Freedom Socialist Party
Calendar May Day 2002

Freedom Socialist Party  May Day Celebration
A salute to the irrepressible working women of Asia

Monday 29 April, 6.30 pm,
Solidarity Salon,
580 Sydney Road, Brunswick (just north of Blyth Street)

Join us for a lively panel discussion about how to strengthen local
solidarity with the fighting women workers of Asia.

* Karen Moran: internationalist and unionist representing Australia Asia
Worker Links
* Esperanza Acosta: feminist and refugee from El Salvador representing
Radical Women
* Peter Murray: unionist in the Rail, Tram and Bus Union representing 
the Freedom Socialist Party

The program will also feature excerpts from "Dolls and Dust," a powerful
film about women workers in Sri Lanka, Thailand and South Korea who face 
the brunt of capitalist globalisation. The personal testimonies and 
struggles of women who labour in toy and doll factories highlight the 
life and death battles to survive in the age of industrial 
restructuring, privatisation, sexual harassment and discrimination.

An Asian buffet will be served at 6.30 pm for a $6.50 donation. No 
charge for the program which will commence at 7 pm.

Everyone is welcome!

*      *     *     *     *

May  Day 2002 - Another world is possible!
Blockade! Picket! Joint the trade union and community UNITY rally!
Wednesday May 1, 7am blockade Casseldon Place, 2 Lonsdale Street.

The Freedom Socialist Party is pleased to join with many organisations
including the M1 Collective, CFMEU, Refugee Action Collective, AMWU, 
Friends of the Earth and Socialist Alliance to support mass action on 
May Day.

Official demands are Stop the war on refugees, Stop the war on the third
world, Stop the war on workers and unions, Stop the war on Indigenous
people, Stop the war on the environment. And, we would also add, Stop 
the war on women!

To participate with the Freedom Socialist Party call Alison on 9386-5065.

Postal address: Freedom Socialist Party, PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic 3055
* Phone: 03-9388-0062 (Solidarity Salon)




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