Bali bombing: reports and analysis:
·       Repression unleashed?
·       Action in Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific
·       FNPBI Indonesian unionists call for action on Bali bombing

Socialist Alliance: reports and analysis:
·       Left unity means uniting with the working class
·       Cunningham By-election
·       Left Unity meeting

Blackshirts and community resistance
Refugees – Tampa, SIEV X Anniversary of shame
NZ – left regroupment
Mobilise to stop the war drive – discussion
British Socialist Alliance backs Fire Fighters strike action
Book review: China and the global economy
FFilm review: Wedding in Ramallah
Afghanistan’s peace that isn’t

Plese note the new URL for our website:


Bali bombing –
Unleashing more repression?

We condemn the bombing in Bali, and offer our deepest sympathies to the
victims from all countries.

Discovering the truth

We have no trust in the Indonesian police and military (the butchers of 
East Timor, Aceh, West Papua) to conduct an inquiry that will discover 
the truth. We have no trust in The USA (most recently the butchers of 
Afghanistan and Iraq), or the Howard government (the USA's unconditional 
ally) to uncover the truth.

The results of investigations so far as reported in the media are
contradictory. Cases are being made that the perpetrators are Islamic
fundamentalists, possibly associated with Al Quaeda or with Jemmah Islamiah.

But there is a long history in Indonesia of collaboration with such
reactionary Islamists by sections of the ruling elite and the army in
pursuit of their interests. The bombs could be aimed at weakening the
Megawati government. There is speculation that elements of the TNI (the
Indonesian military) could have played a role in the bombing. Others 
allege that it could be a US plot to keep the threat of "terrorism" alive.

None of these explanations is beyond belief, which means that any of the
police and military forces which are being authorised to investigate the
bombing, conceivably could have reasons for covering up.

The Indonesian authorities may well frame a guilty party in order to 
appear to be addressing the problem.

With guardians like these

We have no confidence in the US led "war on terror" to keep us safe from
such attacks. In 13 months since September 11 they have failed to 
capture Osama bin Laden. They have murdered Afghan civilians by the 
thousands, and they have spent the last several months preparing war on 
Iraq and Saddam Hussein who has not been connected with either attack. 
Meanwhile the governments of several countries where evidence has 
strongly suggested that Islamist terrorists operate (Saudi Arabia, 
Pakistan, Indonesia) have not taken any action, but the USA approves of 
these governments and has done nothing.

The Howard Governments' priorities were revealed with its failure to 
publish a warning from the US State Department that tourist destinations 
in Indonesia were serious targets. A serious warning from US 
intelligence that energy supply infrastructure in Indonesia was a likely 
target was published and acted upon. Australian capital invested in 
Indonesia had to be protected. But diplomatic relations with Indonesia 
seem to have been considered more important than issuing a warning that 
might have led some Australian tourists to stay away from Bali.


The reaction to this bombing by the governments in Indonesia, Australia 
and other countries is likely to be to increase police and army powers 
and to further curtail civil liberties and freedoms. We know that Bush, 
Howard and their cronies will try to use this horror for their political 

First up in Australia will be a renewed push to pass the laws to extend
ASIO's powers to clamp down on civil liberties. The ALP and other 
parties have opposed the ASIO laws so far - we call on them to refuse to 
buckle under to Howard on the back of these events. Bush and Howard will 
try to use this tragedy to argue for a renewed clamp on civil liberties 
and for "strong states" throughout Asia - for Malaysia's Internal 
Security Act, for Indonesia to crack down on dissent of all types. 
Within 10 days of the Bali bombing Megawati had introduced decrees that 
increased police powers to arrest and detain without trial. In Indonesia 
this is particularly dangerous for the fledgling trade union and 
democratic movements, against whom the state will not hesitate to use 
the laws when they judge the time is right.

The political dangers in Indonesia are grave - there could be a return 
to naked military dictatorship, unelected presidency, intensified 
repression of national independence struggles, an Islamist resurgence 
and the repression of women which it typically carries out, a split in 
the military along sectarian lines.

Our response to this bombing is:

For Australian unions to express their solidarity with Indonesian unions 
and workers for:
· a joint Indonesian – Australian union led inquiry into the bombing
· defence against threats to workers and democratic rights, from state
repression in Indonesia, Australia and the countries of the region, and 
from reactionary Islamic fundamentalism particularly in Indonesia.
· open discussion on public safety within the context of maintaining 
civil libertes, in Indonesia and Australia, in the wake of the bombing.
· all information gathered by any official Australian, Indonesian or 
other inquiries to be made public.
· quality medical treatment for all the victims of the bombing, whether
Balinese, Australian or any other nationality.
· no war against Iraq, it is a fake "war on terror".


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