Celebrate International Women=B9s Day 2002

Towards a lasting peace in the Middle East
A salute to the bold women of Palestine and their Israeli feminist allies

In January, a 20 year old Palestinian detonated a bomb in Jerusalem - 
she was the first woman suicide bomber. What creates such desperate 
acts? Join us to find out more about the conditions experienced daily by 
Palestinian women. This event is part of an IWD campaign initiated by 
Bat Shalom, a Jerusalem-based feminist peace organisation working to 
achieve a just peace in the Middle East. Discuss what's required to 
achieve lasting peace.

The meeting will feature of special video screening of "Jerusalem: An
Occupation Set In Stone?" Produced by the Palestine Housing Rights 
movement, this documentary is an excellent and moving portrayal of the 
issues at the heart of the Israeli/Palestine conflict. Using interviews 
and gripping footage, this film chronicles the reality of Israeli 'urban 
planning', including the division of Palestinian families and forced 
relocation of households. The video will be introduced by Freedom 
Socialist Party International Executive Committee Coordinator, Alison 

Monday 4 March, 6.30 pm
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick. Just north of Blyth Street.
Sydney road tram or Upfield railway line. Ample free parking at the rear
(enter from Staley Street)
* A middle Eastern banquet will be served at 6.30 pm for a $6.50 donation
* Program starts 7 pm, no charge

All welcome

Sponsored by the Freedom Socialist Party
PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic 3055 =80 Phone: 9388-0062 =80 E-mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] =80 www.socialism.com




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