The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of the
Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, September 10th,
2003. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subscription rates on request.


Refugees still behind razor wire

Almost two years to the day since the Howard Government's high-seas act 
of piracy against the Tampa, the first planeload of refugees have 
finally set foot on Australian soil.

by Jules Andrews

The arrival of 14 of the refugees from Nauru - amongst a group of 21 in 
total - cannot be used to justify or soften one's attitude to Howard's 
illegal and immoral refugee policy.

Drowned out by the media fanfare are the cries of the over 200 Tampa
refugees remaining on Nauru, and more hundreds languishing behind 
razor-wire fences in camps scattered across the continent and on Pacific 
and Indian Ocean islands.

Escalating the terror

In the coming spring sitting of Parliament the Howard Government will 
press forward with new changes to the Temporary Protection Visas (TPVs) 
in a bid to further strip refugees of their human rights.

Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock proudly announced that “These 
balanced changes will ensure Australia's onshore protection arrangements 
are consistent and fair, and will assist in upholding the integrity of 
our humanitarian resettlement program”.

Under existing legislation people who apply for asylum who are already 
in Australia - having arrived on tourist, business and education visas - 
are able to access Permanent Protection Visas.

The Government now seeks to remove this right, offering them only the 
same Temporary Protection status as the so-called "unlawful arrivals".

Even more heinously, Mr Ruddock intends to repeal the guaranteed 
three-year tenure of the TPVs, allowing him to expel genuine refugees at 
any time.

And why is he making this change? To protect the unity of families!

"This change would provide the ability for the grant of TPVs and 
Temporary Humanitarian Visas for shorter periods than those currently 
stated in the regulations", explains Mr Ruddock.

"This removes the problem of visas expiring at different times for 
family members who had arrived separately, and will help them to be 
considered for further protection as a group."

No excuses

Mr Ruddock says the raft of changes "will align Australia's protection
arrangements with international protection objectives which emphasise 
that for most refugees the appropriate response is to provide interim 
protection until they can return home in safety".

This statement is a most twisted interpretation of the United Nations
Convention on refugees, and a deliberate misrepresentation of Government

The Convention does not say a Government need only provide temporary
protection, and is most strongly worded against the forced removal of
refugees who have been at any time recognised as genuine.

However, Mr Ruddock never mentions “forced repatriation”, he 
sugar-coats the Government's policy thus: "Where TPV holders are no 
longer in need of Australia's protection, their places are reassigned to 
the Humanitarian Program to resettle refugees and others of concern who 
are in the greatest need".

Our obligations

The Howard Government's continuing campaign of terror against refugees 
must be brought to an end.

Australia must fulfil its obligations under the United Nations 
Convention on Refugees, which must be strictly adhered to in both letter 
and spirit.

The internment camps must be closed - both those in the Australian 
outback and the ones on far-flung islands in the Pacific and Indian 
Oceans. The remaining refugee processing centres in urban areas must be 
brought under government control with full transparency of processes.

On arrival refugees must be held only for the minimum time necessary to
allow for security and health checks. They must have full access to 
social services, legal assistance and their local communities.

There must be no forced removal. Once accepted as genuine refugees they 
must be given Permanent Protection Visas, the current policy of 
Temporary Visas must be scrapped.

Refugees must then be accorded all the applicable rights ─ the right 
to public education, health care and social security benefits, and the 
right to full-time permanent employment.

Specifically, it must be recognised that the family members of refugees 
may also face harassment, torture and death in their home countries and 
should also be allowed to migrate to Australia as refugees or on family 
reunion visas.



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