May 7, 2002


3-7pm, Thursday May 16, Station Pier, Port Melbourne
Supported by Australians for Just Refugee Programs

The City of Port Phillip will host the Tampa Tribute, a major civic
ceremony and celebratory concert to honour the Tampa captain, Arne Rinnan,
on his last voyage before retirement.

On Thursday May 16, both Captain Rinnan and the Wallenius Wilhelmsen
shipping line will be recognised by the City of Port Phillip for upholding
maritime traditions. The official presentation at 3pm will be followed by
a concert extending to around 7 pm.

Mayor Darren Ray, said that the local community had urged the council to
hold the Tampa Tribute.

As a port city and place of many peoples, our community wanted to thank
both the captain, and the Wallenius Wilhelmsen shipping line, for the
humanitarianism they demonstrated in rescuing 438 people stranded at sea
last year in a sinking ship. Captain Rinnan, the crew and the shipping
line upheld not only the principles of international maritime law but also
the values of decency, diversity and tolerance that underpin all Port
Phillips philosophies and policies. We agree wholeheartedly with Captain
Rinnan when he said, Saving lives at sea must always rank ahead of
politics, he said.

Cr Ray said that the Tampa Tribute had the financial support of
Australians for Just Refugee Programs and a local benefactor who wishes to
remain anonymous.

We celebrate the decency and care for those in desperate need shown by the
Tampa, Mr Howard Glenn, National Director of Australians for Just Refugee
Programs, said today.
These values were also core to our Australian traditions, but now real
refugees, real children, real families are being mistreated. The Tampa
actions last year show us what many Australians believe, that there is a
better way, Mr Glenn said.

Cr Ray said that word of the Tampa Tribute had got out and the council had
been besieged with offers from performers and people wanting to attend
from all over Melbourne.

There is a huge groundswell of support for the captain, the crew and the
shipping line. This spirit informs our planning and management of this
major historic occasion, he said.

Local songwriters, Chris Pettifer (The Secret Life of Us and Neighbours)
and Eris OBrien have penned a special song, Sailors of Mercy, which will
be recorded this week and also performed at the Tribute. A massed choir of
children from local primary schools will sing We Are One. Other
performers, comedians and bands are currently being finalised, he said.

Cr Ray urged people attending to bring a torch.

As the sun goes down, we want to light up the sky with torches.
Symbolically, it will represent our community shining a light on decency,
he said.

Cr Ray said that Marion Lau OAM from the Ethnic Communities Council of
Victoria would also present its occasional award, the Community Service
Award, to Captain Rinnan.

While the Victorian Parliament is sitting and the Premier is thus unable
to attend, the Deputy Premier, John Thwaites, plans to be part of the
ceremony, he said.

People attending the event will have the opportunity of signing a tribute
book to Captain Rinnan and his crew. If they cant attend, they can sign
electronically via the City of Port Phillip website. These will be added
to the book on May 16. The website will be updated regularly with details
of the Tampa Tribute and associated events as they are finalised:

The Port Phillip award is the one of several awards bestowed on Captain
Rinnan who became an overnight hero in Norway after the dramatic events of
last August. On November 21, he was awarded the Order of St Olaf, first
Class, by King Harald of Norway. A few days later, the Anders Wilhelmsen
Foundation in Oslo gave him its Sailors Prize for 2001. In February,
Australias SAS (Special Air Services) presented him with its highest
honour. He was awarded the newsmaker of the year award at Lloyds List DCN
annual Australian Shipping and Transport Awards.

In June, Captain Rinnan will receive the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Nansen Refugee Award. Named after Fridtjof Nansen, a renowned Norwegian
polar explorer and the worlds first international refugee official, it
carries a $100,000 prize for a refugee project of the recipients choice.
The Wallenius Wilhelmsen shipping line has a long record of rescues at
sea. Since 1977, the company vessels have saved more than 1,300 people in
various situations.

Captain Rinnan, who turns 62 this year, joined Wallenius Wilhelmsen
shipping line as a deckhand at the age of 18. He has visited Australia
many times since his first landfall in 1960. Home in Norway, he lives in
the southern city of Kongsberg with Grethe, his wife of more than 30
years. They have three grown children and five grandchildren. Captain
Rinnans passions also extend to golfing and mountain walking.

Enquiries:                                      After hours
Carmel Shute                                    Darren Ray
Council Media Officer                           Mayor
Tel: 9209 6163 Fax: 9525 4640           Tel: 9527 5364 (h)
Mobile: 0412 569 356                            Mobile: 0413 334 523
Council webpage:

Australians for Just Refugee Programs webpage:

Howard Glenn
National Director
Australians for Just Refugee Programs
Tel: 02 9566 2222
Mobile: 0418 44 33 98


Tampa Tribute, Thursday 16 May, 3  7pm
Station Pier, Port Melbourne
Media Release
The Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria will present Captain Arne
Rinnan of the MV Tampa with its Community Service Award at the Tampa
Tribute, a civic reception and concert being organised by Port Phillip
Council at 3 pm, Thursday 16 May on Station Pier. It is Captain Rinnans
last voyage before he retires.

Chairperson Marion Lau OAM will be presenting the award in recognition of
Captain Rinnans leadership, compassion and humanitarianism.

Captain Rinnan and his crew not only saved 438 people from perishing at
sea. Over eleven days in August and September last year, they withstood
the efforts of the Australian Government to stop his ship with its many
ailing passengers from entering into Australian waters.

Even though the MV Tampa had only 23 crew and no doctor on board, their
efforts to care for the 438 refugees in their charge were exemplary. The
decent actions of Captain Rinnan and his crew stand in stark contrast to
those of the Australian Government whose refugee policy has been
criticized internationally, she said.

These awards are presented to individuals or organisations which have
shown active leadership in the areas of multiculturalism and support and
assistance to migrants and refugees.

Port Phillip Council will present both Captain Rinnan and the Wallenius
Wilhelmsen shipping line with awards recognising their upholding of
maritime traditions.

The official presentation at 3pm will be followed by a concert extending
to around 7 pm.

People attending the Tampa Tribute are being asked bring a torch to shine
a light on decency. People attending the event will have the opportunity
of signing a tribute book to Captain Rinnan and his crew. If unable to
attend, people are invited to sign electronically via the Port Phillip
Council website. The website will be updated regularly with details of the
Tampa Tribute and associated events as they are finalised:

Enquiries:                                      After hours
Michal Morris                           Marion Lau OAM
Acting Executive Officer                        Chairperson, EECV
Tel: 9349 4122                          Mobile:  0148 966 143
Mobile: 0409 161 758


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