Freedom Socialist Party special meeting
Anti-semitism: where does it come from and how to eradicate it
Now rescheduled to Monday 24 September 7 pm @ Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney 
Road, Brunswick.
Dinner is served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation. For more info: 9388-0062.

Our September meeting will explore why Jewish people are oppressed, how Jew 
can be liberated and why Zionism is not the solution. Everyone is welcome.


The meeting has been rescheduled to allow participation in a special 
Socialist Alliance Public meeting Who is to blame - Middle Eastern People 
or U.S.  foreign policy? on Wednesday 19 September.  Speakers include: Ali 
Kazak, Head of the General Palestinian delegation to Australia and 
Palestinian Ambassador to Vanuatu,  Surma Hamid, Political refugee and 
Representative of Worker Communist Party of Iraq and Alison Thorne, 
Socialist Alliance Senate Candidate.  New Council Chambers, Trades Hall at 
7 pm.

Please note: SA public meeting is NOW Wednesday 19 September, NOT Thursday 
20 September as previously advertised.


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