedores. Chris Corrigan is the managing director in 
Australia.  Lang Corp can now improve rail links to the ports for a 
continuous service in import and export. Control of the terminals will 
increase their profits and could be used to Lang's advantage against 
competitors using rail services.

National Rail profits

The Commonwealth injected $680 million into NRC over the last eight 
years to upgrade terminals, replace the locomotive fleet, introduce 
information technology, which saw it increase its rail freight 
(predominantly from road to rail) at 16 billion net tonne/kilometre in 
1996/97 to 17.1 billion net tonne/kilometre in 2000/01.

National Rail Corporation began operations in 1991 when freight was 
running at a loss of $321 million annually.  The announced sale of 
National Rail came at a time when it was headed toward its first profit, 
  $2.3 million before tax. Federal Minister for Finance Nick Minchin 
gave his support for the sale by saying NRC never made a profit.

The ALP and Liberals are up to the same old tricks. Use public ownership 
to make an efficient operation then sell it to their mates. Events like 
the takeover of these two rail bodies highlight the utter corruption, 
greed and allegiance of these political parties to the bosses.

Making a profit for your mates comes before the possible expenditure of
revenue on services so badly needed by the people, including health and
education. The sale of FreightCorp and National Rail is nothing but 
theft from the people as is the case with all privatisation.

The NSW Government sold both its FreightCorp and the NRC shares for $809
million, of which $439 million went to pay off debts. The Commonwealth 
made $220 million on the NRC sale, which will be used to maintain the 
tracks used by Corrigan and Toll and to pay off outstanding debt.

The prized rail assets are now controlled by the anti-worker union 
basher Chris Corrigan and Toll's Paul Little. Since Corrigan's infamous 
attack on the MUA four years ago, Lang's shares rose from $1.43 each to 
$13.50, with expectations that they will reach $15 within the year.

Toll shares have also experienced a similar rise from $3.50 three years 
ago to $30, with expectations of hitting $40 within the year.

Union bashing, cuts to workers' wages and conditions and good deals from
governments certainly swelled profits.

RailCorp and NRC were recorded jointly as earning $25 million last 
financial year, after tax and depreciation.

Within a few years Paul Little reckons he wants this new business to be
making $250 million in earnings.

Other big earners from this sale were the consultants who will get a
substantial cut of public assets. The NSW Government is being advised by
Credit Suisse First Boston and the Federal Government has retained 
Macquarie Bank.

Public is best

Australia needs a publicly owned, integrated transport system. Rail, 
sea, road and air transport are all suffering because they are in the 
process of being broken up and sold off, being underfunded by government 
or have already been privatised in part or whole.

Instead of a system of moving goods and people across the continent, 
with each mode of transport complimenting and supporting the other, we 
have a mish-mash of competing interests.

Governments, both state and federal, sell off transport systems (and at
bargain basement prices) and subsidise the non-profit parts, such as 
track maintenance and non-profit airports. Services to the public are 
cut while taxpayers bail out bankruptcies caused by the incompetent and 
short-sighted private owners.

At the same time the rate of exploitation of workers in the various 
branches of the transport industry has been increased. Victoria's 
privatised rail and bus systems are an example of a 
government-subsidised, for-profit failure, with the conditions and wages 
of its workers being eroded, services taken away and fares increased, 
all to maintain profit levels.

The Howard Government's massive reduction in funding is killing 
Australian shipping. The use of foreign ships in Australia has grown by 
293 percent since 1994, with only around 45 major Australian flagged and 
crewed vessels still operating in Australian waters.

In aviation, Australia's national airline Qantas is in private hands. 
The Ansett debacle continues and the sell-off of Sydney Airport is near 
the top of the Howard Government's priorities.

All this is the planlessness and chaos of the private sector in action.
Privatisation of Australia's transport system is against the public good 
and a burden on the economy, and the Toll and Lang Corp takeover 
confirms its anti-worker nature.

Acknowledgements: "Railway Bulletin", produced by the Maritime and 
Transport Branch, CPA:




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